East Carolina U University

Unit Code Screening Committee

February 9, 2006


1.         Attendance:

a.       Garris Conner, Myra Brown, Dan Schisler, Christine Zoller, Bryna Coonin, Andrew Morehead, Paul Zigas, Beth Velde, Bill Grossnickle, Matt Wagoner

b.      Guests: Michael Voors


2.         Call to order: Meeting was called to order at 4:00 in Rawl 104

3.         Approval of Minutes: Christine Zoller moved, and Dan Schisler seconded the approval of the minutes of  February 2, 2006 with the addition of the date of the meeting Passed unanimously.


4.         Review of Code for the School of Art and Design.

Need for additional changes to the code in these areas:


Overall, change those areas that refer to specific sections of Appendix D to read something like “applicable sections of Appendix D”


Needs a signature line and signature for the Dean.


Line 31—change to “s’” to indicate plural

Line 60—clarify how election is done

Line 61—change will to must

Line 65—write our NASAD first time

Line 65—consider eliminating NASAD and Colelge Art Association and say school’s accrediting agencies

Line 87—drop “his”

Line 111—add “when appropriate”

Line 295—change to lower case “p”

Line 342—drop person—“Faculty chair is”

Line 348—add “minimum of one meeting each semester”

Line 362—suggest that code state where the book is kept

Line 395—change to read “Nominations Committee, the Tenure Committee, and Promotion Committee”.

Line 399—add “unless otherwise noted”

Line 511—in Foundation Committee consider adding “advisory to Foundation Coordinator”.

Line 577—clarify that 5 are elected, one each for the 3 baccalaureate programs

Line 586—make program plural

Line 589—instead of Administration, put “School of Art and Design Administraion

Line 732—remove space before “ships”, add “,” after i.e.

Line 768—change to Research and Creative Activity

Line 766—add “as determined by the Personnel Committee”

Line 798—remove space after “Manual”

Line 810—put hyphen between “post” and “tenure”

Line 835—add period after Communication. Add “A”.

Line 879—remove “,” after results

Line 948, 951, and 967—add “School of Art and Design” before “Administration”



Moved by Bill Grossnickle and seconded by Andrew Morehead that the unit code of the College of Art and Design be approved pending the changes outlined above. Passed unanimously.


The College of Art and Design representatives will make these changes and submit 2 clean copies to the Faculty Senate office. When Chair Garris Conner has verified the changes, the code will go to the Faculty Senate.


5.         Other business: Paul Zigas apprised the committee of the history behind the  School of Allied Health review once the code left the Faculty Senate.

6.         Meeting adjourned at 5:00.


Respectfully submitted: Beth P. Velde Phd, OTR/L secretary