East Carolina University Faculty Manual




In order to establish a mutual understanding which produces an essential joint effort in the government of East Carolina University, the faculty, administration, and trustees adopt the following code of regulations of university government.

A.        Voting Faculty Member

[Please refer to ECU Faculty Manual Interpretation #I00-13, #I98-9, #I96-6, #I94-3.]

As pertains to faculty voting for the unit's nominating committee for appointment of administrative officials, for making recommendations on code content to the permanently tenured unit faculty members, in quadrennial evaluations of the effectiveness of unit programs, and in quadrennial evaluations of the effectiveness of unit administrators, a voting faculty member is someone who is appointed to a full-time faculty position; who is a permanently tenured or probationary term faculty person; who has been employed in any faculty position for at least 12 consecutive months at East Carolina University; who has regular academic faculty rank (ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D, Tenure and Promotion Policies and Procedures of ECU); and who must, except as noted below for faculty on leaves of absence, be carrying at East Carolina University, at the time of the voting, not less than half the normal teaching/research program as practiced in the unit of appointment.  (Faculty Senate Resolution #00-20)

The teaching/research requirement does not apply to unit administrators, librarians, or other university officers who may hold tenured positions in home units. Voting rights within individual units on matters addressed in their codes, other than those referred to in this document, should be a topic addressed in individual unit code development. The School of Medicine may define voting faculty for the purpose of this code in accordance with their unique structures, subject to the approval of the Faculty Senate.

A faculty member on leave of absence who satisfies the aforementioned criteria for a voting faculty member shall be eligible to participate in the election of the unit's nominating committee for appointment of administrative officials, in making recommendations on code content to the unit's permanently tenured faculty, and in quadrennial evaluations of the effectiveness of unit programs and/or administrators, provided that the absence of the member on leave shall not have exceeded twelve months duration at the time of the voting and provided that the member on leave returns to East Carolina University to participate.

In the event that return to the East Carolina University campus is impractical, the member on leave shall be eligible to participate only in quadrennial evaluations of the effectiveness of unit programs and/or administrators. In either case, the member on leave shall be informed of the nature of the pending issue by the unit administrator, who shall forward by registered mail to the member on leave appropriate reports, information, date and time of the vote, and, whenever the pending issue is a quadrennial evaluation, ballot(s). In the event that the member on leave is unable to return to the campus to participate, then the ballot(s) must be returned by the member within a thirty‑day period from the time that the ballot(s) had been posted in Greenville, NC. If the member chooses to return to the campus to participate, then the member shall destroy the posted ballot(s).