Geography Code Approval


1.   Approved by the permanently tenured faculty of the Unit:  01/09/2009


2.   Submitted to Dean:  01/12/2009


3.   If changed, reapproved by permanently tenured faculty:  editorial changes made 05/06/2009


4.   Reviewed/recommended by Faculty Senate Unit Code Screening Committee:03/04/2009 and 9/09

5.   Approved by the East Carolina University Faculty Senate:  03/31/2009 (FS #09-21) and 11-3-09 (FS #____)      


6.   Approved by East Carolina University Chancellor/or designee: _______________

       Initial review 04/30/2009  Link to Chancellor’s response with suggested revisions to unit code.




The Department of Geography

Harriot College of Arts and Sciences





This Code of Operations (Code) allows for faculty participation in and establishes procedures for the Department of Geography’s internal affairs and is consistent with all applicable appendices of the East Carolina University Faculty Manual (ECU Faculty Manual).


·        The Department of Geography (the Department) is an academic unit in the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences (the College) and serves as the academic home for a variety of disciplines.  These are organized into the Geography Core and the Planning Program.  The Planning Program became a component of the Department of Geography in July 2005.  The Geography Core has a long history of diverse specialties.  The merger of the Planning Program into the Department of Geography offers the Planning Program autonomy and intellectual freedom within the university’s existing policies and procedures while guaranteeing efficiency and effecting the continued development of instruction, research, and outreach programs.  The Department is committed to close collaboration between the Geography Core and the Planning Program.  The Geography Core and Planning Program each have an internally generated mission statement.


Section I. Mission Statement 

Geography Core Mission

The mission of the Department of Geography, and the Geography Core specifically, is to assist the University and the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences in achieving their goals through provision of distinctive geographic programs of instruction, research, and service.  The Geography Core is committed to clusters of integrated programs of instruction, research, and service that include, but are not limited to, physical geography, human geography, geographic information science, rural development, and atmospheric science.  Instructional programs provide opportunities for students’ skill development within the broader context of an innovative liberal arts environment. Program assessment encourages continuous improvement to benefit students at both undergraduate and graduate levels.  Research goals include the development of coordinated agendas that include, but are not limited to, the collaboration of colleagues to address real problems within the locale of eastern North Carolina.  We envision a community of scholars, faculty and students, who are free to question and act in an environment of trust.  Faculty and students alike embrace this freedom and protect it with responsible behaviors that emphasize productive excellence in instruction, research, and service.


To fulfill these aims, the Geography Core’s primary objectives are:

— to offer students a substantial and coherent core of liberal arts studies;

— to maintain a genuine interest in students while equipping them to be competent professionals;

— to upgrade continually the quality of instruction through a system of program assessment;

— to assist students in developing critical thinking skills and their own life-view;

— to assemble a free and responsible community of scholars;

— to undertake fundamental research in order to advance geographic knowledge;

­­— to create opportunities for collaboration throughout the entire Department;

— to conduct applied research so as to contribute to the welfare of all the people in this region;

— to remain open to external scrutiny regarding our responsibilities as researchers and teachers.


Planning Program Mission

The Planning Program is committed to excellence in instruction, basic and applied research, and service to the community at large.  The mission of the Planning Program is to provide opportunities for students, within the context of the multidisciplinary framework, to achieve excellence, envision their future, grow intellectually, and pursue a professional planning position or a graduate education.  The Planning Program is designed to prepare professional planners for both the public and the private sectors.  Faculty members are expected to orient their contributions toward the mission of the Planning Program and the profession.  The major activities, which include teaching, research, and service, should be linked to the overall mission and reflect the priorities of the program.  The faculty of the Planning Program recognizes the link between research, teaching, and service in the whole process of developing and disseminating knowledge about planning.  As a multidisciplinary field, planning strives to integrate knowledge derived from the social and physical sciences, and related professions.  It upholds the principle of promoting sensitivity to cultural, ethnic, and gender differences and actively works to encourage diversity in its program.


To fulfill these aims, the Planning Program’s primary objectives are:

    to provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills and values so those students can develop into successful and effective planning professionals;

    to follow Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) guidelines regarding accreditation standards;

  to conduct and disseminate research that enhances the knowledge and applications of the  theory and practice of planning for the development of communities and regions;

  to establish the link between theory and practice, to address the urban, regional and environmental problems impacting communities and regions.


Section II. Composition of the Department

A.    The Faculty

The faculty of the Department of Geography shall consist of all faculty who are full-time with at least half of their appointment within the Department of Geography.  This includes probationary-term, permanently tenured, and fixed-term appointments. Graduate faculty of the Department are defined by the Graduate School in accordance with the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix F.


B.   Voting

              To cast a vote on issues listed in the current version of Appendix L of the ECU Faculty Manual, a faculty member must meet the criteria stipulated in Appendix L.  To vote on matters and concerns involving the graduate program, a faculty member must meet the criteria for membership in the Graduate Faculty of the Department of Geography.  Members of the Graduate Faculty who are employed full-time by the University shall recommend policy on all matters affecting the graduate program.  In all other departmental cases requiring a faculty vote, i.e., those situations not explicitly addressed in the ECU Faculty Manual, any full-time faculty member with at least half of their appointment within the Department may cast a vote.


        C. Administrative Officers

1. Department Chair

      The Department Chair is the chief administrative officer of the Department of Geography.  The Chair is responsible for maintaining departmental activities and procedures in accordance with University and departmental policies.  The Chair should ensure that Code procedures are followed.  The Chair is subject to periodic evaluation that shall conform to established University policy. 


The duties of the Department Chair include:

a.      to represent the Department within the University community;

b.     to administer the affairs of the department in accordance with the policies determined by the Department’s Code, the College, and the University;

c.      to determine faculty teaching assignments each year, supervise class scheduling with the Geography Core Undergraduate Committee Coordinator and Graduate Coordinator, and oversee faculty advising duties;

d.   to supervise departmental office personnel and be responsible for the acquisition and appropriation of space, equipment, and supplies;

e.   to prepare and manage, in consultation with the faculty, the departmental budget and annual report;

f.    to maintain personnel files;

g.   to inform the faculty in a timely manner of administrative decisions or actions affecting the faculty;

h.      to chair Department of Geography meetings and supervise the composition and distribution of departmental minutes;

i.        to evaluate annually, in consultation with the elected Advisory Committee, each faculty member’s performance in teaching, research, and service in accordance with the guidelines established in Section IV.C and D of this document;

j.       to conduct annually a review of the performance of the administrative coordinators within the Department;

k.     to consult with the Advisory Committee before submitting salary decisions;

l.        to recommend faculty salary increments to the Dean of the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, giving consideration to the principles and criteria established by the Department of Geography;

m.    to facilitate the hiring of all new faculty members in consultation with the Personnel Committee and in accordance with Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual;

n.      to communicate with the Personnel Committee chair concerning the processes of reappointment, promotion and conferring of permanent tenure;

o.     to consult with the Planning Program Director about the personnel matters pertaining to the Planning Program faculty (hiring, reappointment, conferring permanent tenure, and promotion);

p.     to provide a means for the faculty of the Department of Geography to vote on the major planning documents and other assessments of the Department prior to submission to person(s) outside the Department;

q.     to forward recommendations concerning the faculty of the Department of Geography to the Dean of the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences.


            2.   Planning Program Director

      The Planning Program Director will be selected using the procedures outlined in the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix L for administrators. The Planning Program Director reports to the Department Chair.  As required by the Planning Accreditation Board (PAB), the Planning Program Director “shall be capable and effective in assisting the program to achieve its goals and objectives.”   Current Planning Accreditation Board guidelines (PAB’s “The Accreditation Document”) will be followed in qualifying the Planning Program Director.  In situations where the Planning Program Director and the Department Chair hold differing opinions regarding substantive areas, the Department Chair and the Planning Program Director will meet jointly with the Dean of the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences to resolve the differing opinions.  Like the Department Chair, the Planning Program Director is a nonvoting faculty member who has an administrative position within the unit.  The Planning Program Director is subject to periodic evaluation that shall conform to established university policy.


The duties of the Planning Program Director include:

a.       to lead the Planning Program faculty in the necessary areas of program development and governance, curriculum, budget, and course scheduling;

b.      to consult regularly with the Chair of the Department of Geography about the needs of the Planning Program;

c.       to participate in annual evaluations of Planning Program faculty, including providing a written evaluation of the faculty and attending evaluation meetings;

d.      to receive file copies of all assessments and personnel actions on Planning Program faculty;

e.       to consult with the Department Chair about Personnel Committee recommendations pertaining to hiring, reappointment, promotion, and permanent tenure of Planning Program faculty;

f.        to provide an annual assessment of the Planning Program to the Department Chair for inclusion in the Department of Geography’s annual unit report;

g.       to lead the Planning Program faculty in its work as a committee-of-the-whole for the Planning Program;

h.       to prepare and manage, in consultation with the Planning Program faculty, the Planning Program budget and annual report;

i.         to inform the Planning Program faculty in a timely manner of administrative decisions or actions affecting the faculty;

j.        to appoint coordinators, as needed, for specialized areas within the Planning Program curriculum at undergraduate and graduate levels.


            3.  Graduate Coordinator

                        The Department of Geography’s Graduate Coordinator is appointed annually by the Department Chair.  The Department’s Graduate Coordinator must be a full-time member of the Graduate Faculty.


The duties of the Department’s Graduate Coordinator include:

a.      to consult with and advise prospective graduate students in the Department of Geography, and to prepare and distribute information describing the requirements for entrance into and completion of the program, graduate assistantships, fellowship grants, and other awards available to graduate students in the Department of Geography.  They will coordinate a program of recruitment to enroll qualified students in the graduate program of the Department of Geography;

b.     to coordinate, in cooperation with the Department Chair and the Dean of the Graduate School, procedures relating to the admission of prospective students into graduate instruction within the Department of Geography;

c.      to be responsible for maintaining the academic records of graduate

students enrolled in the Department of Geography, handling inquiries and requests for assistance that pertain to graduate work in the Department of Geography, and collecting and recording information pertaining to professional activities of graduate alumni;

d.     to coordinate annual assessment of the Department’s graduate program;

e.      to coordinate annual assessment of the performance of graduate students;

f.       to represent the Department of Geography to the Graduate School; coordinate with the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences in matters pertaining to the allocation of graduate stipends and out-of-state tuition remissions;

g.      to serve on the Department of Geography Graduate Committee and to cooperate with this committee in the selection of graduate assistants, fellows, and the recipients of other awards;

h.      to approve the membership of each thesis and internship committee after consultation with the student and adviser;

i.        to serve as interim adviser to graduate students and to assist thesis advisers in the timely completion of degree requirements by their respective graduate students;

j.       to report annually to the Department of Geography regarding the status of the graduate program;

k.     to act for the Department Chair in their absence on graduate matters.


            4.   The Geography Core Undergraduate Coordinator

      The Geography Core Undergraduate Coordinator is appointed annually by the Department Chair.  The Geography Core Undergraduate Coordinator must be a probationary-term or permanently tenured faculty member.  The duties of the Geography Core Undergraduate Coordinator apply to Geography Core students and include:

a.      to receive students into the Geography Core, review academic records, assign students to appropriate faculty advisers, maintain a database of undergraduate Geography Core majors, counsel potential Geography Core students who are interested in the Department of Geography programs, and advise interested Geography Core undergraduates concerning admission to graduate programs in the Department of Geography or elsewhere;

b.     to serve as an initial adviser to undergraduate students majoring in a Geography Core area and to assist all majors in the timely completion of degree requirements;

c.      to coordinate annual assessment of the undergraduate Geography Core programs;

d.     to process such forms as are designated by the Department Chair;

e.      to keep abreast of regulations regarding major, minor, and Foundations Curriculum requirements and to inform Geography Core academic advisers and students accordingly;

f.       to serve on the Geography Core Undergraduate Committee;

g.      to report annually to the Department of Geography regarding the status of the undergraduate Core programs and to lead the departmental effort to market opportunities and recruit majors;

h.      to act for the Department Chair in their absence on undergraduate Geography Core matters.


            5.   The Planning Program Undergraduate Coordinator

      The Planning Program Undergraduate Coordinator is appointed annually by the Planning Program Director.  The Planning Program Undergraduate Coordinator must be a full-time member of the Planning Program faculty.  The duties of the Planning Program Undergraduate Coordinator apply to Planning Program students and include:

a.       to receive students into the Planning Program, review academic records, assign students to appropriate faculty advisers, maintain a database of undergraduate Planning Program majors, counsel potential Planning Program students who are interested in the Department of Geography programs, and advise interested Planning Program undergraduates concerning admission to graduate programs in the Department of Geography or elsewhere;

b.      to serve as an initial adviser to undergraduate students majoring in the Planning Program and to assist all majors in the timely completion of degree requirements;

c.       to process such forms as are designated by the Department Chair or the Planning Program Director;

d.      to coordinate annual assessment of the undergraduate Planning Program;

e.       to keep abreast of regulations regarding major, minor, and Foundations Curriculum requirements and to inform Planning Program academic advisers and students accordingly;

f.        to report annually to the Department of Geography regarding the status of the undergraduate program and to lead the departmental efforts to market opportunities and recruit majors;

g.       to act for the Planning Program Director in their absence on Planning Program undergraduate matters.


Section III. Committees

A.    Standing Committees

Members of standing committees shall be elected by a majority of the faculty of the Department of Geography present and voting.  Fixed-term and probationary faculty shall be eligible to election on standing committees, except as noted below.  The Graduate Committee shall be elected by and from the Graduate Faculty, to whom it shall report.  Unless otherwise noted, standing committee membership will be as follows:

·        A faculty member shall be eligible for no more than two consecutive full terms on a particular standing committee but shall be eligible for re-election to the committee after a lapse of one year.

·        Members shall be elected for three-year consecutive and overlapping terms, which shall commence at the beginning of the academic year or until their successors have been elected.

·        Committee chairs shall be elected by respective committees annually and limited to no more than three consecutive annual terms.  Following a one-year lapse, the individual shall again be eligible for office.


Standing committee meetings shall be open to all members of the faculty of the Department of Geography and invited guests except in those cases that deal with personnel actions.


The standing committees of the Department of Geography are: Personnel Committee; Permanent Tenure Committee; Promotion Committee; Advisory Committee; Curriculum Committee; Graduate Committee; Geography Core Undergraduate Committee; and Planning Program Committee.  The first four are Personnel Action Committees while the others are Program and Administrative Committees.


         Personnel Action Committees

1. The Personnel Committee


The Personnel Committee shall be responsible for making recommendations regarding initial probationary appointments and initial and additional special fixed-term appointments. The Personnel Committee shall perform additional functions as listed in the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D. 


The composition of the Personnel Committee shall be determined by the faculty but shall consist of at least four members. The membership of the committee shall be composed of some or all of the permanently tenured or probationary-term voting faculty members of the unit, including those who are on leave but in attendance at the meeting at the time of the Committee’s vote, but excluding the Department Chair and the Planning Program Director.  Membership must include at least one representative each of the Geography Core and the Planning Program.   At least two thirds of the Personnel Committee membership shall be permanently tenured voting faculty. When there are not enough permanently tenured voting faculty members in the unit to satisfy this requirement, additional permanently tenured faculty shall be appointed according to the procedures of the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D. All other members of the Personnel Committee shall be elected by the permanently tenured and probationary-term voting faculty of the Department of Geography.


The chair of the Department of Geography’s Personnel Committee shall be permanently tenured and shall be elected annually by and from the Committee's membership.  The chair shall preside over all committees making personnel recommendations to the faculty and may participate in the decisions of any committee of which the chair is a member, except as noted below.  If the chair of the Department of Geography’s Personnel Committee holds a professional rank lower than that to which a faculty member requests promotion, the Personnel Committee chair shall not be eligible to participate and shall only be responsible for calling the meetings of such committees and facilitating the election of a chair of the committee from among its membership. In such cases where the Chair of the Personnel Committee is ineligible to participate, they shall not attend any meetings of the committee except to facilitate the election of the chair as noted above.  The elected chair of the committee shall obtain and distribute materials to be used during the deliberation of such bodies, ensure that a valid vote has been taken, communicate the results of such votes to the appropriate faculty and to the Department, and perform other duties as designated by the faculty of the unit.


In addition to duties explicitly assigned in the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D, the duties of the chair of the Department of Geography Personnel Committee shall include:

a.       to supervise the administration of peer teaching evaluations for the Department of Geography faculty; 

b.      to participate with the Department Chair in establishing expectations for newly appointed faculty;

c.       to consult with the Department Chair on the content of progress-toward-permanent-tenure letters.


2.  The Permanent Tenure Committee


The Permanent Tenure Committee of the Department of Geography shall be responsible for making recommendations for reappointments of probationary-term faculty members, the granting of permanent tenure, and conferral of permanent tenure for initial appointments with permanent tenure.


The membership of the Permanent Tenure Committee shall be composed of the permanently tenured voting faculty of the Department of Geography, including those who are on leave but in attendance at the meeting at the time of the Committee's vote, but excluding the Department Chair and the Planning Program Director. When the Department of Geography has fewer than three permanently tenured voting faculty members not holding administrative status, the Dean of the College shall appoint permanently tenured faculty from other units to increase the Committee's membership to three. These appointments to the Committee must be from one list of candidates selected by a vote of the permanently tenured and probationary-term faculty of the Department of Geography.  The list forwarded to the Dean will contain at least twice the number of faculty members required to complete the membership of the committee.  Before voting on the list to be forwarded to the Dean of the Harriot College, the voting faculty will ascertain that faculty members nominated to have their names placed on the list are willing and able to serve in this capacity.  The list of faculty names recommended to the Dean may not be returned to the Department for revision.


In accordance with duties assigned in the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D the entire membership of the Department of Geography Permanent Tenure Committee will participate in specified roles.  The Department of Geography Permanent Tenure Committee:


a)         Consults with the Department Chair who writes a progress-toward-permanent-tenure letter to each probationary-term faculty member as described in ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D.  

b)         Produces a list of possible external reviewers and selects external peer reviewers from lists produced by the Committee and by the candidate as described in ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D.

c)         Selects, with the Department Chair, the research and creative activity materials to be sent to external peer reviewers as described in ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D.

d)         Prepares a cumulative evaluation in narrative form of the candidate’s teaching, research, service, and any other relevant duties as described in the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D.

3.      The Promotion Committee


The Department of Geography Promotion Committee shall be responsible for making recommendations for promotions in rank and for recommending the ranks of initial appointments at the associate professor or professor level.


The membership of the Department of Geography Promotion Committee shall be composed of those permanently tenured and probationary-term voting faculty members who hold rank at least equal to the rank for which the candidate is being considered, including those on leave but in attendance at the time of the Committee's vote, but excluding the Department Chair and Planning Program Director. The composition of the Committee shall thus vary with the rank to which a faculty member is being considered for promotion. When the Department of Geography has fewer than three permanently tenured voting faculty members of sufficient rank and not holding administrative status, the Dean of the College shall appoint permanently tenured faculty at the required rank from other units across the university to increase the Committee's membership to three, with at least two-thirds of the members being permanently tenured faculty.  These appointments to the Committee must be from one list of candidates selected by a vote of the permanently tenured and probationary-term faculty having rank at least equal to the candidate(s) being considered for promotion. The list forwarded to the Dean by the faculty will contain at least twice the number of faculty members required to complete the membership of the committee. Before voting on the list to be forwarded to the Dean, voting faculty will ascertain that faculty members nominated to have their names placed on the list are willing and able to serve in this capacity. The list of faculty names recommended to the Dean may not be returned for revision.


Meetings of the Promotion Committee shall be convened by the chair of the Department’s Personnel Committee.  The first order of business for a newly convened Promotion Committee shall be to elect a Chair from among its membership.



4.      Advisory Committee


The Advisory Committee has two purposes.


The first is to assist the Department Chair in assigning evaluation scores for merit raises and in allocating annual salary raises.  The Advisory Committee’s goal is to offer complementary interpretations of faculty accomplishments, in order to provide a broad range of views during the evaluation process. The principle that a diversity of opinions in the evaluation process will lead to more effective valuation is implicit in this goal.  This Committee is only advisory to the Chair of the Department of Geography on merit evaluation and raises.


The second purpose of the Advisory committee is to evaluate proposed changes to the Department of Geography’s Procedures and Policies Manual and forward proposed changes and recommendations to the departmental faculty for a vote. 


Composition of the Committee:

The Advisory Committee shall be constituted as follows:

a.       Four full-time Department of Geography faculty members of any rank or standing;

b.      At least one representative each from the Geography Core and the Planning Program;

c.       Members are elected annually by a vote of the faculty;

d.      The term of membership shall be one year;

e.       Because the work of the Committee is cyclic and that the cycle frequently continues into the subsequent fall semester, each Committee will be empanelled to complete a full cycle, independent of the academic year;

f.        Faculty members are eligible for committee membership for up to three consecutive years.  Following a three-year term, a faculty member is ineligible for committee membership for a full academic year.


Membership of the Advisory Committee is determined by the following election procedure:  faculty are asked to inform the Personnel Committee Chair if they are unable to serve on the Advisory Committee; each full-time departmental faculty member votes for four individuals eligible for Advisory Committee membership; the Personnel Committee chair tallies the vote.  The top individuals from the Geography Core and the Planning Program along with the next two top vote getters constitute the Advisory Committee.


Procedures of the Advisory Committee are located in the Department of Geography’s Procedures and Policies Manual.


         Other Standing Committees and Functions


5. Curriculum Committee


The membership of the Department of Geography Curriculum Committee shall consist of a minimum of four full-time faculty members elected for a period of three years.  The Committee will consist of at least one representative each from the Geography Core and the Planning Program.  The responsibilities of the Curriculum Committee are both managerial and developmental.  The departmental Graduate Coordinator and the Undergraduate Coordinators from the Geography Core and the Planning Program will serve as ex officio members of the Curriculum Committee.  This Committee deals with all undergraduate and graduate programs housed within the Department of Geography.  Responsibilities of the Curriculum Committee include:

a.   to monitor results of program assessment activities undertaken and reported by the Geography Core Undergraduate Committee, the Geography Graduate Committee, and the Planning Program Committee;

b.   to provide leadership and to facilitate graduate and undergraduate curriculum changes for all degrees in the Department of Geography that must navigate the university hierarchy;

c.   to review new course or program proposals and to seek departmental faculty approval of curriculum changes;

d.   to anticipate disciplinary evolution and suggest need for curriculum development to maintain contemporary features at undergraduate and graduate levels;

e.   to report to the Department of Geography on all Curriculum Committee activities.


6.   Graduate Committee


The membership of the Department of Geography Graduate Committee shall consist of at least four Graduate Faculty members elected by the Department’s Graduate Faculty for a period of three years. The Committee will consist of at least one representative each from the Geography Core and the Planning Program. The Graduate Faculty can determine the number of committee members.  The responsibilities of the Graduate Committee include:

a.       to manage the recruitment and admission of graduate students;

b.      to oversee the granting of teaching and research assistantships;

c.       to coordinate the assignments of graduate assistants each semester;

d.      to oversee procedural and curriculum changes in the graduate program as proposed by the Graduate Faculty;

e.       to advise the Department Chair regarding graduate class scheduling for each semester; 

f.        to monitor the completion of MA degree requirements as specified in the Departmental Graduate Student Handbook, including administration and grading of comprehensive examinations, student’s continuation in the program after a thesis proposal defense, and scheduling and reporting results of the thesis defense;

g.       to promote better understanding of policy, procedure, and guidelines among graduate students and faculty;

h.       to execute the Department of Geography’s graduate program assessment strategy.


7.   Geography Core Undergraduate Committee


The membership of the Geography Core Undergraduate Committee shall consist of a minimum of three full-time faculty members elected for a period of three years selected by a vote of faculty members primarily in the Geography Core.  The responsibilities of the committee include:

a.       to promote fields within the Geography Core as a major;

b.      to advise Geography Core majors and review senior summaries;

c.       to procure internships and supervise co-op programs for Geography Core majors;

d.      to nominate outstanding student(s) for awards, honors and scholarships;

e.       to advise the Department Chair regarding undergraduate Geography Core class scheduling for each semester; 

f.        to promote better understanding of policies and procedures among undergraduate Geography Core majors and faculty;

g.       to conduct an annual review of Geography Core undergraduate programs with possible recommendations to the Curriculum Committee;

h.       to select one or more faculty members to serve as advisor to Gamma Theta Upsilon, the student honor society for Geography;

i.         to execute the Geography Core’s undergraduate program assessment strategy.


8.  Planning Program Committee.


The Planning Program Committee is a composed of all full-time faculty members with greater than half time appointments in the Planning Program, including the Planning Program Director.  The Planning Program Director will serve as the chair of the Planning Program Committee.  The purpose of this committee is to give the Planning Program a significant degree of autonomy in issues related to undergraduate education as well as program development and administration.  There are no term limits on the Planning Program Committee.


Major duties of the Planning Program Committee will be:

a.        to maintain and promote a nationally recognized Planning Program;

b.      to maintain current Planning Program Policy Document;

c.       to develop and propose changes to the Planning Program curriculum;

d.      to prepare a Planning Program dossier and satisfy the requirements for degree accreditation through the Planning Accreditation Board;

e.       to execute the Planning Program’s undergraduate assessment strategy;

f.        to provide the necessary academic services to Planning Program majors and minors;

g.       to advise the Department Chair regarding Planning Program class scheduling for each semester; 

h.       to maintain a visible presence in the University and in eastern North Carolina;

i.         to maintain a strategic plan for the Planning Program;

j.        to establish subcommittees as necessary.




B.    Task-Related (Ad Hoc) Committees


In addition to the eight standing committees, there are task-related (ad hoc) committees and functions.  Task-related committees can be created or eliminated by a simple majority vote at any full faculty meeting of the Department of Geography.  Specific task-related committees, their composition, purpose, and policies are part of the Department’s Procedures and Policies Manual. 


Section IV. Faculty Personnel Actions


All decisions involving personnel must be by secret ballot and all decisions concerning that vote must be stated immediately thereafter to attendees of the meeting in which the vote took place.  Additionally, all decisions involving personnel must be communicated formally in the manner prescribed by Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.  On all personnel matters, changes to the ECU Faculty Manual automatically result in changes to this Code without the need for further amendment.


A.     Appointments


The selection and appointment of new faculty will be in accord with University procedures and criteria established in the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendices C and D.


The Personnel Committee, in consultation with the Department Chair, shall designate an ad hoc recruiting committee of permanently tenured, probationary-term, or fixed-term faculty for each open position.  The recruiting committee shall solicit and receive applications, examine application materials, and conduct candidate interviews.  Each member of the Personnel Committee should examine the dossier of each applicant interviewed and must hear (in formal meeting) the evaluation of each candidate by the recruiting committee.  At a duly called special meeting of the voting faculty of the Department of Geography, the Personnel Committee shall present its recommendation with respect to the acceptability of each interviewed candidate, a rank order of preference, and any binding conditionality in the event that the first and/or second candidate were to decline the Department’s offer for the open position.  First, the voting faculty of the department shall vote by secret ballot upon the acceptability of each nominated candidate.  Second, the voting faculty shall indicate by secret ballot the ranking of the acceptable candidates.  Third, the voting faculty shall vote by secret ballot upon any conditionality recommended by the recruiting committee.  The results of this faculty vote are advisory to the Personnel Committee.  Finally, the Personnel Committee will consider the previously mentioned information sources (application materials, recruiting committee evaluations, and faculty vote/discussion) in making its recommendation to the East Carolina University administration (via the Chair, the Dean, and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs).  Each member of the Personnel Committee will indicate by secret ballot his or her choice for the appointment. Any candidate who receives a majority vote of the membership of the Personnel Committee shall be recommended for appointment. The Harriot College of Arts and Sciences’ policy entitled “Guidelines for Faculty Recruiting” provides useful information for effective recruitment and is located in the Department of Geography Procedures and Policies Manual.


B.      Teaching Assignments and Reassigned Time


Faculty shall be notified of their teaching assignments for each semester in accord with university procedures established in the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix C.


The Department’s “Work Load Policy” provides additional guidance and is located in the Department of Geography’s Procedures and Policies Manual. 


C.     Faculty Evaluation


Each faculty member will receive an annual evaluation from the Department Chair in accordance with University guidelines established in the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix C. 


All full-time continuing faculty members shall annually document their accomplishments in teaching effectiveness, research, and service for the academic year.  Because spring semester student opinion survey results are not known when the annual evaluation is conducted, the previous year’s spring semester results will be used (as provided by Appendix C of the ECU Faculty Manual).


These documents will be considered by the Department Chair using the University’s qualitative descriptions and 0.5 increments on a 0.0 to 5.0 point scale.  The Department Chair is assisted in this process by the elected Advisory Committee (see Section III, A of this Unit Code).  In addition, the Planning Program Director will provide assistance in evaluation of the Planning Program’s faculty.


The Department Chair will negotiate the specific weights given to teaching effectiveness, research, and service with individual faculty members. These weights should reflect departmental need balanced with individual faculty member preference.  In general, the weights shall range between 25-50 percent for teaching effectiveness, 25-50 percent for research productivity, 20-25 percent for service.  The general norm within the Department is a weighting of 40/40/20.  However, the weighting factors may be adjusted to accommodate special circumstances such as research leave, institutional related work/teaching-leave, College Research Award, instructional fixed term positions, or buyout of a course or courses.


The annual evaluation must be: 1. in writing; 2. discussed with the faculty member prior to forwarding to the Dean of the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences; 3. signed and dated.


D.     Merit Salary Allocation


The annual salary increments shall be reported to faculty in accord with the prescription established in the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix C.


The responsibility for assigning evaluation scores and recommending (to the administration) what portion of the departmental merit pool to award faculty members, including awards to newly promoted faculty members, belongs to the Department Chair with the advice of the elected Advisory Committee.  Additionally, the basis for allocating the merit pool will be defined in terms of absolute dollars and not percentage raises.  Finally, the faculty evaluations (and their respective quantitative scores) will be used to construct an ordinal scale of reward (merit salary increase) to be drawn from a single Department of Geography raise pool.  The elected Advisory Committee will meet with the Chair to review the allocation prior to forwarding the recommendation to the Dean of the Harriot College.


E.      Evaluation of Faculty Eligible for Reappointment, Permanent Tenure and Promotion


The procedures for reappointment of probationary-term faculty, granting of permanent tenure and promotion are as follows, which are in addition to those prescribed in the ECU Faculty Manual Parts XII, XIII and Appendix D.


The evaluation process for reappointment, permanent tenure and promotion is subject to the schedule established in the ECU Faculty Manual, Part XIII.  In the case of reappointment, the initiation of the process is automatic.  In the case of candidates for permanent tenure and/or promotion, the candidate is responsible for initiating the process through a letter addressed to the Chair of the Personnel Committee.  If the Chair of the Personnel Committee wishes to initiate their own promotion, then the letter should go to a higher ranking member of the Personnel Committee and copied to the Department Chair.


Faculty who are being considered for reappointment, permanent tenure and promotion are responsible for preparing their Personnel Action Dossier (PAD), following the prescriptions of the ECU Faculty Manual, Part XII.


The PAD is to be submitted to the Chair of the Personnel Committee by the deadlines established in Part XIII of the ECU Faculty Manual.   The Chair of the Personnel Committee, with the agreement of the candidate, may modify those deadlines to the benefit of the candidate.  In no circumstances may the PAD be submitted less than a week prior to the scheduled meeting of the appropriate evaluating committee. 


Candidates for promotion and/or permanent tenure must be reviewed externally. External peer review means a review of a candidate’s research and creative activity by persons who are not faculty or employees of East Carolina University.  External peer review of the quality of the research and creative activity material submitted by the candidate for promotion and/or conferral of permanent tenure will be used by the appropriate committee in conjunction with its own evaluation of the material.  The Department of Geography employs the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences’ guidelines for reviewer selection, i.e., tenured, nationally prominent scholars in the candidate’s research area, preferably full professors at major research institutions.  To initiate the process of external peer review of research and scholarly activity, the Personnel Committee will utilize those procedures for external peer review for promotion and/or permanent tenure as specified in Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.


F.  Progress toward Permanent Tenure


Each spring semester, the Department Chair, in consultation with the Permanent Tenure Committee, will write a progress-toward-permanent-tenure letter to each probationary-term faculty member as prescribed in Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.  For Planning Program Faculty, the Chair will also consult with the Planning Program Director prior to signing the progress-toward-permanent-tenure letter.  This letter will review the activities of the candidate during the academic year in the areas of teaching, research and service, and will provide the candidate with a qualitative assessment of his/her progress toward permanent tenure.   


In accordance with the procedures specified in Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual, this letter will be placed in the Personnel Action Dossier of each probationary-term faculty member.


G.  Reappointment of Probationary-Term Faculty


The Permanent Tenure Committee conducts the evaluation of candidates eligible for reappointment as prescribed by the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D.  The Permanent Tenure Committee shall review the Personnel Action Dossier (PAD) of each probationary-term faculty member.  During the second year of continuous service at East Carolina University, notice of reappointment or non-reappointment shall be given no fewer than 180 calendar days before the employment contract expires.  During the third and all succeeding years of continuous service, the faculty member shall be given notice of reappointment or non-reappointment not fewer than twelve months before the employment contract expires as prescribed by the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D.


The Department Chair and/or the Planning Program Director, upon invitation from the Permanent Tenure Committee, may be present at the Committee deliberations to serve as a resource person. When there are no further questions, the administrator is excused and the Committee deliberates further and then votes.  The Committee shall recommend reappointment only if the dossier demonstrates a reasonable probability that the record will eventually sustain a recommendation for permanent tenure and promotion using the criteria of the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences in the policy entitled, “Criteria for Permanent Tenure and Promotion” (Appendix A of this Code) and the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendices C and Appendix D.


H.  Granting of Permanent Tenure to Faculty


Recommendations to the administration regarding permanent tenure originate with the Permanent Tenure Committee of the Department of Geography as prescribed by Appendix D and the timeline specified in Part XIII of the ECU Faculty Manual.  A positive recommendation is issued when a majority of the members of the Permanent Tenure Committee vote in the affirmative.


The Permanent Tenure Committee, in preparing a recommendation for or against conferral of permanent tenure, shall apply criteria outlined in the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D.  In addition to these, candidates for permanent tenure and promotion shall be evaluated by criteria contained in the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences’ policy entitled, “Criteria for Permanent Tenure and Promotion” (Appendix A of this Code).


The Chair of the Personnel Committee shall convey by letter to the Department Chair: 1) a cumulative evaluation in narrative form of the candidate’s teaching, research, service, and any other relevant duties, and 2) the recommendation of the Permanent Tenure Committee concerning conferral of permanent tenure.  The Department Chair provides their own cumulative evaluation and recommendation of the candidate.  The cumulative evaluations and recommendations of both the Permanent Tenure Committee and Department Chair are forwarded by the Department Chair to the Dean of the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences.


Other procedures governing the disposition of departmental recommendations of permanent tenure are provided in Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.



I.  Recommendations for Promotion


It is the responsibility of the faculty member to inform the Chair of the Personnel Committee that they would like to be considered for promotion.  Candidates for promotion to associate professor would normally submit this request to the Personnel Committee Chair at the same time as the request to be considered for permanent tenure as prescribed in Appendix D and Part XIII of the ECU Faculty Manual. 


After receipt of the Personnel Action Dossier, the Promotion Committee will review the candidate’s qualifications for promotion.  Each candidate will be evaluated based on criteria outlined in the ECU Faculty Manual Appendices C and D.  In addition to these, candidates for promotion shall be evaluated by criteria contained in the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences’ policy entitled, “Criteria for Permanent Tenure and Promotion” (Appendix A of this Code).  In the case of promotion to professor, the Committee also shall be guided by criteria elaborated in “Criteria For Promotion To Professor” (Appendix B of this Code).


The Chair of the Personnel Committee shall convey by letter to the Department Chair the recommendation of the Promotion Committee.  The Department Chair provides their own evaluation and recommendation of the candidate.  The recommendations of both the Promotion Committee and the Department Chair concerning a promotion request shall be forwarded by the Chair to the Dean of the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences.


Other procedures governing the disposition of departmental recommendations of promotion are provided in Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.


J.  Reappointment of Fixed-term Faculty


In accord with Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual, no obligation exists on the part of East Carolina University to give any notice before a current fixed-term appointment expires as to whether reemployment will be offered for a succeeding term.  However, fixed-term faculty may request (not earlier than 180 calendar days nor later than 90 calendar days before the current term expires) to be notified of the Department of Geography’s intent to recommend (or not) subsequent appointment.  The Personnel Committee and the Department Chair will respond within 30 calendar days of receipt of such a request.  The Department Chair and the Personnel Committee meet to discuss the merits and contributions of the individual within the framework of their contractual obligations to the Department of Geography, whereupon the Personnel Committee makes a recommendation to the administration via the Chair regarding subsequent appointment.  The meeting will normally take place early in the spring semester, whereupon the Department Chair would immediately notify the individual of the Department’s intent.  In the case of disagreement between the Department Chair and the Personnel Committee regarding the employability of a fixed-term faculty member, it will be resolved through arbitration with the Dean of the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences.



Section V.  Meetings

Department of Geography meetings shall be held not fewer than three times per semester on different days.  Additional general meetings may be called by the Department Chair or by petition of one third of the faculty.  A quorum for general meetings is a majority of the voting faculty. 


In the case of any Personnel, Permanent Tenure, Promotion or Advisory Committee meeting, a quorum is defined as three quarters of the membership for the committee that has twenty or fewer members; and a quorum is defined as a majority, defined as 50% plus one, of the membership for a committee that has more than twenty members.   For all other standing committees, a quorum is 50% plus one of the membership.


All standing committees of the Department will meet at least once each semester.  All Department of Geography meetings are governed by Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised unless otherwise specified.  In all cases, the Department of Geography expects an environment of trust and respect within which to conduct its official business.


Section VI.  Evaluation of Unit, Unit Administrator, and University Administrators

A.     Faculty shall be given a minimum of five working days to evaluate those externally mandated documents which require a vote, such as major planning documents and assessments of unit operations.  Additionally, faculty will be given opportunity to discuss the Department’s annual budget(s) and the effectiveness of departmental expenditures.


B.      Program and Code Evaluation


These procedures shall conform to the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix L.


C.     Unit Administrator Evaluation


The appointment of the Chair of the Department of Geography shall conform to the Board of Trustees policy for appointment and review of administrators. 


The Department Chair shall be evaluated in accordance with established University policies.


         D.     University Administrator Evaluation

University administrators shall be evaluated in accordance with established University policies.

Section VII. Other Policies and Documents

Policies and Procedures not explicitly covered within this Department of Geography Code of Operations are located in the Department of Geography’s Procedures and Policies Manual, or in the Planning Program’s Policy Document. These include but are not limited to: the Department’s Summer Teaching Policy, Travel Allocation Policy, Work Load Policy, Advisory Committee Policy, and task-related (Ad Hoc) Committees.  In the event of a material discrepancy between the two policy documents, the departmental document takes precedence.


Policy changes to the Department’s Procedures and Policies Manual are recommended by the Advisory Committee and must be approved by a simple majority of the Department of Geography’s voting faculty at a general faculty meeting.  Any member of the faculty may submit to the Advisory Committee a proposed change to the Department’s Procedures and Policies Manual.  Such proposals must be in writing.  Proposals for an ad hoc committee that does not influence policy may be made directly by any faculty member present at a general faculty meeting.  Reasonable prior notice of the proposal must be given.


Key personnel documents are appended to this Code of Operations.  They are: Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Criteria for Promotion and Tenure (Appendix A) and the Department of Geography Criteria for Promotion to Professor (Appendix B).  These Appendices are parts of the Department’s Code.   Changes to the College policy on promotion and tenure automatically result in changes to this Code without the need for further amendment.


Section VIII. Enabling

This Code of Operations shall go into effect upon the approval by a two-thirds majority of the permanently tenured faculty members of the Department of Geography by secret ballot, with subsequent review by the Dean of the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, and approvals by the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor of East Carolina University.


Section IX. Procedures for Salary Increases

            The elected Advisory Committee (see Section III.A.4 of this Code of Operations) is charged with recommending faculty evaluations and salary allocations, including merit and equity adjustments.  At least two annual meetings of this Committee take place with the Department Chair.  One meeting arrives at consensus evaluation of individual faculty performance.  Another meeting occurs after salary pool information has been distributed.  After consultation with the elected Advisory Committee, recommendations for merit and equity salary adjustments are forwarded from the Department Chair to the Dean of the Harriot College.


Section X. Amendment of Unit Code of Operations

Any faculty member may initiate a proposed amendment to the Code.  Proposed amendments must be presented, in writing, to the department faculty at least seven days prior to a regularly scheduled meeting for inclusion as an agenda item.  Amendments to the Code must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the permanently tenured faculty of the department.  Amendments to the Code also require the approval of the Unit Code Screening Committee of the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor of East Carolina University.


On all personnel matters, changes to the ECU Faculty Manual automatically result in changes to this Code without the need for further amendment.






(adopted by the College of Arts and Sciences at ECU, 1989; revised 1993)




Teaching/Advising—(1) the articulation of the salient aspects of a discipline in a rigorous but accessible manner, whether in or out of the traditional classroom setting; (2) academic advising within the discipline and General College, where unit operating procedures provide such opportunity; and (3) other contributions towards the University’s fundamental mission of transmitting knowledge, including participation in curriculum development


Documentation of teaching and advising contributions requires the faculty member’s willingness to participate in unit-approved means of assessment. Expectations regarding these contributions increase as the faculty member’s career progresses.


             A.        Criteria for Permanent Tenure:


1.         Satisfactory overall results from student and peer evaluations.

2.         Other documentation of teaching effectiveness using instruments and procedures approved by the unit.

3.         Lucid, carefully written course objectives, requirements, formats, procedures, instructional materials, grading policies, and evaluation materials for students.

4.         Active role in unit discussions regarding curriculum and program development.

5.         Active role in the achievement of overall program goals of the unit.

6.         Maintenance of a level of student performance consistent with unit standards.

7.         Active role in advising students regarding course and laboratory work, independent research, program choices, and career planning.

8.         Achievement and maintenance of the level of teaching and advising effectiveness specified by the unit.


             B.        Criteria for promotion to Associate Professor:


The teaching and advising criteria for promotion to Associate Professor are the same as those for permanent tenure: See I. A., above.


C. Criteria for promotion to Professor:


The teaching criteria for promotion to Professor include those for promotion to Associate Professor See I. A., above. Additional criteria include, but are not limited to, the



             1.         Leadership achievements in curriculum and program development.

             2.         Leadership achievements in the enhancement of teaching effectiveness.

             3.         Leadership achievements in the enhancement of advising effectiveness.

             4.         Advisory role with probationary-term faculty regarding teaching and advising effectiveness.




Research— (1) serious inquiry, examination, or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of knowledge, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new knowledge, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws; and (2) the dissemination of such discovery, interpretation, or revision through refereed scholarly publications; or the combination of refereed scholarly publications and publication of monographs by reputable scholarly presses. Applies to most academic disciplines, such as those with learned journals.


Creative Activity— the act of bringing into existence ex nihilo, as in composing a poem or play, scoring an opera, or sculpting a statue; or the act of giving a rendition of an art work, such as directing or acting in a play or performing a musical composition. Applies only to select inventive or performing disciplines.


The candidate must have consistent achievements of high quality in research/creative productivity before permanent tenure and promotions can be awarded.


                  A. Criteria for Permanent Tenure:


Research Faculty. The candidate’s publications must reveal a significant and

developing research agenda in the area of specialization. The publications must be of promise, high quality in content and style, and reveal consistent research efforts. They should take the form of articles published in the discipline’s refereed journals; or the combination of refereed scholarly publications and publication of monographs by reputable scholarly presses, university presses, scholarly societies, or other presses held in high regard by the scholarly community. Textbooks shall count as research only if they have a significant impact on one s peers within the discipline. In those disciplines where single-authored articles and books are the norm, whether a publication is single- or multiple-authored shall be an evaluative consideration. Evaluation of the quality and quantity of the candidate’s corpus by specialists at other institutions shall be used in the evaluation.


Secondary considerations shall include, where appropriate, such activities as securing grants from agencies in support of the candidate’s research program and publishing

papers in conference proceedings. Papers read at professional meetings, while often important, shall usually warrant less consideration.


Creative Activity Faculty. The candidate’s creative or performance record must reveal a significant and developing achievement in the area of specialization. The achievement must be of high quality and reveal consistent efforts. Only those achievements shall count that have gained widespread recognition among one’s professional peers. Evaluation of the quality and quantity of the candidate’s corpus by specialists at other institutions shall be used in the evaluation.


            B.        Criteria for promotion to Associate Professor


The research/creative activity criteria for promotion to Associate Professor are the same as those for permanent tenure: See II. A., above.


            C.        Criteria for promotion to Professor:


Research Faculty. The research/publications criteria for promotion to Professor include those for permanent tenure: See II. A., above. In addition:


The candidate must have earned national recognition in the discipline or specialization, principally through a number of articles published in the discipline’s refereed journals; or the combination of refereed scholarly publications and publication of monographs by reputable scholarly presses, university presses, scholarly societies, or other presses held in high regard by the scholarly community. In addition to the prima facie evidence of the publications themselves, evidence of such recognition may include references to the candidate’s work in the research publications of peers, favorable reviews published in learned periodicals, or creditable awards bestowed in honor of the candidate’s work. Evaluation of the quality and quantity of the candidate’s corpus by specialists at other institutions shall be used in the evaluation.


A candidate whose national recognition as an important scholar in the discipline or specialization is not clearly established through publications shall not be promoted to Professor.


Creative Activity Faculty. The creative activity criteria for promotion to Professor include those for permanent tenure: See II. A., above. In addition:


The candidate must have earned national recognition primarily through achievement in the discipline or the area of specialization. The candidate’s work must reveal high achievement in professional arenas external to East Carolina University. In addition to the prima facie evidence of the works themselves, evidence of recognition may include favorable reviews published in national media or creditable awards bestowed in honor of the candidate’s work. Evaluation of the quality and quantity of the candidate’s corpus by specialists at other institutions shall be used in the evaluation.


A candidate whose national recognition as an important artist or performer is not clearly established shall not be promoted to Professor.




Service—formal and informal assignments or activities on behalf of the department, College, University, the community at large, and the profession. The highest level of professional service is that which enhances the academic credibility of the University.


Expectations regarding service contributions increase as a faculty member’s career progresses. The minimum required for permanent tenure and promotion therefore depends upon rank.


A.        Criteria for Permanent Tenure:


             Although service is accorded the least weight in the tenure evaluation, it is nevertheless an essential component of the candidate’s professional commitment. An especially strong service record cannot compensate for a record of weak teaching or weak research/creative activity, but a reasonable record of departmental and university service is expected of any faculty member under consideration for tenure. The quality rather than the quantity of service is of primary importance.


             It is expected that most of the faculty member’s early service contributions will be internal. During subsequent years, the faculty member should strive to make service contributions to the college and University as a whole and eventually to the community at large and to the profession. Examples of such contributions may include, but would not be limited to, the following;


1.         Unit— Department committee participation as specified by unit codes, administrative duties, and special assignments from the Department Chair


            2.          College— Participation in college-level committees and assignments.


3.         University— Participation in University-level committees and assignments.


4.         Community— Participation in regional, national, or international community activities directly related to the faculty member’s profession, such as lectures and presentations, news media interviews, and professional advice to nonprofit agencies.


5.         Discipline— Participation in service functions of professional organizations, especially as an officer; writing or editing books or resource manuals that are essentially compilations of previously available materials (whereas books or resource manuals that advance or make a significant contribution to the discipline and that contain a significant amount of original research material shall count as research).


            B.         Criteria for promotion to Associate Professor


             The criteria for promotion to Associate Professor include those for permanent tenure:

             See Ill. A., above.


C.         Criteria for promotion to Professor:


The criteria for promotion to Professor are the same as those for permanent tenure: See III. A., above. In addition, the candidate must show evidence of leadership in the various service areas described in III.A., items 1. through 5., above.



Department of Geography


Full Professors play a critical role in determining the intellectual quality of the University. The rank is reserved for those who have exhibited continuous intellectual development and professional leadership in the areas of research, teaching, and service. Associate Professors seeking promotion to the rank of full professor should demonstrate outstanding scholarly productivity, highly effective teaching and advising, and a willingness and ability to contribute to the Department, University, and their discipline in significant ways.


Scholarly Activity:


A substantial record of high quality, nationally and/or internationally recognized scholarly activity in the candidate’s discipline or specialization is expected at the time of the promotion decision. High quality research is defined as major integrative work with far-reaching implications or broad impact on the literature in the candidate’s area of specialization.

A national and/or international scholarly reputation may be demonstrated in a number of ways, including number of refereed articles in leading journals, books and/or book chapters in titles published by highly regarded presses, contributions to edited volumes, publication of major review articles, and invited commentaries and/or scholarly presentations. Additional evidence of research quality may be derived from successful grantsmanship, frequent citation of research publications, favorable reviews published in respected periodicals, journal editorship, and special honors or awards. Recognition and/or use of research by government, non-government/non-profit organizations, the mass media, or popular press may constitute evidence of significant impact in applied research.


National/International recognition is further evidenced by external letters of support from leading scholars in the discipline or area of specialization (generally defined as full professors at research institutions).


Teaching and Advising Effectiveness and Leadership: 


Effective teaching and advising involves the articulation of the salient aspects of the discipline in a rigorous but accessible manner, either in or out of the traditional classroom setting; an ability to stimulate student interest in the discipline; and an ability to mentor the professional development of undergraduate majors and graduate students. In addition to demonstrating an ability to effectively teach and advise students, Full Professors are also expected to exhibit leadership in curriculum and program development; in the enhancement of teaching and advising effectiveness; and in mentoring probationary-term faculty in the area of teaching and advising effectiveness.


Evidence of effective teaching and advising may include student and peer evaluations; development of instructional materials such as textbooks, manuals, and lab exercises; sponsoring and/or collaborating on student research and creative activities; development of new courses and innovative teaching methods; success in chairing thesis, dissertation, and internship committees; publications related to teaching issues; and/or organizing professional development events such as workshops and panel discussions dedicated to issues in teaching and advising.


Professional Service and Community Outreach:


Associate Professors seeking promotion are expected to have contributed consistently and significantly to the operation of both the Department and the University in a leadership capacity. This includes chairing Department, College, and/or University committees; contributing in other significant ways to the administration of College/University programs and divisions; and mentoring the professional development of probationary faculty.


In addition, candidates for promotion are expected to show evidence of external service activities, such as: election as an officer of a professional organization; appointment to journal editorships; review of journal/book manuscripts and grant proposals; organization of professional development seminars, workshops, panel discussions at professional meetings; community outreach activities related to the profession or that further the objectives of the Department, College, University; news media interviews; and professional advice to nonprofit agencies.


Timing and Feedback:


Although there is no set schedule for initiating a request to be considered for promotion to Full Professor, Associate Professors seeking promotion should follow Part XIII of the ECU Faculty Manual.  Associate Professors seeking promotion to Full Professor should seek advice from the Department Chair and Full Professors in the Department of Geography as to their readiness to request promotion.  Furthermore, it shall be the responsibility and obligation of the Full Professors and Department Chair to provide regular feedback and information to Associate Professors about their progress toward promotion.