COMMITTEE: Admissions & Recruitment MEETING DATE: March 1, 1999 PERSON PRESIDING: John Cope ACTIONS OF THE MEETING: The University Admissions and Recruitment Committee met on March 1, 1999. The meeting included the following items of business: 1. The minutes of the February 1, 1999 meeting were approved. 2. A discussion of the new resolution draft concerning international students was discussed. A motion was put forth by Tovey to approve the resolution and pass it through the channels beginning with the March 30, 1999 Faculty Senate meeting. The motion was seconded by Gulati, and passed by the committee. Cope will represent the resolution, and it was suggested by Lee that James Van Fleet (International Affairs Office) attend the Senate meeting and request Speaking privileges. 3. Guest Brenda Killingsworth from the Faculty Assembly was introduced. She announced that the Faculty Senate has requested a report to be delivered early fall 1999 relative to this committee's concerns regarding the projected sharp rise in enrollment in the next six years. Specifically, her charge to the committee suggested we ask questions of the Faculty Senate regarding tasks necessary of the committee to address projected enrollment concerns, strategies of recruiting students, etc. Discussion on the topic addressed the following concerns: A. Chairman Cope reminded Killingsworth of the lateness of her request, as there is only one more committee meeting scheduled this academic year. B. A report of projected enrollment will be requested of Bob Thompson for committee members. C. A question was posed concerning whether or not the university had an actual plan in place to address the anticipated growth. D. Strategies to recruit students within 2 hours of campus was a concern, as enrollment figures dictate expected incoming students live west of highway 95, and out of our current 2 hour attraction radius. The projected enrollment does not include Distance Education enrollment. E. The concern of maintaining (or raising) the standards and quality of education with the growth of students was noted. It was discussed that rising GPAs may drive some students away; and that distributions of GPAs should be addressed when looking into admissions criteria for a given class. F. Discussions relative to increasing faculty, staff, GAs, section offerings and new program offerings were a concern. G. Resources available to address the increase including those to assist to quality of student learning H. R. Shoffner expressed student concerns relative to current building and parking stresses. Greenville (per capita) has an extremely large traffic problem currently, and how will the city handle 1.5 times more students and their cars? This pointed out concerns of whether or not the city has a plan for growth that would coincide with the university's anticipated growth. I. B. Killingsworth asked the committee to let her know if we Needed assistance/reports from outside committees/agencies to assist us in our charge. J. A question was posed concerning how reflective of local/state demographics is the enrollment projection? Perhaps Greenville's City Planner might assist with the answer. K. It was anticipated that the year of 2008 will be the peak year for influx of students. L. Recruiting issues concerning minorities and large families were discussed. Aggressive recruiting strategies were deemed necessary to attract such populations. M. This committee may act as a conduit for outside agencies or concerns. We are encouraged, however, by Killingsworth to check with the Vice Chancellor prior to inviting guests speakers to sound out on this issue. N. Cope suggested we make sure we have information from concerned agencies prior to making a stand on any issues. O. Killingsworth pledged her committee's assistance on completing our charge. 4. Chairman Cope announced that the next scheduled meeting (April 5, 1999) will be a working meeting, as the committee's annual report will be finalized at that time. NEXT MEETING: APRIL 5,1999 Respectfully submitted, Katie Walsh