University Environment Committee

Meeting Minutes 3-25-10


Presiding: Tim Kelley

Regular members in attendance: M. O’Driscoll, S. Crick, M. Montgomery, J. Buck

Ex-officio members in attendance: R. Chin, E. Gardner, B. Koch, H. McKinnon


Guests: Griffin Avin (Facilities), Jack Tawney (Parking & Transportation)


1.       Meeting began at 3:30 with review of minutes from 2-25-10 meeting- one change was noted and made and minutes were unanimously approved.


2.       a) Bill Koch discussed potential plans for agenda item 3- “Green get to ECU” initiative- and also other sustainable travel issues (ride sharing, etc..). Transit meetings have focused on not building any more parking lots (committee felt this was appropriate strategy), but encouraging use of mass transit and alternative methods (biking, waling, car pooling). We do not have a full ride sharing program with guaranteed to get to and from campus, but we permit sharing is allowed now(share one permit- carpool in together).

b) Tim presented educational materials/website info- to encourage students to use alternative travel methods. Tim also asked to be able to receive survey results from recent transportation survey/study through IPAR.

c) Implementing “Green Get to ECU” initiative- committee decided we do still have time to implement this initiative this semester. Plan was to write up short presentation- to then approve by committee (through e-mail) . Then present “Green Get to ECU” initiative to faculty, staff, and students through listservs. Motion to do so was made and unanimously approved.


3.       Committee discussed ECU Environmental Sustainably Assessment- Bob and Hunt outlined possible questions/focuses for the survey. Committee will review proposed questions and offer ideas, edits, suggestions, additions – to e-mail to whole committee. Plan was discussed to work out the language and then send out survey in summer- Bob will get help from Graduate student hopefully and use online software to implement survey.


4.       Tim urged committee members to assess their interest areas and efforts and where they would like and feel they can contribute to the committee- for potential projects (such as the heritage tree project that was done last year).

a)      Hunt suggested need to be updated on master plan regularly. Motion was approved to have regular briefings on the master plan.

b)      Marianne discussed her desire to push bicycling and alternative travel issues/improvements.

c)       ECO Pirates and other students- how do we bridge the gap?????

d)      Sub-committee system seems to work- can we use to engage students and/or address other issues.

e)      Mike is interested and could look into water related issues (within Pitt County and beyond).

f)       Hunt proposed putting sustainability interests and research interests into a chart- for linking faculty with common interests.


5.       Other business -SGA representative has not attended UEC meetings regularly and did not reply back to request for support/help for student sustainability survey. Tim will contact him again.


6.       Announcements

a)      Greenville Fun Day- April 25th, 2-4pm at south tar river greenway(next to off leash dog park)


7.       Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm.