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ECU’s Global Perspective

Strategic Direction - Education for a New Century

ECU students will be prepared to compete in the global economy (ECU Tomorrow).


The Globally Prepared Student: Awareness, Readiness, and Engagement

Awareness – Recognize and understand interrelationships among international organizations, nation states, public and private economic entities, socio-cultural groups, the natural Earth environment, and individuals across the globe. 

Readiness – Understand and appreciate the similarities and differences in the customs, values, and beliefs of one’s own culture and the cultures of others. 

Engagement - Participate as a responsible global citizen through interactions with persons in another country or culture.



1.       Recognizes the global interdependence of societies, economies, and environmental systems and the implications of his or her actions on the wider global environment, including the natural earth environment.

2.       Understands how cultural beliefs, values and sensibilities shape people’s perceptions and impact global decisions and actions.

3.       Uses disciplinary concepts to explain how global and local issues are interconnected.

4.       Communicates, interacts and works positively with individuals from other cultural groups.

5.       Evaluates global issues and events from multiple perspectives and applies critical thinking skills to address global challenges.