Writing Across the Curriculum Committee Minutes for 25 January 2001 Present: Myra Brown; Patricia Clark; Christine Hutchins; Marsha Ironsmith; Laura McArthur; Chris Ulffers; Scott Williams; Patrick Bizzaro, Writing Across the Curriculum Program Director; Rick Taylor, Director of English Composition Committee approved minutes for 26 October Committee discussed proposed changes to the committee charge and its consolidation into an Academic Standards and Honors Committee, as recommended by the Committee on Committees First order of business: * Committee reaffirmed its vote to designate THEA 2035, THEA 3035, and THEA 3036 as Writing Intensive courses, a decision made via email at the end of the Fall semester Second order of business: * Committee considered proposal to designate THEA 4080, Musical Theatre Practicum, as a writing intensive course using the Model Four Combination of Approaches to writing * Ulffers so moved * Hutchins seconded * Committee unanimously voted to designate THEA 4080 a Writing Intensive course Third order of business: * Committee considered proposal to designate EXSS 4502, Independent Study in EXSS, as a writing intensive course * McArthur asked what the Committee has done in the past in designating independent study sections as writing intensive * McArthur, Bizarro, and Ulffers noted that information on the kinds of writing and writing assignments that might be included in EXSS 4502 are not included with the proposal * Taylor pointed out that the purpose of the EXSS 4502 independent study seems to be to allow transfer students who have fulfilled the course material requirements for EXSS 3906, Physical Education for Special Populations, but not its writing intensive component to take an independent study that will cover this aspect of the course * The committee agreed that this is an important goal * Clark suggested that EXSS might develop a model syllabus that suggests the kinds of writing components and writing assignments that might be included in EXSS 4502 * Clark moved to table the EXSS 4502 writing intensive proposal so as to ask EXSS for more information, and perhaps a syllabus reflecting the writing components and assignments that might be used in the course * Hutchins seconded * The committee unanimously voted to table the proposal to designate EXSS 4502 as a writing intensive course Fourth order of business: * Bizzaro reported in his capacity as Interim Director of the Writing Across the Curriculum Program on a two day workshop on writing across the curriculum and strategies for conducting writing intensive courses, generously supported by Vice-Chancellor Ringeisen. The workshop was run by Dr. Robert Jones, currently at the University of Arizona and instrumental in setting up the ground-breaking MIT WAC program * The Committee agreed that more such workshops are an important goal in helping to support students and faculty efforts to integrate writing into courses * Bizzaro reported that he is planning to run more such sessions this semester and will contact all instructors teaching writing intensive courses with information on these workshops * Bizzaro reported on efforts to further integrate technology into the running of the Writing Center, blending the benefits of face-to-face writing consulting with online consulting * Bizzaro reported on the progress of changes to the Writing Center, which has moved from the Department of English to university-wide sites. Satellite locations have been established in many buildings on campus; 19 trained writing consultants from all disciplines are available at satellite locations and are currently meeting with students * Bizzaro reported that the central Writing Center is open this semester in GCB 2026 M-Th 10-4 PM, W 5-8, F 10-1 Fifth order of business: * Bob Morrison, Chair of the Faculty, reported on the proposal by the Committee on Committees to integrate Writing Across the Curriculum duties into a consolidated Academic Standards Committee * Morrison reported that the Committee has revised the charge for the proposed Academic Standards Committee to include Advisory Committees for the Writing Across the Curriculum and Honors Programs. These Advisory Committees will work in concert with the Directors of the programs