COMMITTEE: Admissions and Recruitment MEETING DATE: April 3, 2000 PERSON PRESIDING: Louis Warren REGULAR MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Cotter, Walsh, Warren, Waters EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Denny (for Sessoms), McDiarmid, Morrison, Muller OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: None ACTIONS OF MEETING Description of action: Additions/Deletions to the agenda. Warren: Delete report on CIPRIS project; McDiarmid's information at March meeting was sufficient. Cotter: Postpone approval of March minutes until next meeting; he had not sent them out. Completion date/Follow-up action required: March minutes will need to be approved in the first meeting, Fall semester 2000 Description of action: Discussion of annual report 1999-2000. Cotter noted that the date of 4/4/00 in the last sentence on the first page should read 4/3/00. Discussion of item 4, Accomplishments during the year. "Identified obstacles to recruitment." Committee decided to specify need for additional scholarships, geographic location of ECU, and, for international students, need for additional financial aid and a foreign language program. Under "Identified ways to increase enrollment," committee decided to specify offering adequate scholarships, distance education programs, and finding ways to market our programs that are under-enrolled. The committee agreed to add "Heard reports from Institutional Advancement and International Affairs representatives." It was noted that Walsh and Warren represented this committee on Scholarship Weekend. Walsh moved to accept the report; Cotter seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Description of action: Report on Scholarship Weekend. Warren, Walsh, and Muller attended the program. Warren complimented Powell on the wonderful job of organizing the weekend. He was very impressed by the quality of students who attended. Parents, students, and scholarship donors attended. About 35 students attended; about $690,000 in scholarships were awarded, plus four students were awarded early acceptance to the Medical School. Twenty-one students were high school valedictorians. No one received less than a $2,500/year award. Description of action: Update on international students resolution. Warren said that at the March 6 committee meeting, we decided to table the proposal until next year. The Senate had asked last year for financial information, which Gary Lowe obtained for them (with copies to the committee). Morrison reported that the Agenda Committee presented the information at the March Senate meeting. Muller asked if, in that case, we shouldn't get on the agenda for the next Senate meeting? Morrison replied that we should wait until fall, as the agenda for the next meeting will be tight. Additional discussion about the financial information: McDiarmid said that international students are eligible to receive money from the Rivers fund, but that they are not eligible for merit scholarships. They have to apply each semester for the Rivers scholarship. McDiarmid is concerned that in all the discussion about the Rivers money, people overlook the fact that it has nothing to do with recruitment and admission of international students. The Rivers money is not available to freshmen. Also, Linda McGowan is responsible for the Rivers scholarships. Muller suggested that the committee invite McGowan to a meeting in the fall. NEXT MEETING: Fall, 2000 Michael Cotter, Secretary