East Carolina  University

Unit Code Screening Committee

February 28, 2008


1.                  Attendance:

a.       Garris Conner, Myra Brown, Andrew Morehead, Bill Grossnickle, Carl Swanson, Bryna Coonin, Charles Coddington, Mark McCarthy, David Weismiller, Beth Velde


2.                  Call to order: Meeting was called to order at 3:30 in Rawl 132

3.                  Approval of Minutes of January 24, 2008 and February 14, 2008

4.         Review of Code for the Department of Psychology. Cathy Hall represented the Department. Moved by Carol Swanson, seconded by Bill Grossnickle that Code of the Department of Psychology be approved as presented. Passed unanimously.


5.         Review of the code of the Department of Hospitality Management represented by Bob O’Halloran


Throughout code remove reference to specific subsections of ECU Faculty Manual.


Throughout code be consistent in formatting, for example line between 38 and 39 and after all headings, periods at end of sentences.

 p. 1,    line 27  insert comma after “matters”.

            line 44 after College of Human Ecology insert (CHE)


p. 3      line 8 insert comma after “review”

            line 45 and throughout remove specific reference to “SACS”


p. 4      line 3    clarify that quorum is of all voting committee members

            line  28 add “Following approval of faculty”

            line  32 remove hyphen between university and action

            line 51 change to “Review annually”


p. 5      line 6 consider adding if task force or ad hoc committee would provide a report to anyone


p. 6      line 6 eliminate “Appendix C)

            line 12 remove hyphen between probationary and tenured


p. 7      line 3 remove underscore

            line 33 remove period after resources, add “ to beginning of sentence

            line 37 add comma after Manual and period after )

            line 39 add period after end of sentence


p. 8      line 26 remove reference to SACS

            line 45 remove comma after Appendix L and add period after )


p. 9      line 3 change to ECU Faculty Manual

            line 5 change second “with” to “within”

            line 10 lower case “c” on Chancellor

            line 10 remove hyphen between 2/5 and majority



Substantive changes that must be addressed: missing Procedures for Developing Criteria for Salary Increases and a letter that indicates the Department met the requirement for voting as stated in enabling clause


Add these two, faculty vote needed for Procedure for Developing Criteria for Salary Increases. Send back to Unit Code Screening Committee.





6. Dr. Conner to forward Unit Code Screening Committee’s recommendations to Faculty Governance regarding constitution of Unit Personnel Committees based on Dr. Grossnickle's suggestions.


7.  Meeting adjourned at 4:22.


Respectfully submitted: Beth P. Velde PhD, OTR/L secretary