East Carolina University

Unit Code Screening Committee

24 January 2008


1.         Attendance:

a.         Garris Conner, Kristen Bonatz, Charles Coddington, Bryna Coonin, Bill Grossnickle, Mark McCarthy, Andrew Morehead, and Carl Swanson.

b.         Guests:  Cathy Hall, Psychology Department; Hope Murphy, Assistant  University Attorney.

c.         Notice of Absence:  Myra Brown, Susan McCammon, and David Weismiller

d.         Absent:  Beth Velde


2.         Call to order:  Chair Conner called the meeting to order at 3:33 pm in Rawl 303.


3.         Minutes of 15 November 2007 were approved unanimously.


4.         Chair Conner informed the Committee that pressing business will require an additional meeting.  The Committee agreed to meet on Thursday, 14 February 2008, at 3:30 pm in a room to be announced.  The Committee will consider codes from the School of Communication, the William E. Laupus, M.D.,
Health Sciences Library, and the Hospitality Management Department.


5.         Review of the Psychology Department’s Unite Code.


The Committee discussed at some length the code’s provisions for the   composition of the Unit Personnel Committee.  The discussion concerned the meaning and applicability of Section IV, A, b, of Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.  Given the Committee’s uncertainty of this important matter,
Chair Conner suggested, and the Committee concurred, that clarification should be sought from the chair of the Faculty and the chair of the Governance Committee. The Committee resumed its review of the code and suggested some changes in language concerning faculty raises.


Because substantive changes are required, and an interpretation of Appendix D is needed, the Committee asked the Psychology Department to resubmit its
code at the 14 February meeting.


Adjournment:  After much careful deliberation of these important matters, the Committee adjourned at 5:02.


Respectfully submitted,

Carl Swanson

Volunteer Secretary