Report of Faculty Assembly Meeting

November 18, 2005




Report from President Molly Broad


President Molly Broad made her final address as President to the delegates.  She said that during this time she sought to translate strength in UNC into a capacity to help North Carolina meet the challenges of a very different time.


President Broad addressed specific successes of the University including that the University still provides affordable access to education and has grown by 37,000 students in 8+ years.  She further commented that the system has accomplished unheard of rates of growth compared to other states and has increased the college-going rate of minority students at twice the rate of white students. 

The University has conducted successful outreach programs.  One example is CFNC, which has taken the mystery out of applying and planning for college.  UNC now has $59 million a year in need-based financial aid, up from zero.  There has been dramatic physical expansion through the bond program.  President Broad also pointed to other successes, including the increases in MA programs and increases in federal research grants.  The University serves 22,000 public school personnel every year to raise their level of professionalism.  The Center for School Leadership works to close the gap between teacher hires and attrition. She pointed toward increased focus on research in biotechnology, marine sciences, and bioinformatics and to new commitments to revitalizing the economy, such as the Kannapolis campus (for more information: 


Report from Robert Nelson, Senior Associate Vice President for Finance 


Nelson reported that the Board of Governors is looking at ways to increase the predictability of tuition and fee increases. The Board encourages campuses to consider the impact of tuition/fee increases on students.  The BOG has asked campuses to consider tuition and fees together.


A BOG Task Force is looking long range and is charged with taking existing policy and making it more predictable and more flexible considering affordability and access. The current draft states that undergraduate resident tuition and fees should remain within the bottom quartet of peer institutions approved by the BOG.  However, who those peers are is being reviewed. Research extensive universities would be able to propose to the Board a tuition increase outside of the parameters with sufficient justification.





Report from Kitty McCollum, Associate Vice President for Human Resources


McCall reported on the efforts to improve health care benefits for state employees. Although nothing has been done through the legislature, the state health plan is making improvements by instituting the Health Care Initiative.  This provides, via a website, personal action plans, a 24- hour nursing hotline, a worksite wellness program, and a PPO option that would be available by October 2006. 


There also has been a change in the definition of retirement for members of NC teachers in the NC retirement system.  There must be a complete separation from state employment of any kind for 6 months after the retirement date.  This new definition does not apply to the phased retirement program until 2007 and does not apply to those in an optional retirement program (ORP).  However, there might have to be changes may to the ORP policy to create a break in employment.


Discussion with IRS made this happen.  Although this change has more to do more with public school teachers, all state employees are affected.  While IRS requires a break in service, it has not defined what is should be. The IRS also will have new phased retirement regulations next year.  Faculty planning to enter phased retirement before June 1, 2007 are still under the old policies.  The University is still waiting for guidelines for phased retirement from IRS.


For more information on these changes please consult UNC’s human resources website:


Report from Brenda Killingsworth, Faculty Assembly Chair


Chair Killingsworth made the following report:

• University strategic directions were approved by BOG last week, including some changes suggested by FA,

• Cost of living increases create difficulty in recruiting/retention.  Since 2000, faculty has received no higher than a 4.2% raise although 6% was requested. We have asked for a fact sheet so we can share with our constituencies the problem of low salaries and poor benefits,

• Faculty Assembly will increase the numbers of its delegates.  WSSU and FSU will have increases, 

• An article by Richard Veit about the shared governance policy will appear in an upcoming edition of Academe.  (For information on this policy please go to:


Standing Committee Reports: Please reports of standing committees on the Faculty Assembly website: