Code Approval


1.   Approved by the tenured faculty of the Unit


      Chair, Unit Code Committee: Jason E. Bond                Date:  9-22-2009     


2.   Submitted to Dean: Allen R. White                                  Date:   9-23-2009   


3.   If changed, reapproved by tenured faculty:


      Chair, Unit Code Committee  n/a                                     


4.   Reviewed/recommended by Faculty Senate Unit Code Screening Committee


      Chair:  Timm Hackett                                                      Date:      10-21-09


5.   Approved by the East Carolina University Faculty Senate                            


      Chair of the Faculty:  Marianna Walker

          Faculty Senate Resolution #09-45                            Date:   11-03-09


6.   Approved by East Carolina University Chancellor/or designee:


      Chancellor: Steve Ballard                                  Date:  12-3-09




Revision of Code:                          X             Complete; or ______           Part(s) Effective:










Section 1.  Objectives/Mission

      Our mission is to achieve and sustain high quality, up-to-date instructional programs in our general education course offerings and in our professional undergraduate and master’s degree programs and appropriate doctoral programs, to provide opportunities for and to encourage faculty and students in research and creative activities so that their achievements can advance knowledge and result in professional recognition for them and for their department and the University, to lend our professional expertise in appropriate service to the University, to schools, to other departments, to private and public groups, and to organizations on the local, state, national and international levels, and to integrate these areas of endeavor (teaching, research and service) into the larger, synergistic enterprise of scholarship.


Section II.  Organization / Composition

A.   Definitions of Voting Faculty Members

      1.   As pertains to making recommendations for appointments, reappointments, promotion, and the conferral of permanent tenure to faculty, voting faculty will be defined in accordance with the ECU Faculty Manual.

      2.   As pertains to all matters not covered by section A.1. above, voting faculty will be defined as someone who holds a full-time faculty position with East Carolina University and a greater than one-half time position in the unit, holds regular academic rank or title, has at least one-half of the teaching/research duties normally assigned in the unit, and is in at least the twelfth consecutive calendar month of appointment to the faculty.

B.   Administrative Organization

      The administration of the Department shall consist of the Chair of the Department and two assistants to the Chair:  the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Director of Graduate Studies.

      The Chair of the Department is the chief administrative officer of the Department.  The Chair’s performance will be evaluated in accordance with established University policies.

      The Chair shall:

         1.   guide the Department toward accomplishment of its objectives;

         2.   administer the affairs of the Department, giving due consideration to policies recommended by the Department, and making sure that no departmental policy shall conflict with any policy determined by the University;

         3.   represent the Department and serve as its advocate in relations with other units of the University;

         4.   make evaluations and recommendations concerning personnel matters and salary increments and forward them to the appropriate higher administrative official in accordance with the ECU Faculty Manual;

         5.   in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Director of Graduate Studies, supervise:  a) scheduling of classes,  b) recruitment and counseling, and registration of qualified students, and c) assignment of graduate assistants to their duties;

         6.   work with appropriate departmental administrators, committees, and other agencies to ensure a departmental curriculum and program of research and related activities that are of high quality and consistent with societal needs, student demand, and departmental and University goals.  In matters of curriculum, all changes must be approved by the Executive Committee and by a majority vote of the unit faculty at a regularly scheduled meeting;

         7.   encourage all faculty to pursue both intramural and extramural funds and other items supportive of departmental teaching and research;

         8.   encourage and facilitate efforts by faculty toward accomplishments in teaching, research, and/or other service to the Department, the University, professional societies and society at large;

         9.   supervise and coordinate activities of departmental support personnel in a manner consistent with the departmental goals and objectives;

       10.   in consultation with other members of the Executive Committee, have general responsibility for care and proper utilization of departmental space, equipment, and supplies;

       11.   in consultation with other members of the Executive Committee, prepare the departmental budget, manage and be responsible for the budget and all other funds assigned to and/or belonging to the Department, and present an Annual Report and Annual Budget for discussion at the first regularly scheduled faculty meeting of the fall semester;


       12.   conduct negotiations for the hiring of new faculty and staff;

       13.   preside over departmental meetings and supervise the writing and distribution of departmental minutes;

       14.   serve as Chair of the Executive Committee; and,

       15.   ensure that unit code procedures are followed.

The Assistant to the Chair and Director of Undergraduate Studies shall be appointed by the Chair and shall serve at the discretion of the Chair.  In consultation with the Chair, the Director of Undergraduate Studies shall:

         1.   serve as counsel to the Chair and assist in matters relating to departmental operation and the undergraduate program;

         2.   when requested by the Chair, represent the Chair in an official capacity;

         3.   coordinate, supervise, and monitor a strong academic program of undergraduate education that is responsive to societal needs and student demand, and supportive of the goals of the Department and the University;

         4.   conduct a program of recruitment to enroll qualified students in the undergraduate program;

         5.   coordinate consultation and advisement procedures for undergraduate students, prepare and distribute information describing requirements of the undergraduate programs, fellowship grants, awards and opportunities available to undergraduate students in the Department; serve as the departmental contact with the East Carolina University Career Center to assist in the development and advertisement of career opportunities for Biology undergraduates and to recruit applications from Biology students for the positions available;

         6.   supervise maintenance of records, transcripts, letters of recommendation, grade reports, and other data of undergraduate students enrolled in the Department, and handle inquiries and requests for assistance that pertain to undergraduate work in the Department;

         7.   serve as Chair of the Undergraduate Committee and represent this committee in recommendations of policy or curriculum change to the Chair, to the Executive Committee, to the faculty, and to appropriate university committees;

         8.   collect and maintain information relating to pre- and post-graduation professional activities of undergraduates in Biology;

         9.   serve as liaison between the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and the Department;

       10.   serve as liaison between undergraduate students and the Department, and provide a means whereby student opinion is made known in matters relating to the undergraduate program; and,

       11.   serve as an ex officio member of the Graduate, Executive, and Personnel Committees.

The Assistant to the Chair and Director of Graduate Studies shall be appointed by the Chair and shall serve at the discretion of the Chair.  In consultation with the Chair, the Director of Graduate Studies shall:

         1.   serve as counsel to the Chair in matters relating to the graduate program;

         2.   when requested by the Chair, represent the Chair in an official capacity;

         3.   coordinate, supervise, and monitor a strong academic graduate program that is responsive to societal needs and student demand, and supportive of the goals of the Department and the University;

         4.   conduct a program of recruitment to enroll qualified students in the graduate program;

         5.   consult with and advise prospective and current graduate students in Biology, and prepare and distribute information describing requirements of the program, fellowship grants, teaching and research assistantships and other available awards and opportunities; develop cooperative educational opportunities for Biology graduate students with governmental and private agencies and serve as the person responsible for advertising cooperative educational opportunities available for our graduate students and recruit applications from Biology graduate students for the positions;

         6.   supervise maintenance of records, transcripts, letters of recommendation, grade reports, and other data of graduate students enrolled in the Department, and handle inquiries and requests for assistance pertaining to graduate work in the Department;

         7.   serve as Chair of the Graduate Committee and represent this committee to the Chair, the Executive Committee, the faculty, and appropriate university committees in recommendations of policy or curriculum change or selection of graduate assistants;

         8.   collect and maintain information relating to pre- and post-graduation professional activities of graduate students in Biology;

         9.   serve as liaison between the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and the Department;

       10.   serve as liaison between graduate students and the Department, and provide a means whereby student opinion is made known in matters relating to the graduate program;

       11.   serve as ex officio member of the Undergraduate, Executive, and Personnel Committees;

       12.   approve, in cooperation with the Dean of the Graduate School and the Graduate Committee the admission of prospective students to graduate programs in the Department;

       13.   advise students in the selection of thesis directors and thesis committee members, and schedule final thesis examinations of candidates for graduate degrees in Biology;

       14.   schedule Departmental seminars by graduate students; and,

       15.   work with thesis directors and thesis committees in assuring satisfactory progress of students in the graduate program.


Section III.  Committees

A.   Personnel, Tenure and Promotion Committees

         1.   The Personnel Committee shall comprise six elected members, all to be drawn from the permanently tenured voting faculty of the Department and elected by the permanently tenured and probationary-term voting faculty of the unit in accordance with Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual. The Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Director of Graduate Studies will also serve as ex officio non-voting members.  The term of office for elected members will be for a period of two years, with election of three members, being held annually at the first regularly scheduled faculty meeting of the academic year.  The Chair of the Personnel Committee will be elected annually, from the membership of the Personnel Committee, by the Personnel Committee membership and will serve as Chair of the Promotion Committee, and Tenure Committee.  The committee may elect a co-Chair as necessary.  For instances in which the Chair of the Personnel Committee does not hold a rank equal to that the candidate under consideration desires, the Chair will convene a meeting of the Promotion Committee to elect a Chair from its membership.  The Personnel Committee will function as follows:

                  a. As outlined in the ECU Faculty Manual.

1. Makes recommendations to the Chair of the Department on initial and any fixed term appointments at the expiration of the current term and initial probationary term appointments

2. Makes recommendations and notifications regarding initial fixed term appointments and any subsequent appointments.

3. Reviews requests for reduction of probationary terms at the time of initial appointment.

                        4. Reviews requests for extension of normal probationary terms.

5. Consults with faculty members requesting conferral of tenure prior to the end of the probationary term.

                        6. Consults with faculty members requesting promotion.

7. Reviews additional materials submitted by faculty for inclusion in the personnel action dossier.

8. Selects members of the faculty to search committees, the majority of which must be voting members.

                        9. Recommends advancement of title for fixed term faculty.

b. Oversees and manages mentoring of probationary term faculty, to include assigning tenured faculty mentors.

c.  Serves as the subcommittee of the Tenure Committee (as outlined in Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual).

         2.   The Tenure Committee will be composed and function as outlined in Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.

         3.   The Promotion Committee will be composed and function as outlined in Appendix D the ECU Faculty Manual.


B. The Executive Committee shall comprise the Director of Undergraduate Studies, the Director of Graduate Studies, Chair of the Personnel Committee, and four elected members to be drawn from and elected by all voting members of the faculty – in addition to the Chair of the Department, who shall serve as its Chair.  All members of the Executive Committee have voting privileges.  The term of office for elected members will be for a period of two years, with election of two members being held annually (usually at the first regularly scheduled faculty meeting of the academic year).  Quorum:  Chair of the Department and five members, three of which must be elected faculty members.

      It shall recommend to the faculty on matters relating to the following:

      1.   consideration and forwarding to the faculty of curriculum recommendations from the appropriate committees.

      2.   the budgeting of funds allocated to the Department, teaching load assignments, course offerings, faculty research space, office space and facilities.

      3. strategic planning and future directions in hiring of faculty and staff.


C.  Standing Committees

      The standing committees of the Department shall include: the Graduate Committee and the Undergraduate Committee.

      Standing Committees are advisory to the Chair, who is also an ex officio member without voting privileges on all such committees.

      All meetings of standing committees shall be open to members of the Department eligible for membership on the committee.  

      The terms of office of elected members of standing committees shall be two years with election of two members annually.  Elections will be held at the beginning of each academic year.  Members of standing committees may be re-elected.


      1.   The Graduate Committee shall consist of the Director of Graduate Studies, who will serve as Chair of the Committee; and, four elected members of the graduate faculty, and, ex officio with voting privileges, the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

            Elected members of the Graduate Committee shall be nominated by the graduate faculty and elected by a majority of the graduate faculty present and voting.

            It shall recommend to the Director of Graduate Studies, the Executive Committee, and to the graduate faculty:

            a.   graduate degree program requirements and policies;

            b.   changes in the graduate curriculum;

            c.   new graduate programs and course proposals (5000 level and above);

            d.   the appointment of teaching assistants.

            e.  review and acceptance of applications to the graduate program.

      2.   The Undergraduate Committee shall consist of the Director of Undergraduate Studies, who will serve as Chair to the Committee, four elected members, and, ex officio with voting privileges, the Director of Graduate Studies.

            It shall recommend to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, the Executive Committee, and to the Department:

            a.   program requirements for undergraduate Biology majors and minors;

            b.   changes in the undergraduate curriculum;

            c.   new undergraduate course proposals (1000 through 5000 level).


Section IV.  Faculty Personnel Actions

A.   Selection and Appointment of New Faculty

      Selection and appointment of new faculty members shall be in accordance with the ECU Faculty Manual.

B.   Teaching Assignments and Reassigned Time

      Assignment of teaching duties and granting of reassigned time will be in accordance with the ECU Faculty Manual and UNC policy.

C.  Faculty Evaluation

Permanently tenured and probationary-term faculty are expected to contribute in the areas of teaching, research and service and they will be evaluated on their performance in those three areas.  Specific weighting in the area of service shall not be less than 10%. Remaining allocation of effort in the three areas for each individual will be determined annually by the Chair, in consultation with the faculty member.  Allocations shall adhere to the prescription of the ECU Faculty Manual.  The weight assigned to service shall not be greater than that assigned to either teaching effectiveness or research productivity.  Fixed-term faculty shall be evaluated annually based on the terms of their contracts.  The implementation of the faculty evaluation will be in accordance with the procedures approved by a majority of the voting faculty members of the Department of Biology.  The Departmental Chair will distribute the quantitative instrument used in annual faculty evaluation during the Spring Semester of each academic year.


D.  Reappointment and Professional Advancement

      1.   The procedures for reappointment of probationary-term and subsequent appointment of faculty are as follows, which are in addition to those prescribed in the ECU Faculty Manual in accordance with Appendix D and Part XIII.

            a.   The Tenure Committee shall review the Personnel Action Dossier (PAD) of each probationary-term faculty member.  The committee shall consider whether the dossier indicates the faculty member is making satisfactory progress towards securing tenure and promotion using the criteria described in Section F, below.

            b.   Fixed-term faculty members considered for subsequent appointment shall prepare a dossier that comprises documents that are relevant to their appointment, as determined by the Department Chair and the Personnel Committee.  The Personnel Committee shall review this document prior to the contract expiration.  The committee shall recommend subsequent appointment only if the document demonstrates performance consistent with the expectations of the initial contract letter, and if these expectations continue to reflect the needs of the Department.

      2.   The procedures for promotion of faculty are as follows, which are in addition to those prescribed in the ECU Faculty Manual.  The Promotion Committees shall review the PAD of each faculty member being considered for promotion.  The committees shall use the promotion criteria described in Section F, below.

      3.   The procedures for appointment to the graduate faculty are specified in the ECU Faculty Manual and in accordance with Departmental criteria if applicable faculty members must demonstrate productivity within the last five years in some combination of the following activities.  An individual need not have contributed to every activity, and it shall be the responsibility of the graduate and associate graduate faculty of the Department to determine the merit of applications submitted for consideration.

            Activities include, but are not limited to, the following items:

            a.   publish scholarly research in refereed venues;

            b.   actively seek grants/contracts to fund research activities;

            c.   serve as/on advisor/committee member for completed thesis;

            d.   serve in editorial roles of journals or monographs;

            e.   present research at professional meetings (with published abstract);

            f.    serve as a member on review panels and editorial boards;

            g.   serve as an officer/member on Executive Committee of a professional organization; and/or,

            h.   take an active role in the Departmental graduate curriculum (teach a graduate level course; advise graduate students).

E.   Personnel/Evaluation Files

      A single departmental Personnel/Evaluation file shall be maintained by the Chair for each faculty member in the Department.  The file will be located in the departmental office.  Content of files and access to files shall be in accordance with the ECU Faculty Manual.

F.   Tenure and Promotion

      Candidates for permanent tenure and promotion shall be evaluated by the following criteria, which are in addition to those prescribed in the ECU Faculty Manual.

      1.   Teaching/Advising – (1) the articulation of the salient aspects of a discipline in a rigorous but accessible manner, whether in or out of the traditional classroom setting; (2) academic advising within the discipline and the general education curriculum, where Department operating procedures provide such an opportunity; and, (3) other contributions towards the University’s fundamental mission of transmitting knowledge, including participation in curriculum development.

            a.   For Permanent Tenure, activities may include, but are not limited to:

                  1.   Satisfactory overall results from student and peer evaluations consistent with University and departmental means.

                  2.   Other documentation of teaching effectiveness using instruments and procedures approved by the unit.

                  3.   Written course objectives, requirements, formats, procedures, instructional materials, grading policies, and evaluation materials for students.

                  4.   Active role in the development of the curriculum and programs of the Department.

                  5.   Active role in advising students regarding courses, research, program choices, and career planning.

                  6.   Maintenance of a level of student performance consistent with unit standards.

                  7.   Achievement and maintenance of a level of teaching and advising effectiveness specified by the unit.

            b.   For Promotion to Associate Professor

                  The teaching and advising criteria for promotion to Associate Professor are the same as those for permanent tenure:  See Section F.1.a. above.  Although recommendations regarding tenure and promotion are separate, the Promotion Committee(s) should follow the proviso outlined in the ECU Faculty Manual that “sound academic practice supports the concept that an assistant professor eligible for tenure should qualify for promotion to associate professor.”

            c.   For Promotion to Professor

                  The teaching and advising criteria for promotion to Professor include those for promotion to Associate Professor:  See Section F.1.b. above.  Additional criteria may include, but are not limited to, the following:

                  1.   Leadership achievements in curriculum and program development.

                  2.   Leadership achievements in the enhancement of teaching effectiveness.

                  3.   Leadership achievements in the enhancement of advising effectiveness.

                  4.   Leadership and advisory role with probationary-term faculty regarding advancement of teaching and advising effectiveness consistent with departmental standards.

      2.   Research – (1) serious inquiry leading to the discovery and interpretation of knowledge, revision of accepted hypotheses in light of new knowledge, and practical application of such new hypotheses and (2) the dissemination of such discovery, interpretation or revision through refereed scholarly publications or the combination of refereed scholarly publications and publication of monographs by reputable scholarly presses.

            The candidate must have consistent achievements of high quality in research productivity.

            a.   For Permanent Tenure

                  The candidate’s publications must reflect a significant and developing research agenda in the areas of specialization.  They must indicate that the candidate has the potential for eventual national recognition as an important scholar.  The publications must be of promise, high quality in content, and reveal consistent research efforts.  They should take the form of articles published in the discipline’s refereed journals; or the combination of refereed scholarly publications and publication of monographs by reputable scholarly presses, university presses, scholarly societies, or other presses held in high regard by the scholarly community.  Textbooks and grant reports shall count as research only if they have a significant impact on one’s peers within the discipline.  Additional considerations shall include, where appropriate, such activities as securing grants from agencies in support of the candidate’s research program and publishing papers in conference proceedings.  Papers read at professional meetings and their associated published abstracts shall warrant less consideration.  Evaluation of the quality and quantity of the candidate’s corpus by specialists at other institutions shall be used in the evaluation.

            b.   For Promotion to Associate Professor

                  The research productivity criteria for promotion to Associate Professor are the same as those for permanent tenure:  See Section F.2.a. above.  Although recommendations regarding tenure and promotion are separate, the Promotion Committee should follow the provision of Appendix, D, Section I.B.2. that “sound academic practice supports the concept that an assistant professor eligible for tenure should qualify for promotion to associate professor.”

            c.   For Promotion to Professor

                  The research productivity criteria for promotion to Professor include those for permanent tenure:  See Section F.2.a. above.  In addition:  The candidate must have earned national recognition in the discipline or specialization, principally through a number of articles published in the discipline’s refereed journals; or the combination of refereed scholarly publications and publication of monographs by reputable scholarly presses, university presses, scholarly societies, or other presses held in high regard by the scholarly community.  In addition to the prima facie evidence of the publications themselves, evidence of such recognition includes references to the candidate’s work in the research publications of peers, favorable reviews published in learned periodicals, or prestigious awards bestowed in honor of the candidate’s work.  Evaluation of the quality and quantity of the candidate’s corpus by specialists at other institutions shall be used in the evaluation. 

      3.   Service – formal and informal assignments or activities on behalf of the Department, College, University, the community at large, and the profession.  Expectations regarding service contributions increase as a faculty member’s career progresses.  The minimum required for permanent tenure and promotion therefore depends upon rank.


            a.   For Permanent Tenure

                  Although service is accorded the least weight in the tenure evaluation, it is nevertheless an essential component of the candidate’s professional commitment.  A reasonable record of departmental and University service is expected of any faculty member under consideration for tenure.  The quality rather than the quantity of service is of primary importance.  The faculty member should strive to make service contributions to the College and University as a whole and eventually to the community at large and to the profession.  Examples of such contributions may include, but would not be limited to, the following:

                  1.   Unit – Department committee participation as specified by this Code and other department activities such as administrative duties, special assignments from the Chair, and participation in faculty meetings and seminars;

                  2.   College – Participation in college-level committees and assignments;

                  3.   University – Participation in University-level committees and assignments;

                  4.   Community – Participation in regional, national, or international community activities directly related to the faculty member’s profession, such as lectures and presentations, news media interviews, and professional advice to nonprofit agencies;

                  5.   Discipline – Participation in service functions of the profession such as journal referee or editor, officer of professional organizations, and session organizer or Chair at professional meetings.

            b.   For Promotion of Associate Professor

                  The criteria for promotion to Associate Professor include those for permanent tenure:  See Section F.3.a. above.

            c.   For Promotion to Professor

                  The criteria for promotion to Professor are the same as those for permanent tenure:  See Section F.3.a. above.  In addition, the candidate must show leadership in the various service areas described in Section F.3.a., items 1 through 5 above.

G. Criteria for advancement in title of fixed-term faculty in accordance with Appendix C of the ECU Faculty Manual.

1. For advancement in title to Teaching Assistant Professor

                        a. Must hold a PhD

        b. Demonstrate teaching effectiveness by means of the three methods below (whenever possible):

1. Seminar (research or teaching) attended by tenured and probationary term faculty

                                    2. Demonstrate teaching experience at the college level

                                    3. Peer evaluation in a Biology class

c. A file containing documentation of the above will be reviewed by the Biology Personnel Committee. Recommendations of the Personnel Committee will be provided to the Chair of Biology, who will decide on the change in title. 

            2. For advancement in title to Teaching Associate Professor

a. Must hold a PhD and have 5-6 years commensurate experience at the title of assistant

b. Demonstrate exemplary teaching effectiveness by means of the three methods below (whenever possible):

1. Provide evidence of student evaluation scores (Student Opinion of Instruction Survey (SOIS) or equivalent, whenever possible).

2. Provide a teaching portfolio (format and design to be determined by agreement between the candidate and the Personnel Committee) that includes a summary of annual evaluations by the Chair of Biology.

3. Peer evaluation of teaching (2/year).

c. Provide evidence of leadership or innovation, such as the following examples:

                        1. Leading teaching effectiveness workshops

                        2. Publications in professional journals

3. Grants or grant proposal submissions accompanied if possible by reviews.

d. Provide service to the Department, University, and profession, such as any of the following examples:

                        1. Departmental committees

2. University committees

3. Science Fair Judge

4. Public outreach

5. Professional service, reviewing papers or grants

e. A file containing documentation of b-d above will be reviewed by the Biology Personnel Committee. Recommendations of the Personnel Committee will be provided to the Chair of Biology, who will decide on the change in title.

3. For advancement in title to Teaching Professor

a. All of criteria for advancement in title to Teaching Associate Professor (listed in 2a-d above)

b. Sustained leadership efforts in teaching, professional development, and service

                        c. Excellent reputation in teaching at the university level as indicated by:

                                    1. External (outside of ECU) review of teaching portfolio

2. Letters in support of the advancement in title based on teaching and/or research

                  d. A file containing documentation of a-c above will be reviewed by the Biology Personnel Committee prior to change in title. Recommendations of the Personnel Committee will be provided to the Chair of Biology, who will decide on the change in title.

Section V.  Meetings

      The Executive and Personnel Committees shall meet at least once per semester to review Departmental activities apart from personnel actions.  The agenda shall be posted at least one day prior to the meeting.  Any faculty member, staff, or student representative may have an item considered by these committees by presenting the item to any member; agenda items related to personnel actions must be submitted five days in advance.  Only these actions of the Executive and Personnel Committees affecting the Department shall be a matter of open record and presented to the faculty in the form of summary or minutes 24 hours prior to the next meeting.

      Meetings of the Department shall be monthly in conformity with University policy. An announcement of the meeting, containing the agenda, shall be posted in the departmental office at least one day prior to the day of the meeting.

      The Chair (or his/her designated representative) shall preside over meetings of the Department.  At meetings at which departmental business is transacted, a quorum shall be present.  A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting departmental members.  In the absence of specific rules adopted by the Department, the proceedings shall be conducted according to the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. Minutes of departmental meetings shall be kept by the secretary and distributed to all members of the Department, Dean of The Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, and Dean of the Graduate School.

      The quorum for standing committees, exclusive of the Personnel and Executive Committees, shall be a majority of elected members.  In the absence of the Chair of a standing committee, an elected member shall be elected to preside.  Minutes of standing committees shall be kept by a person designated by the committee Chair and shall be available to members of the Department.


Section VI.  Evaluation of Unit, Unit Administrator(s) and University Administrators

A.   The voting faculty members of the Department will indicate by secret ballot their approval or disapproval of the unit’s major accreditation planning documents and other assessments of unit operations.

B.   A seven-year unit academic program review will be conducted in accord with established University policies and procedures.

C.  Administrators will be evaluated in accordance with established University policies and procedures.


Section VII.  Other Policies and Documents

A.   Summer School Teaching

      The Chair will consider all departmental faculty members in assigning available positions for summer school teaching.  These positions will be handled on a rotational basis contingent upon the demand for courses, with first choice going to the faculty member who has not taught summer sessions for the longest period of time and has the expertise to teach the specific course.  As an example, if faculty member A declines to teach during a given summer, the person immediately below him/her in terms of elapsed time since his/her previous summer teaching (faculty member B), will be offered the position.  In this event, faculty member A and faculty member B have simply exchanged places.   Once a faculty member teaches summer school, he/she will then occupy a position at the bottom of the list and will not be eligible to teach again until all other faculty members of the department have been offered the opportunity to teach.

B.   Academic freedom is important to the Department.  The Department fully accepts and endorses a broad interpretation of the Part III of the Faculty Manual on Academic Freedom.


Section VIII. Criteria and Procedures Associated with Salary Increases

            All full-time continuing faculty members shall annually document their accomplishments in teaching effectiveness, research, and service for the academic year via an annual evaluation per established Departmental review procedures.  These documents will be employed by the Department Chair in making recommendations for merit salary allocation. Evaluation and determination of annual salary increments will be in accord with UNC Board of Governors policies, established University policies and procedures, and agreed upon Departmental guidelines.

            Prior to the final faculty meeting of the Spring semester, the Executive Committee will meet to discuss Departmental priorities (e.g., merit, salary compression, promotion, etc.), for salary increases. The Chair will report the recommendations of the Executive Committee to the Faculty at the final meeting of the academic year and will at that time solicit additional input from the Faculty. The Chair will follow University policies and procedures and established Departmental procedures in conjunction with input from the Executive committee and Faculty when making salary increase recommendations to the Dean of the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences.


Section IX. Amendment of Code

      The Code of Operation can be amended at any scheduled departmental meeting by a majority vote of the permanently-tenured faculty.  Any faculty member of the Department can propose an amendment.  All amendments must be approved by the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor.


Section X. Enabling

      This Code shall go into effect when approved by a three-fifths majority of the permanently tenured faculty members of the Department by secret ballot and after approval by the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor.