FORMAT FOR COLLEGE/MAJOR SCHOOL INTEGRATED PLANS: This plan spans three years in a continuous improvement process. At the end of 2007-08, each college and major school will complete a unit annual report based on the progress made on this plan. Also, the annual report will modify the plan as needed for the next two years and add goals for one additional year, this “plus one” process ensuring continuous work in three-year periods.    



Integrated Plan for 2007-08, 2008-09, and 2009-10

(Projected length: 3-8 pages)


Vision Statement:    (a memorable expression that captures substance and direction)


Mission Statement: (a longer statement that expresses essential elements and their connection)


Narrative Introduction to Integrated Plans:   

The narrative introduction to integrated plans should:

–address translating the vision and mission into a specific concrete goals and objectives

–commit to ranking the goals (and objectives) as first, second...nth... or as co-important 

–assert the necessity of stating time-lines and metrics for each goal/objective

–assert that decision standards, progress measures, and accountabilty will be thus formed      

–state that plan will conclude w/ a narrative statement of three-year projections of:

              (a) –academic program development, as needed

              (b) –research/creative activity strategies (= R/CA Unit Strategic Plan)  

              (c) –human resrcs needed (faculty (Sr; TT; FT); SPA; other) (= unit staffing plan)

              (d) –operating dollars, as needed (other than IT)

              (e) –physical facilities, as needed ( = inputs for campus facilities master planning)

              (f)  –information technology resources, as needed

              (g) –recommended undergraduate and graduate enrollment projections

Additionally, among other statements desired by the unit, the narrative might:

–categorize goals into temporally discrete and on-going strategic goals

–depict descriptively what the unit has achieved and normatively what it strives yet to do

–state core values and assert elements of current and aspirant distinctiveness of the unit

–articulate key challenges for the unit that constitute significant obstacles/opportunities           

–make any other foundational and/or strategically important statements and/or commitments


Statement of Unit Strategic Goals and Related Objectives

–list goals and within them objectives, and assign time-lines, responsibility, and metrics


Narrative Conclusion to Integrated Plans:

–state current* specific “needs-projections” for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year under (a) through (g) above

–commit to completing annual budget requests and updates with these factors as guides

–commit to writing a unit annual report (format revision pending) based on progress here sought  

*revisable in on-going mode as issues change