The third regular meeting of the 2005-2006 Faculty Senate will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2005, at 2:10 in the Mendenhall Student Center Great Room. 



  I.        Call to Order


 II.         Approval of Minutes

            October 11, 2005


III.         Special Order of the Day

            A.        Roll Call


            B.        Announcements


            C.        Steve Ballard, Chancellor


D.        Mike Lewis, Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences


            E.        Catherine Rigsby, Chair of the Faculty


            F.         Henry Peel, Interim Director of Institutional Planning, Research, and Effectiveness

                        Report on University’s Strategic Plan


            G.        Approval of the Fall 2005 Graduation Roster, including honors program graduates.


            H.        Brief Moment in History, Henry Ferrell


            I.          Question Period 


IV.        Unfinished Business   


  V.      Report of Committees

A.        Admission and Retention Policies Committee, Larry Seese

Proposed revision to the ECU Undergraduate Catalog, Section 2. Admission and Readmission, Nontraditional Students (attachment 1).


            B.        Committee on Committees, Henry Ferrell

1.  First Reading of Proposed Revisions to the Teaching Grants Committee Charge (attachment 2).

                        2.  First Reading of Proposed Revisions to the University Athletics Committee Charge (attachment 3).


C.                Educational Policies and Planning Committee, Dale Knickerbocker

For information only - Request to change the name of MS in Industrial Technology to MS in Technology Systems. 


            D.        University Budget Committee, Cal Christian

                        Status of the Institutional, State and Federal Priorities (attachment 4).


            E.        University Curriculum Committee, Cheryl Estes

Curriculum matters contained in the minutes of the October 13, 2005, and October 27, 2005, Committee Meetings. 


VI.        New Business


Full Faculty Senate Agenda                                                                                           

November 8, 2005

Attachment 1.





Proposed revision to the ECU Undergraduate Catalog,

Section 2. Admission and Readmission, Nontraditional Students


Replace Section 2. Admission and Readmission, Nontraditional Students with the following:


“Nontraditional Students


North Carolina residents who are at least twenty-four years of age (nontraditional students) or individuals whose high school class graduated three or more years prior to the expected date of entry and who meet UNC minimum course requirements may be permitted to enroll in the University provided that they meet one of the following conditions (See General Transfer, Note, above.) The student must


1.         have two college level transferable courses of English composition and one college level transferable Math course or


2.         have had previous college experience at a senior institution and have not been matriculated at the collegiate level for at least three years prior to the expected date of entry. Students in this category may be admitted under the University’s “special readmission (forgiveness) policy”.


Students enrolling under this policy must comply with all University policies regarding the payment of tuition and fees and must comply with NC state law concerning health and immunization.”



Current Text reads as follows:


Nontraditional Students


Individuals who are at least twenty-four years of age (nontraditional students) or individuals whose high school class graduated three or more years prior to the expected date of entry and who meet UNC minimum course requirements may be permitted to enroll in the university under a performance-based admission policy that specifies retention stipulations provided they meet

one of the following conditions. (See General Transfer, Note, above.) The student must


1. have had no previous college experience, or

2. have had previous college experience but have not been matriculated within the past one year and are eligible to return to the previous institution but do not meet all stated university admission requirements, or

3. have had previous college experience, are not eligible to return to the previous institution, and have not been matriculated at the collegiate level for at least three years prior to the expected date of entry.


Individuals enrolled as degree-seeking students under the performance-based admission policy must achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.2 and meet all retention stipulations by the end of the semester in which the twenty-eighth semester hour of degree creditable work is attempted. Failure either to meet the GPA requirement or to satisfy the retention stipulations will result in the student’s being ineligible to continue enrollment at ECU. (See Section 5, Academic Regulations, Readmission.)


Students enrolling under this policy must comply with all university policies regarding the payment of tuition and fees and must comply with NC state law concerning health and immunization.


These students are assigned for advisement and registration to the Academic Advising and Support Center.


An individual enrolled under the performance-based admission policy may not declare a major, compete in intercollegiate athletics, or participate in student exchange programs until all retention stipulations specified in his or her admission letter have been satisfied.



Full Faculty Senate Agenda                                                                                           

November 8, 2005

Attachment 2.



First Reading of Proposed Revisions to the Teaching Grants Committee Charge


(Additions are noted in bold print and deletions are noted in strikethrough)


1.         Name:  Teaching Grants Committee


2.         Membership:

12 elected faculty members.

Ex-officio members (with vote): The Chancellor or an appointed representative, the Provost or an appointed representative, the Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences or an appointed representative, the Chair of the Faculty and one faculty senator selected by the Chair of the Faculty.


The membership of the committee shall serve according to their disciplinary expertise.  Ideally this would include six members from the College of Arts and Sciences, with at least two each from Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Sciences/Math, and six members from the Professional Schools and other academic units, with no more than one from each professional school.


The chair of the committee may invite resource persons as necessary to realize the committee charge. The chair of the committee may appoint such subcommittees as he or she deems necessary.


3.         Quorum:  7 elected members exclusive of ex-officio.


4.         Committee Responsibilities:

A.   The committee recommends policies and procedures governing the grant application process, criteria for the awarding of grants, guidelines for the use of teaching grant funds, and procedures for annual reporting by grant recipients.

B.   The committee recommends teaching grant proposals to be funded, based on the merit of the proposals. No member of the Committee shall submit a proposal.  Members of the committee are permitted to submit proposals  for the committee's consideration. No member of the committee may vote on his or her own proposal, but no member is prohibited from voting on any other proposal before the committee. That member of the committee shall not be present when his or her proposal is being considered by the committee.

            C.  The Committee reviews at least annually those sections within the University Undergraduate Catalog that corresponds to the Committee’s charge and recommends changes as necessary.


5.         To Whom The Committee Reports:

The committee submits recommendations of proposals to be funded to the appropriate vice chancellor and reports the final list of funded proposals to the Faculty Senate. The committee makes recommendations concerning the policies and procedures governing teaching grant proposals to the Faculty Senate.


6.         How Often The Committee Reports:

The committee reports to the Faculty Senate at least once a year and at other times as necessary.


7.         Power Of The Committee To Act Without Faculty Senate Approval:

The committee is empowered to make recommendations regarding the funding of research proposals.


8.         Standard Meeting Time:
The committee does not have a standard meeting time.



Full Faculty Senate Agenda                                                                                           

November 8, 2005

Attachment 3.




First Reading of Proposed Revisions to the University Athletics Committee Charge

(Additions are noted in bold print and deletions are noted in strikethrough)


1.         Name:   University Athletics Committee


2.         Membership: 

8 faculty members and 1 student member.


5 elected by the Faculty Senate, 3 appointed by the Chancellor, and 1 student appointed by the Student Government Association.


Ex-officio members (with vote): The Chair of the Faculty, NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative, President of the Student Government Association, President of the Alumni Association, and President of the Pirate Club or their alternates.


Ex-officio member (without vote but with all other parliamentary privileges): Chancellor, Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Director of Athletics, Assistant Director of Athletics for Student Development, Director of Compliance, Chair of the University Academic Standards Committee; or their designees, the President of the Student Government Association, and the President of the Student Athlete Advisory Council.


3.         Quorum: 5 faculty members exclusive of ex-officio.


4.         Committee Functions:

A.   The Committee is concerned with issues pertaining to intercollegiate athletics at East Carolina University.

B.   The Committee’s primary functions are oversight responsibility in the area of academic integrity, compliance with NCAA rules and regulations, and the overall development of student athletes.

C.  The Committee is also concerned with general issues such as budget, conference matters, fund-raising, and public relations are inclusive in the charge, but not restricted to those cited.

D.  The Academic Integrity Subcommittee, composed of the faculty members on the committee, will report on the academic quality of the athletic program.

E.   The Committee reviews at least annually those sections within the University Undergraduate Catalog that corresponds to the Committee’s charge and

      recommends changes as necessary.


5.         To Whom the Committee Reports:

A.      The Committee makes recommendations concerning the implementation and administration of policies and procedures pertaining to intercollegiate athletics at East Carolina University to the Chancellor. 

B.     The Committee reports to the Faculty Senate concerning its recommendations to the Chancellor and/or requests it has received from the Chancellor. 

C.     The Committee makes recommendations concerning academic policies that impact the academic integrity of the athletic programs to the Faculty Senate.

D.     The Academic Integrity Subcommittee will report its evaluations of the academic integrity of the athletic programs to the Chancellor and to the Faculty Senate.


6.         How Often the Committee Reports:

The Committee reports to the Faculty Senate at least once a year and other times as necessary. The Academic Integrity Subcommittee will report to the Chancellor and to the Faculty Senate each spring.


7.         Power of the Committee to Act Without Faculty Senate Approval:

The Committee makes recommendations concerning the implementation and administration of policies and procedures regarding academic oversight to the Chancellor. The Committee makes recommendations concerning academic policies and procedures that impact the academic quality of the athletic program to the Faculty Senate.


8.         Standard Meeting Time:

            The committee does not have a standard meeting time.



Full Faculty Senate Agenda                                                                                           

November 8, 2005

Attachment  4.



Status of the Institutional, State and Federal Priorities


During the 2004-2005 school year East Carolina University, while striving to continue to provide students a quality education, developed a set of Institutional, State and Federal priorities.  These priorities are still active and being pursued during the 2005-2006 school year.  In order to evaluate the University’s progress in meeting these priorities, the University Budget Committee recently met with Vice Chancellor Kevin Seitz and Provost James Smith and the following is a report to the faculty of the status of these priorities.


► The Institutional Priorities have been summarized by the University as follows:

·        open all budget processes to cabinet/executive council discussion & chancellor’s prioritizations,

·        increase financial growth internally (“culture of giving”) and with State, OP, and patrons,

·        develop diversity and compensation plans that value the efforts of all in the ECU community,

·        work internally and externally to consolidate the financial stability of the BSOM,

·        accelerate research excellence and targeted areas of national academic strength,

·        continue economic development through partnerships with the city and with curriculum/outreach,

·        allocate significant resources to targeted academic programs that best fulfill regional missions,

·        provide ECU undergraduates a nationally competitive “leadership experience.”


1)     Open all Budget Processes:

This process has become more transparent to the faculty.  The Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Finance have included the faculty in the planning and implementation stages of many of the critical financial discussions involving the University.  Special budget committee meetings were called by the Provost over the summer in order to make the faculty aware of budget constraints and decisions that were evolving as the legislature was developing the new state budget.  Also, the Chancellor’s Cabinet discussions have included faculty senate officers and tuition increase discussions for the AY 2006-2007 have included faculty representation.  These are just some of the examples of the University reaching out to the faculty.  


2)     Increase financial growth internally:

There are a number of activities underway to address this priority.  Many challenges have existed with the University Advancement division. One activity is the hiring of a new Vice-Chancellor for University Advancement.  A search consultant has been hired, the search committee established and search activities are underway. The new Vice-Chancellor should be in place by early next year.  Pursuing and accomplishing the major Centennial Capital Campaign is a driving force for having a new VC in place at the earliest possible time. The Chancellor has brought in a consultant to assess the division and provide recommendations for improvement .  In the meantime, Marilyn Sheerer has been named as Interim Vice Chancellor and is implementing many of the consultant’s recommendations.


3)                 Develop diversity and compensation plans:

The Chancellor hired Sallye McKee as the new Assistant to the Chancellor for Institutional Diversity.  Provost Smith has had discussions with Dr. McKee to develop a strategy for identifying, hiring, and retaining faculty to address the issue of a lack of institutional diversity.  The Provost and Dr. McKee have begun meeting to develop a plan of active recruitment of minority instructors and not just presenting an open door for hiring minorities.


4)     Work internally and externally to consolidate financial stability of the Brody School of Medicine (BSOM).

Gary Vanderpool, Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences, reported to the budget committee that ECU’s request to repeal legislation requiring the reversion of Medicare Resident Education Funds and the requirement of payment of rent for use of outpatient facilities was granted by the legislature.  This results in approximately $4.1 M of positive monies for ECU.  Associate Vice Chancellor Vanderpool also reported on the legislative initiative to secure funding for a new Family Practice facility that is desperately needed.  The BSOM received legislative approval to use $17M from recovered Medicare funds and $837,000 annual debt servicing for the remaining balance.  The BSOM incurs over $100M per year in un-recovered revenues from contractual allowances, bad debts, and indigent care that continues to be a resource drain for BSOM.  In contrast, the UNC Health System receives legislative funding of approximately $45M to defer part of their cost associated with indigent care.  These obstacles continue to be a challenge for the BSOM, but they have made great strides this year.


5)     Accelerate our commitment to research excellence and specific areas of national academic strength.  

The university continues to make significant progress toward strengthening the research infrastructure.  This year two new hires aimed at promoting this objective, Provost Smith and Vice Chancellor Deirdre Mageean, Research and Graduate Studies, have been made.  Institutional funding is being committed toward infrastructure development and there is optimism that more resources will be provided in the future.  Vice Chancellor Mageean is in the process of implementing several initiatives to improve the research infrastructure at the university, in which she recently summarized for the faculty senate.


6)     Continue economic development through partnerships with the city and with service leadership and academic outreach.

This continues to be a difficult area to quantify results.  Provost Smith noted that it is difficult to pinpoint the direct “economic” value ECU has to the area since everything that ECU does has an economic impact on the region.  Dr. Niswander chaired a committee to prepare a report on economic development.  Chancellor Ballard is considering the recommendations of the committee and implementation strategies.    The University has worked with Greenville on the revitalization of downtown and has discussed an alumni center with a hotel and business office complex as a possibility in the Greenville area for local economic development.


7)     Allocate significant Resources to Selected Academic Programs that Best Fulfill Regional Missions.

This priority works in tandem with economic development and developing this priority is still a work in process.


8)     Provide ECU undergraduates a nationally competitive “leadership experience”.

Vice Chancellor Garrie Moore is working with Academic Affairs to bring more leadership initiatives for next year (AY 2005-06) than the current year.  One recent result of this initiative is a $1M gift from BB&T which has allowed the initiation of leadership programs to be administered by the various Colleges. 


There were four State Priorities for the previous year and three of them were met.


Those priorities that were met:

·              Enrollment funding.

·              Repeal of Legislation requiring payment to the State by BSOM.

·              Identify funding for a family medicine center.


The one priority that is now at the top of the priority for the General Assembly is a:


·              A shared academic building for the Colleges of Business and Education.


The planning for this building has begun and when capital funding from the State Legislature becomes available, ECU is ready to start building.