Faculty Senate Meeting

April 20, 2010







Budgetary Recommendations for the academic year 2009-2010


April 15, 2009


Steve Ballard, Ph.D.

Chancellor, East Carolina University


Dear Chancellor Ballard:


Enclosed are the University Budget Committee’s budgetary recommendations for the academic year 2009-2010.  In these difficult economic times, the Committee appreciates the open and candid manner with which you and your administration have embraced the work of the Committee.  The members recognize that the current budget environment precludes any of us from knowing the full extent of budgetary issues confronting East Carolina University until the close of each fiscal year.  The Committee also recognizes your efforts in minimizing the effects of budgetary cuts on the academic mission of ECU with particular emphasis on student, staff, and faculty employment.  Your administration’s interactions with the Committee have provided the transparency necessary for shared governance.  This environment has made it possible for the Committee to provide you with what we believe to be sound and timely advice. 


The charge of the University Budget Committee is to advise you and report to the Faculty Senate.  The enclosed recommendations are our means to provide you with the advice you require and will be reported to the Faculty Senate as per our charge. 




Timothy P. Gavin, Ph.D.

Chair, University Budget Committee





cc:       Marianna Walker, Ph.D., Chair of the Faculty Senate

University Budget Committee members





1.    Budget cuts and allocation of new funding should be made in line with the Value Statement of the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees policy framework for resource allocation that protect to the greatest extent possible the academic core and  our commitment to teaching, research, and service.


2.    Budgetary cuts should minimize any adverse effects on student learning or the safety of students and University personnel.


3.    Consistent with the views expressed by your administration, budgetary cuts should seek to prevent or if necessary minimize reductions in force. 


4.    It is important to continue open lines of communication and transparency among  all constituencies (students, staff, faculty, and administration) of the University.


5.    Budget cuts should minimize damage to the University in ways that are not easily reversed upon the return of an improved economy.


6.    Budgetary cuts should be avoided that adversely affect areas of revenue generation including but not limited to student credit hours, grants and contracts, and medical services.


7.    The University should continue to review efficiencies to realize cost-savings.


8.    The Budget Task Force should remain in place until the budget outlook has improved.


9.    The University should continue to pursue appropriate state reimbursement for indigent care provided by ECU Physicians.


10. The University should continue to pursue appropriate state funding of the dental school.



Faculty Senate Meeting

April 20, 2010





Proposed additional revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part V. Academic Information, Section II. Academic Facilities, C. Emergency Action Plan


Additional suggested revisions to Section II. C. Emergency Action Plan are noted below in bold print. (Final action on other revisions in Section II. Academics was taken in March 2010, FS Resolution #10-15.) 


II.    Academic Facilities

Revise and maintain in the Faculty Manual.

C.        Emergency Notification & Actions

The University has established an Emergency Notification System called ECU Alert.  Through ECU Alert, the campus community is warned of dangerous situations and receive emergency action instructions through email, pop-up box, web page, tone, text and voice through VOIP phones, scroll bars on plasma screen displays, outdoor speaker system, text messaging and Tweets.  Faculty should establish several ways to receive these alerts and emergency action instructions.  Initial Alerts, emergency instructions and follow-up information will be posted on line at www.ecu.edu/alert.   Faculty must become familiar with exit routes as well as shelter-in-place procedures for their classroom/s and building/s.  Once an alert has been issued, it is the responsibility of Deans, Department Heads and Vice Chancellors to verify that all units have received and are following the Alert instructions.


C.  Emergency Action Plan

Once notified of an emergency, the appropriate vice chancellor will inform the unit heads who will notify department chairs. The department chairs are responsible for notifying their faculty who will inform students in the classroom buildings of the specific emergency and what actions should be taken. If the emergency is one that requires people to stay away from the campus, the appropriate vice chancellor will notify all faculty off campus not to come on campus until the emergency is over.


Proposed New Section in the Faculty Manual.

D.        Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Faculty have responsibility for familiarizing themselves with emergency plans for their unit and are expected to assist with and encourage complete building evacuation whenever the fire alarm system is activated or when instructed to do so through other means of notification.  Faculty are expected to inform students in the classroom buildings of the specific emergency and what actions should be taken.  Attempts should not be made to fight a fire unless trained in the proper use of fire-fighting equipment.  Faculty are not expected to place themselves in a position that will compromise their safety.  Once safely outside the building faculty should remain with their class, identifying any missing students and provide names and any other pertinent information to ECU Police or Greenville Fire Rescue.



Faculty Senate Meeting

April 20, 2010



Proposed revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part VI.

Section VII. C. Serious Illness and Disability Leave for Faculty Policy


Revise text and maintain in the Faculty Manual. 

Revised actual policy should be relocated to the University Policy Manual.

C.  Faculty Serious Illness and Parental Leave Policy
This policy provides leave with pay for eligible faculty for cases of serious health conditions, maternity leave, or parental leave as defined by the Family and Medical Leave Act.  See the University Policy Manual for more information.

C.  Serious Illness and Disability Leave for Faculty Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide permanent faculty who do not currently earn sick leave with paid leave for cases of a serious health condition, maternity leave, or parental leave as defined under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).  The purpose of this policy is also to coordinate leaves granted under federal and state acts such as the FMLA [29 U.S.C. § 2601, et seq.], the North Carolina Family Illness Act (NCFIA) [SB1115, Section 28.3B], and the UNC Policy on Serious Illness and Disability Leave for Faculty [UNC Policy 300.2.11(G)].  All three policies cover the same serious health conditions, maternity leave or parental leave.  This policy supplements the FMLA and NCFIA to provide for a period of paid leave rather than such leave being unpaid. This policy does not apply to brief absences of 14 calendar days or less that are usually accommodated informally. This policy is intended to apply to short-term and intermediate-term disability of up to one year. Exceptional cases may be considered by the University.All eligible East Carolina University faculty members with a medically verifiable serious health condition as defined below are covered under this policy.  The review by university administrators focuses exclusively on verifying the documentation of the condition

X.  Effective Date

This policy shall become effective immediately upon approval by the Board of Trustees of East Carolina University and shall supersede any previous authority granting leave for faculty, if any.  (Approved: May 6, 2005, East Carolina University Board of Trustees)

Full policy available online: http://www.ecu.edu/cs-acad/fsonline/customcf/fsagenda/fsa210fwillnesspolicy.pdf


Faculty Senate Meeting

April 20, 2010






1.         Proposal for a Certificate in Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Department of Geological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences.

2.         Proposal for a Certificate in Community Health Center Administration, Department of Public Health, in the School of Medicine and Department of Health Services and Information Management, in the College of Allied Health Sciences.

3.         Proposal for a Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Department of English,  College of Arts and Sciences.

4.         Request for discontinuation of the Departmental Certificate in Spanish, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, College of Arts and Sciences.

5.         Request to add a new Special Education Concentration  to the Master of Arts in Teaching Program, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education.

6.         Request to add two new concentrations entitled Software Design and Development and Software Project Management and Quality Assurance to the Master of Science in Software Engineering, Department of Computer Science, College of Technology and Computer Science.  

7.         Notification of Intent to Plan a Master of Science in Health Informatics and Information Management, Department of Health Services and Information    Management, College of Allied Health Sciences.

8.         Request for Authorization to Plan a PhD in Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, School of Medicine.