University Environment Committee



Presiding: Charles Hodson

Regular members in attendance: M. Montgomery, D. Lawrence, J. Twark, C. Hodson

Ex officio members in attendance: J. Gill, P. Cox, M.Schmidt, B. Koch


The meeting was called to order at 3:45 pm.


Actions of Meeting


1.  Minutes of 2/28/08 and 3/27/08


There was a motion to approve the minutes of the 2/28/08 and 3/27/08 meetings.  The motions were unanimously approved.


2.  Announcements


Gill raised the concern that Mall space has been used for numerous events this spring.  These have been approved through the office of Vice Chancellor Atkins.  Hodson will contact the vice chancellor to ask that Mendenhall’s schedulers follow the agreement to limit Mall events.


Gill reported that some heritage trees are stressed; trees will be lost every year but are being replaced by strong varieties.  The administration understands the importance of trees and is funding preservation efforts.


3.  Report from Faculty Senate


The committee’s report was approved by Faculty Senate as Resolution 08-35.  It will go forward to UNC Tomorrow and to the Chancellor.


3.  Discussion of subcommittees



Montgomery suggested two subcommittees: sustainability and landscape.  Hodson agreed that two is enough.  Twark added that we should push for a sustainability coordinator position. 


Actions taken:

There was a motion to recommend the formation of two standing subcommittees next year: a Sustainability and Energy Conservation subcommittee and a Landscape and Environment subcommittee.  This motion was approved by a voice vote.


There was a motion to approve the creation of an ad hoc landmark trees subcommittee for next semester.  The motion was approved by a voice vote 


5.  Renovation of garden and ornamental trees in front of McGinnis


Gill reported that there have been plans to renovate this space since 1999.  Repairs and renovations (R&R) funds have been allocated to this project.  The space is currently not usable.  It will be renovated this summer to be ready for the fall semester.  Three crape myrtles and one cypress tree will be removed.  There will be new ornamental paving with a sand base.  Six new flowering trees will be planted. 


Koch reported that a dead dogwood tree behind Blount will be removed.   Ragsdale courtyard will also be renovated.


6.  Carpooling


Hodson asked whether a carpooling board is available.  Gill responded that there are community bulletin boards available through OneStop.  Koch mentioned that Parking might be able to set up a web-based carpooling list.  


Actions taken:

There was a motion to resolve that a carpooling website be created.  The motion was approved by a voice vote.


7.  Student member


Lawrence asked if the UEC has a student member.  Hodson said that we have a student who never attends meetings.  Lawrence suggested a geography student who is very interested in sustainability.  Hodson will send this student’s name to the Committee on Committees.


8. Research opportunities for sustainability


Hodson suggested that a steering committee be formed to organize workshops on integrating sustainability into research and into the curriculum.  Hodson will draft a letter to UNC Tomorrow and to the chancellor on this subject.


There was a motion to adjourn and the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.