COMMITTEE: Writing Across the Curriculum

  1. Membership (include ex-officio members).

Patricia Clark

Tope Bello

Robin Webb Corbett

Marsha lronsmith

Myra Brown

Laura McArthur

Christine Hutchins

Scott Williams

Chris Ulffers (ex-officio with a vote)

George Bissinger (ex-officio without a vote)

Pat Bizzaro (ex-officio without a vote)

Rick Taylor (ex-officio without a vote)

Jan Tovey (ex-officio without vote)


2. Meeting Dates (include members present*).

*and members who contributed to committee action, but were not at the meeting.

September 28, 2000

Present -Tope Bello; Patricia Clark, Robin Webb Corbett, Christine Hutchins, Marsha Ironsmith, Myra

Brown, Laura McArthur, Liza Glasgow (SGA Member), Jan Tovey (ex-officio), Chris Ulffers (ex-officio),

Bob Morrison (Chair of Faculty)

October 26, 2000

Present- George Bissinger (ex-officio), Patricia Clark, Robin Webb Corbett, Christine Hutchins,

Marsha Ironsmith, Laura McArthur, Liza Glasgow , SGA Member, Patrick Bizzaro (ex-officio), Jan

Tovey (ex-officio)

Contributed to Committee action but unable to attend -Scott Williams

November -No formal meeting due to Thanksgiving Break

Committee members contributed to action through e-mail correspondence

December -No formal meeting due to Semester Break

Committee members contributed to action through e-mail correspondence

January 25,2001

Present --Myra Brown, Patricia Clark, Christine Hutchins, Marsha Ironsmith, Laura McArthur, Chris

Ulffers (ex-officio), Scott Williams, Patrick Bizzaro (ex-officio), Rick Taylor

Contributed to Committee action but unable to attend: Tope Bello, Robin Webb Corbett

February 22,2001

Present- Patricia Clark, Laura McArthur; Pat Bizzaro (ex-officio), George Bissinger (ex-officio)

Contributed to Committee action but unable to attend -Scott Williams, Myra Brown, Marsha Ironsmith,

March 22,2001

Present- Patricia Clark, George Bissinger ( ex-officio) , Robin Webb Corbett, Rick Taylor

Contributed to Committee action but unable to attend -Scott Williams, Myra Brown, Marsha Ironsmith,

Laura McArthur, Tope Bello Christine Hutchins, Chris Ulffers (ex-officio)

April 26, 2001

Present- Patricia Clark, Robin Webb Corbitt, Laura McArthur, Chris Ulffers (ex-officio), Marsha

Ironsmith, Christine Hutchins, Pat Bizzaro (ex -officio )

Contributed to Committee action but unable to attend-- Scott Williams, Myra Brown, Tope Bello


3 Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work).



4. Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals. Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.

WI Courses Approved:

HLTH 4605, section 199 (Minutes of 10/26/00)

RCLS 4004, sections 001 and 002 (Minutes of 10/26/00)

CLSC 4801 , all sections (Minutes of 10/26/00)

CLSC 4802, all sections (Minutes of 10/26/00)

THEA 2035, all sections (Minutes of 1/25/01)

THEA 3035, all sections (Minutes of 1/25/01)

THEA 3036, all sections (Minutes of 1/25/01)

THEA 4080, all sections (Minutes of 1/25/01)

THEA 3075, all sections (Minutes of3/22/01)

MULT 3500, all sections (Minutes of 4/26/01)

MULT 4999, all sections (Minutes of 4/26/01

HLTH 4500, section 099 (Minutes of 4/26/01)

HLTH 4501, section 099 (Minutes of 4/26/01)

HLTH 4502, section 099 (Minutes of 4/26/01)


5. Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).



6. Business carried over to next year (list in priority order).

  1. Reorganization of WI AC into administrative committee
  2. Consideration of WI by Contract
  3. Evaluation of courses for WI designation
  4. Evaluation of WI designation


7. Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the committee's work during the year).

A. Charge: Active work throughout the academic year

B. Personnel: Active, cooperative committee

C. Attendance: Active via e-mail when unable to attend meetings due to class conflict and other


D. Responsibilities: Active work throughout the academic year

E. Activities: Active work throughout the academic year


8. Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee.


9. Does the Committee's organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year? ______yes ___X___no