COMMITTEE: Writing Across the Curriculum MEETING DATE: January 25, 1996 PERSON PRESIDING: Lynn Eudey ACTIONS OF MEETING: Description of action: DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Rita reported that there are now enough writing intensive courses (142) offered to cover all majors. She has compiled a list by School and Department of these courses which will be sent to the Deans and to WAC committee members. Completion date/ Follow-up action required: None Description of action: The Committee moved suggested that another reminder of the writing requirement for graduation be included in material sent to all advisors. Completion date/ Follow-up action required: Rita will speak with the appropriate person to see that this is done. Descriptions of action: The committee expressed concerns about the lack of policies for transfer students regarding writing intensive course requirements. Completion date/ Follow-up action required: Chris Ulferrs will ask Dr. Muller and Dr. Sykes to attend our February meeting to discuss these issues further. Description of action: The Committee approved the following courses as WI intensive: SPAN 3206; ANTH 2020 sections 002 and 030; and ECON 4020 Completion/ Follow-up action required: ECON 3750 was tabled until Rita can clarify the specific amount of writing required for course assignments. NEXT MEETINGS: Thursday, February 22, 1996; March 28th and April 25th ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED: 1. New course proposals 2. Transfer of writing intensive courses for transfer students 3. Other committee business (on-going review system and program assessment)