University Environment Committee Minutes

Thursday, October 23, 2008 in Room 142 Rawl Annex, 3:30 pm

(revised 11-18-08)


Presiding: Jill Twark

Regular members in attendance:  A. Gross-McMillan, J. Twark, M. Montgomery, D. Lawrence, H. McKinnon, F. Deters

Ex officio members in attendance: J. Gill, E. Gardner, C. Rigsby, B. Koch, A. Lopez

Guests: Pat Long, Alex Naar


1. Review and Approval of Minutes from September 25 meeting.

The minutes were unanimously approved by a voice vote.


2. Presentation on the Center for Sustainable Tourism (Long, Naar)

The Center for Sustainable Tourism serves all of the state, not just eastern NC.  It holds events on campus, identifies research opportunities, performs student outreach, and serves as a resource for tourism-related businesses in North Carolina.  The center is working on a proposed MS degree in Sustainable Tourism and has partners around the university.  Naar facilitates links between the center, the state tourism office, and the ECU office of economic development.

Visit to learn more.  Faculty interesting in participating in the work of the center should contact Dr. Long.


3. Discussion of whether to invite Bill Bagnell to our next meeting to discuss ECU energy policies.

It was decided to wait until next semester, when Bagnell can also talk about the master plan.


4. Report on revisions to ECU Environment Committee charge, which were submitted to the Committee on Committees for approval at their October 21st meeting. (Rigsby)

The meeting was long and the committee did not consider the proposed changes to the Environment Committee charge.


5. Discussion of Resolution, including Campus Green Space Report and Heritage Tree Report to be submitted to Faculty Senate and presented at their Tuesday, November 4th meeting (held at 2:10 p.m. in Mendenhall Student Center Great Room).


            a. Wording of Resolution


Resolution on Green Spaces and Heritage Trees


Whereas,       The University Environment Committee has reviewed the East Campus Green Space Report and Heritage Tree Report , and


Whereas,        green spaces and heritage trees constitute sensitive environmental areas

on campus which need to be protected to preserve the

aesthetics and sustainability of the campus, and


Whereas,        faculty expect the campus to grow, and desire that this growth be

accomplished while preserving the beauty of the landscape.


Therefore Be It Resolved, that these and future green space and heritage tree protection and preservation recommendations be taken into consideration in future master plans and in the design of all new buildings and parking lots.


Be It Further Resolved, that all planned use of green space areas (i.e., any outdoor events like Barefoot on the Mall, dinner receptions, or music concerts) be coordinated through ECU’s Grounds Department to protect and preserve the existing flora and fauna.


Action taken: Resolution unanimously approved by a voice vote.


            b. Green Space Report

Action taken: Resolution unanimously approved by voice vote.


            c. Report on Heritage Trees

Action taken: Report unanimously approved by voice vote.


6. Report on the status of the green space at the corner of Greenville Blvd. and Charles    

Blvd., based on information solicited from Nick Floyd, Associate Athletics Director (Koch)

Floyd will attend the next UEC meeting.


There was a motion to adjourn and the meeting was adjourned at 4:50pm.


Next meeting: 11/20, 3:30pm

Agenda: presentation by Nick Floyd, Athletics