COMMITTEE: Admissions and Recruitment MEETING DATE: 2/2/98 PERSON PRESIDING: John Cope ACTIONS OF MEETING Description of action: Approval of minutes of 12/1/97. Description of action: Discussion of Administrative Memorandum 379, "Policy Regarding Uniform UNC Admissions Requirements for Non- public School Students." John Cope noted that the last sentence, "Whenever a student applies from a high school where class rank or grade point average is not available or readily assessable, the applicant is encouraged to submit supplemental test scores." He said that the wording in the previous paragraph leaves the choice of "which supplemental scores" to submit up to the applicant. Tom Powell said that this does not specify which (italics original) supplemental test scores. An applicant may submit scores, but if we don't have enough information from them to decide whether we should accept the applicant, we can ask them to submit additional information. We cannot subject an applicant to capricious or arbitrary scores that we would not ask of anyone else. Our standard operating procedure is to request scores from standard tests. Follow-up action required: No further action was considered necessary. Description of action: Discussion of General Administration's memorandum on transfer of credit between institutions, January 1, 1997. John Cope said that this was nothing that we haven't already dealt with. He called for comments. There were none. Follow-up action required: No further action was considered necessary. Description of action: Discussion of international student admissions and recruitment. Umesh Gulati said that not much has been done until now for recruiting international students, but that this effort and assistance with immigration matters has been transferred to the Office of International Affairs. He said that there are more efforts forthcoming in this matter and that we should invite the Director of International Affairs to tell us more in detail about what he is doing and where we are going. Follow-up action required: John Cope said that we would invite the director to a future meeting. NEXT MEETING: March 2, 1998 ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED: Director of International Affairs: recruitment and admission of international students. Michael Cotter, Secretary