East Carolina  University

Unit Code Screening Committee

Thursday, January 29, 2009

1.                  Attendance:

a.       Garris Conner, Andrew Morehead, Bill Grossnickle, Carl Swanson,  Timm Hackett, Beth Velde,

b.      Department of English representatives: Margaret Bauer & Donna Lillian


2.                  Call to order: Meeting was called to order at 4:12 in Rawl 142

3.         Review of Code for the Department of English


UCSC discussed the participation of the two members of the committee. Based on precedence in review of prior codes, the committee proceeded with review of the code with these two members abstaining from the vote.


Throughout the code change “tenured” to “permanently tenured” and “tenure track” to “probationary”; italicize ECU Faculty Manual; only list the appendix of the ECU Faculty Manual, get rid of section, subsections, etc.; be consistent with font type and size.






Insert ECU before Faculty Manual & be consistent in terms of how you list the manual

40, 41

substantive requires faculty vote

Add reference to graduate faculty, something like “The graduate faculty consists of faculty members approved by the East Carolina University Graduate School Administrative Board (East Carolina University Faculty Manual Appendix F).



Spell out acronym the first time and put acronym in parentheses and then  after use acronym, for example TESOL.



requires faculty vote

Please reflect on how new faculty members who do not come into a fixed area of study, join an area of study. What if the faculty members who are part of the area of study do not vote to include him/her? If this type of issue would be referred to the Executive Committee for resolution, then put that in your code.  A second option is to delete the requirement for the majority vote.


Clarify “graduate” faculty members


Change their to his/her


Change “instructors” to “teachers”


Add the vote of the faculty per line 60


required change


Approves by majority vote the Department’s Major Planning Documents, Assessment Documents, and Other Major Reports…….


Delete approves or disapproves


Capitalize ‘faculty”


Clarify that faculty here refers to “graduate faculty”


The comma after student representative confuses the reader that the election is for the graduate student representative


Delete the second period


Capitalize “department” to be consistent with rest of code


Change to the Personnel Committee appoints three additional members, be consistent re: tense in this area


Get rid of extra “.” after F


Be consistent with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised


required change

Change to “Major Planning Documents, Assessment Documents, and Other Major Reports”


substantive requires faculty vote

You must add how these salary increase criteria are developed (it must include more than merit) and must include how faculty of the unit provide input into the development of these criteria. The “faculty” would be specified by your unit and could include permanently tenured, probationary, fixed term.


Code was returned to the Department of English for addressing the three areas of substantive change.


5.  Discussion of the unit’s use of the UCSC checklist. Garris and Andrew will review a change in wording for the section on the checklist referring to the salary increase clause and reword. In the future, units will be required to submit the checklist with the submitted codes and to list the line number where the information is found.



6.  Meeting adjourned at 5:25 pm.


Respectfully submitted: Beth P. Velde PhD, OTR/L secretary