University Environment Committee

Meeting Minutes 10-28-10


Presiding: Tim Kelley

Regular members in attendance:  Eric Horsman (for Michael O’Driscoll), Joyce Buck,  Amy Gross-McMillan (via speaker phone), Steven Crick

Ex-officio members in attendance: Hunt McKinnon, Brian Glover, John Gill

Guests: Wood Davidson (ECU Student Transit Authority Manager), Steven Hardy-Braz (Greenville Bike/ Ped Task force/ ECVelo), Tom Pohlman (EHS), Griffin Avin (Facilities)

1.      Meeting began at 3:30 with review of minutes from 9-23-10 meeting- minutes were unanimously approved.

2.      Wood Davidson discussed initiative to include everyone (not just students) in intracampus transit, with goal of a net increase in on-campus vs. off campus services within a 3-year time frame, with addition of more campus shuttles. Discussed ways UEC can support this initiative.

3.      Hunt agreed to draft a resolution to support intracampus transit with inclusion of UEC mission statement, University master plan, ECU tomorrow, “Green Get to ECU” initiative, noting the geographical separation of east and west campuses. Purpose to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the current system, with time-frame particularly focusing on the next three years.

4.      Committee agreed next “Green Get to ECU” day to be November 9, 2010.

5.      Steven Hardy-Braz discussed working with UEC to promote healthier ways to travel via the greater- Greenville area and on campus.  He also encouraged ECU to apply for the League of American Bicyclists’ Bike Friendly University status.  He also encouraged UEC to disseminate  the Greenville greenways survey, which closes November 20, 2010.

6.      Tim proposed adding a link to the survey to the next “Green Get to ECU” day announcement.

7.      Brian agreed to head up an informal subcommittee to revisit bike loaning on campus.

8.      The committee also discussed the UNC Sustainability Policy with regard to short and long-term goals. Griff mentioned that the Health Sciences campus has already addressed the issue of water consumption.

9.      Tim encouraged each member to review their contributions to the UEC.

10. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 PM.