COMMITTEE: Admissions and Recruitment MEETING DATE: 11 September 1995 PERSON PRESIDING: Cope ACTIONS OF MEETING Description of action: Approval of the minutes Description of action: Discuss Freshman Admission Policy age requirement. Committee recommends deleting item #1, page 29 of the Catalogue, thereby eliminating the minimum age of 16 for admission to ECU. Assigned additional duties to: Cope will present the report to the Faculty Senate September 12, 1995 Faculty Senate meeting. Description of action: Discuss changes to the Non-traditional student policy mandated by the General Assembly. Powell reviewed the history of the policy. The mandated policy states minimum age requirement of 24. The commmittee discussed the ramifications of this policy as it impacts on total admissions numbers. The committee will consider several possible solutions and continue researching the situation then make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. There being no new business, the committee adjourned at 2:45 p.m.