COMMITTEE: Writing Across the Curriculum MEETING DATE: January 22, 1998 PERSON PRESIDING: Lynn Eudey ACTIONS OF MEETTNG: Description of action *Approval of the minutes from the September 25th, 1997 meeting were tabled until the next meeting. Rita will run off copies of the minutes and they will be circulated with the minutes from the January 22nd meeting. Minutes from the October 23, 1997 meeting were approved. Description of action: *A discussion was held regarding the changing of the order of the agenda in order to place priority items first to accommodate those who could not remain at the meeting until 5 p.m. The discussion also raised the question as to whether or not the duration of the meeting time should be 11/2 hours ( as opposed to 2 hours or more) to enable full participation on the part of all members. Committee members agreed that the first part of agenda should be restructured to include items which needed discussion and voting at the beginning of all meetings with discussion regarding general issues following. Motion carried to restructure the agenda as stated above. Description of action: *The restructured agenda included 7 WI proposals for consideration and discussion. The results were as follows: WOST 4200 - Women's Studies - "Feminist Theory" - Instructor Gay Wilentz Committee failed to approve as WI due to insufficient evidence of appropriate applicability to approved WI model. EXSS 3850 - Exercise Science - "Kinesiology" - Instructor Tibor Hortobagyi and Paul DeVita Committee failed to approve as WI due to insufficient evidence of appropriate applicability to approved WI model. History 3000 - "The Nature and Methods of History" Tabled due to lack of WI Course Proposal form. therefore lack information regarding proposal. BIOL 4300 & 4301 - "Ecosystem Ecology and Ecosystem Ecology Laboratory" - Mark M. Brinson Tabled and motion amended that Rita will check with professor regarding clarification regarding supplementary writing ( lab logs, etc.) which represent WI efforts PSYC 4280 - "History of Psychology" - Rand B. Evans - Motion carried for designation of PSYC 4280 as WI. ECON 3750 -( See memo dated October 29, 1997 circulated by Rita to all members) Motion carried for designation of ECON 3750 as WI. ECON 3630 - "Health Economics" - Edward J. Schumacher - Motion carried for designation of ECON 3630 as WI. SPAN 2103 - "Review of Grammar" (*Note new name and new # - SPAN 2330 "Intermediate Spanish Composition and Review of Grammar" - .) Motion carried for designation of SPAN 2103 (SPAN 2330) as WI. Description of action Terri Woods had sent to the Committee proposals for new WI models. Committee members should review this information before the next meeting and also bring any ideas for other models. Description of action Rita provided the Committee with the Director's Report and relayed the following information: Rita has meet with faculty across campus and found responses to be very enlightening. She will continue to meet with faculty and prepare a summary report of concerns and benefits. One example of information gathered through these meetings involves the need in the Foreign Language Department for software to further support WI efforts. The Student Opinion Survey will be helpful in gathering information regarding responses to WI courses. Francine Rees will publish information regarding WI and WAC in the February or March issues of "Pieces of Eight." Do we need new policy guidelines regarding deadlines? If so, this information needs to be published and accessible to faculty as the process usually entails a 2 semester time line. We may also need to inform faculty regarding cover sheets, formats, and WI. There were only 30 appeals from 2,000 WI participants in the first year. Committee members were asked to think about approaches for informing faculty about guidelines and timelines in the process of a WI course proposal. THE NEXT WAC MEETING WILL BE HELD FEBRUARY 26TH, 1998 AT 3 p.m. in Rawl Annex #142. Committee preparation for next meeting: 1. Review WI Model Proposals submitted by Terri Woods 2. Review minutes dated September 25, 1997