East Carolina  University

Unit Code Screening Committee

April 5, 2007


1.         Attendance:

a.   Garris Conner, Bill Grossnickle, Bryna Coonin, Mark McCarthy, Charles Coddington, Andrew Morehead, Susan McCammon, Charles Hodson, Myra Brown, Beth Velde

b.   Guests: Dr. Will Forsythe


2.         Call to order: Meeting was called to order at 3:35 in Rawl 105

3.         Approval of  March 1 2007 Minutes: …… moved, and ….. seconded the approval of the minutes. Passed unanimously.


5.         Review of the code of the Department of Hospitality Management:


             Overall changes:

Remove references to sections of the ECU Faculty Manual, include the appropriate Appendix.


             Be consistent re: capitalization of Chairperson.


             Add section regarding faculty role in determining criteria for merit, see other posted codes for ideas


             Check that periods appear at end of sentences and phrases as appropriate, especially beginning p. 4, line 34.


p. 2, line 19—remove extra space between “research/creative activities”

p. 2, line 47 write out SPA first time and put (SPA) immediately after.

p. 2, line 28 delete lecturer, if you allow non tenure track faculty to vote, add wording to indicate this, for example  “a person who holds a full time faculty position” or use the terms “rank and title”

p. 3, line 32 change to “release and/or reassigned time”

             under “D” take off “s” so it read “Coordinator”, Change program to curriculum

p. 4, line 1 remove “-“ before office

p. 4. line 2 remove “(51%)”

p. 4, line 12 clarify if student members have a vote

p. 4, lines 17 & 18 clarify “conflict of interest”

p. 4, line 34 add new #1 “Serve as Graduate Curriculum Committee for Department”, change current # 1 to #2 to read “Consider proposals…..”

p. 5, line 33 capitalize “Senate”

p. 5, line 40 p. 6, line 21 & 22, clarify if appointed or elected

p. 5, line 48 change to “College of Human Ecology Faculty Council Representatives”

p. 6, line 3, #3 should be #4, Change to “College of Human Ecology Ad Hoc Representatives”

p. 6, line 10 add Appendix C

p 6, lines 18 22 you have 2 “Bs”

p. 6, line 48 state where the handbook is kept

p, 7, line 2 change “tenure track” to “probationary”

p. 7, line 5 change “form” to “from”

p. 7, line 26 and 30 insert the word “Appendix”

p. 8, line 21 clarify if 2/3 of all voting faculty or 2/3 of those present at meeting—check wording on Unit Code website

p. 8, line 38 change to read “All faculty eligible to vote according to Appendix L…..”

p. 8, line 44 clarify if this needs to be a full time faculty member, voting faculty member, etc

p. 8, line 42 add a space between “VII.” And “Amending”

p. 9, line 6 capitalize “Chancellor”





5.         Review of the code of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics


             Overall changes:

Remove references to sections of the ECU Faculty Manual, include the appropriate Appendix.


             Be consistent re: capitalization of Chairperson.


             Check that periods appear at end of sentences and phrases as appropriate, especially beginning p. 5, line 29.


             Add section regarding faculty role in determining criteria for merit, see other posted codes for ideas


p. 2, line 19 remove extra space between “research/creative activities”

p. 2, line 27 delete lecturer, if you allow non tenure track faculty to vote, add wording to indicate this, for example  “a person who holds a full time faculty position” or use the terms “rank and title”

p. 3, line 1 write out SPA first time and put (SPA) immediately after.

p. 3,  line 38 change to “release and/or reassigned time”

p. 4, line 22 p. 4. line 2 remove “(51%)”

p. 4, line 30 remove underline :

p. 4, line 31 change “fall” to “spring”

p. 4, line 32 clarify if student members have a vote

p. 4, line 38 clarify “conflict of interest”

p. 5, line 25 remove “s” on “years”

p. 5 add line between 49 and 50

p. 6, line 5 & 6 Change #1 to read “Consider proposals…..”

p. 6, line 14 p. 5, line 33 capitalize “Senate”

p. 6, line 21 add “The” before “Library Representative”

p. 6, line 21 & 22, clarify if appointed or elected

p. 6, line 29  change to “College of Human Ecology Faculty Council Representatives”

p. 6, line 35, Change to “College of Human Ecology Ad Hoc Representatives”

p.. 6, line 42 add Appendix C

p. 7, line 2 you have two “Bs”

p. 7, line 30 state where the handbook is kept

p. 7, line 37 change “form” to “from”

p. 7, line 34 change “tenure track” to “probationary”

p. 8 line 6 and 10 insert the word “Appendix”

p. 8, line 27 you must have a track changes that you did not accept—there is a line to left side

p. 9, line 13 clarify if 2/3 of all voting faculty or 2/3 of those present at meeting—check wording on Unit Code website

p. 9, line 9 change to read “All faculty eligible to vote according to Appendix L…..”

p. 8, line 44 clarify if this needs to be a full time faculty member, voting faculty member, etc

p. 9, line 30 add a space between “VII.” And “Amending”

p. 9, line 45 capitalize “Chancellor”



Moved by Chuck Coddington and seconded by Mark McCarthy to send the codes of the Departments of Hospitality Management and the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics to their faculties for review and approval of the substantive changes requested by the Unit Code Screening Committee. Suggest that the faculties consider whether to include any exceptions to Appendix D. Motion approved unanimously.


Meeting adjourned at 4:35.


Respectfully submitted: Beth P. Velde PhD, OTR/L secretary