East Carolina University Faculty Manual



VII. Method of Election of the Faculty Senate

The Secretary of the Faculty shall request that each electoral unit proceed to elect its representatives.  Elections shall be held in February of each year with members-elect to take office on the day following the last regular meeting of the Faculty Senate in the spring semester.


To obtain nominations, each department/school/college shall develop a ballot that lists every eligible member of that department/school/college. Each member of the faculty shall vote by secret ballot for twice as many nominees as that faculty member's department/school/college is entitled to elect.  That group of nominees equal to twice the number of representatives to be elected that receive the largest number of votes shall then be placed on a separate ballot for the election of representatives.  An alternate method of nominating Senators by the schools is found in Section VI.


To elect representatives each faculty member shall then vote by secret ballot for the number of representatives allotted that electoral unit. Votes shall be counted in accordance with procedures agreed upon by the electoral unit.


The administrative officer of each electoral unit shall report the results of the election to the Secretary of the Faculty.


Each senator shall serve a two-year term.  Senators may be elected to succeed themselves twice.  After a lapse of one year following the expiration of this third term, they will again be eligible for election.  The seat of an elected senator who fails to attend more than three consecutively held meetings of the Faculty Senate shall be declared vacated by the Chair of the Faculty. If a senator is awarded a research or medical leave and an alternate senator attends in his or her place, the three consecutive meeting rule will not be invoked.  (Faculty Senate Resolution #09-06)


Each electoral unit concerned shall hold special elections to fill unexpired or vacated terms.  The Senate may establish and promulgate procedures for selecting alternates for elected and ex-officio members.  The administrative office of each electoral unit so affected shall certify to the Secretary of the Faculty the credentials of individuals thus elected.