Committee: WRITING ACROSS THE CURRICULUM Meeting Date: September 10, 1998 - 2 p.m. * Note: this was a meeting held due to the cancellation (via Hurricane Bonnie) of the originally scheduled August 28th meeting Person Presiding: Rita Reaves Description of Action: Item: Brenda Killingsworth gave opening remarks and asked that we consider distance learning as part of our charge. Item: Dr. Ringeisen welcomed all members and thanked them for their work in the past and upcoming future. Item: Rita briefly discussed the Director's Report and brought to the attention of the Committee members the five proposals, which had been submitted for consideration. Item: In response to a question posed by Dr. Killingsworth, Committee members reviewed the background history of the need to consider various examples and forms of WI which may now include "group" or "team" written papers to coincide with various professional arenas which promote this type of writing. Item: Due to the fact that the Committee did not have a quorum, all official business including the election of officers and discussion of proposals submitted for consideration was postponed until the next meeting date set for September 24th at 3 p.m.