University Environment Committee

Meeting Minutes 10-22-09

Presiding: Jill Twark

Regular members in attendance: S. Crick, J. Buck, T. Kelley, M. O’Driscoll

Ex-officio members in attendance:  R. Chin, H. McKinnon, J. Gill, E. Gardner

Guests: Caitlin Gold(SGA), Judi Wooten(Aramark), Tom Pohlman(Environmental Health), Ali Conerly, Mandy Little, Amanda McGinley (ECO Pirates)

1.      Meeting began at 3:30 with introductions and then approval of minutes from 9-24-09 meeting. Two edits were suggested and made and those revisions approved.


2.      Judi Wooten of Aramark presented the “Green Stakes" program and the 5 green stakes goals they have for 2010. A brochure was provided outlining the green stakes program.


3.      Motion was made and approved unanimously to request that a representative of Aramark become an ex-officio member of the University Environment Committee. Jill will initiate this process through the faculty senate Committee on Committees.


4.      John Gill and Steve Crick discussed information from ECU Campus Lighting Master Plan. A preliminary plan will be reviewed on November 18th at 9-10:30pm in Mendenhall 221. Attendance from faculty, staff, and students was encouraged.


5.      Caitlin Gold of SGA presented update of SGA’s efforts to highlight and encourage sustainability (turning computers off in labs at night, a proposed plan to work with World Wildlife Fund). Mohammad Hakima is the SGA director of environmental affairs- he may be best person to communicate with through SGA to pass information and receive updates.


6.      Ali Conerly, president of ECO-Pirates, discussed efforts of the club. These included volunteering for NC Big Sweep, an initiative to get ink cartridge recycling boxes in all computer labs and off campus apartments, and their attendance at the “Power Shift” conference in Chapel Hill, NC.   Recycle Mania was also discussed and committed suggested Ali contact Terry Little to follow up and organize this event at ECU in 2009-2010.


7.      Jill suggested adding our statistics to the website to highlight ECU’s current efforts on sustainability. Committee was supportive and Jill will follow up with Griff Avin on this.


8.      Stephanie Benjamin and Whitney Knollenberg discussed possible interest of graduate students from the ECU Center for Sustainable Tourism in working with faculty and staff on research projects concerning sustainability. Jill suggested a graduate student from the program attend each UEC meeting to facilitate communication and possible collaboration.


9.      Next meeting was set for November 19th (as 4th Thursday would be during Thanksgiving break).


10.  Meeting was adjourned at 4:50pm.