COMMITTEE: Admissions and Recruitment MEETING DATE: April 3, 1995 PERSON PRESIDING: John Cope ACTIONS OF MEETING Description of action: Cope reviewed the status of Senate Resolution #95-6 Changes in Nontraditional Student Policy' resulting from the ARC presentation to the Faculty Senate on 2/21/95. It was noted that the Senate had added a continuation of the last sentence of the section on visitors. No further action was taken. Description of action: The Articulation Agreement Proposal from the GEE was reviewed. Sykes presented a history of this and a brief explanation of the pros and cons. Following a lengthy discussion Mead proposed a motion to endorse the Agreement. The motion was seconded by Sessoms. Based on vote by the committee the Articulation Agreement was not endorsed. Description of action: Action on the Confidentiality of Appeals and Development of Standard Procedures, and Recap of the Committee's charge and Responsibilities will be carried over to the 1995/1996 academic year. NEXT MEETING: The committee decided not to schedule a formal meeting date in May to hear appeals due to the limited number of appeals coming to this committee. It was reiterated that the Chair will work through the General College on behalf of the Committee, if need arises, during the summer regarding appeals.