UNIT CODE OF OPERATIONS


                                                 SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION


                                                   EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY



                                                         Revised Code Approval


1.         Approved by the tenured faculty of the Unit


Chair, Unit Code Committee:   Harrell Allen, 2-28-08, editorially revised 4-18-08


2.         Submitted to Dean:               Jeff Elwell, 3-5-08, 4-18-08


3.         If changed, reapproved by tenured faculty:


Chair, Unit Code Committee: 


4.         Reviewed/recommended by Faculty Senate Unit Code Screening Committee


Chair:                          Garris Conner, 4-18-08


5.         Approved by the East Carolina University Faculty Senate


Chair:                          Mark Taggart, 04-22-08, Faculty Senate Resolution #08-28


6.         Approved by East Carolina University Chancellor/or designee:


Chancellor:     Steve Ballard                         May 21, 2008 (Effective date)



Revision of Code: _____     Complete; or ______           Part(s) Effective: 







This School of Communication (SOC) Code allows for faculty participation in and establishes procedures for the Unit’s internal affairs and is consistent with all applicable Appendices of the East Carolina University Faculty Manual.


Section I. Mission Statement

Our School's mission is to offer high quality programs and instruction; to provide opportunities for and to encourage faculty and students in their research and creative activity; and to lend professional service in all areas of communication. The School prepares individuals for professional and academic careers in broadcast journalism, communication studies, media production, media studies, print journalism, and public relations.


Section II: Organization of the School

A. Definitions of Voting Faculty Members

1. As pertains to the (1) School’s nominating committee for appointment of administrative officials, (2) for making recommendations on code content to the permanently tenured unit faculty members, and (3) for evaluations of the effectiveness of unit administrators, voting faculty is defined in accord with the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix L.


2. As pertains to making recommendations for (1) appointments, (2) reappointments, (3) promotion, or (4) conferral of permanent tenure to faculty, voting faculty is defined in the Faculty Manual, Appendix D.


3. For any matters not specifically covered by Section A. 1. and A. 2. above or elsewhere in the Faculty Manual, a vote could be extended to full-time faculty only after a majority vote of the voting faculty (as in Section A. 2.) agreed to this.


4. The Graduate Faculty of the SOC shall consist of the School faculty who meet the following criteria as determined by the SOC and are granted membership by the Graduate School and the rights and privileges associated noted in Appendix F of the Faculty Manual and the School of Communication “Standards for Graduate Faculty”:

a.         Graduate Teaching Faculty Member criteria: (1) must hold the terminal degree pursuant to the field (Ph.D., Ed.D., M.F.A., or J.D.); (2) have demonstrated success in graduate teaching or shows potential for such success; and (3) exhibited evidence of professional growth.

b.        Associate Graduate Faculty Member criteria: (1) must hold the terminal degree pursuant to the field (Ph.D., or M.F.A.); (2) have demonstrated success in graduate teaching or shows potential for such success: (3) demonstrated evidence of success or potential for such success in research/creative activity; and (4) demonstrated success or potential for such success in supervising students’ research/creative activity.

c.        Graduate Faculty Member criteria: (1) must hold the highest degree in Communication (Ph.D.); (2) demonstrated success in graduate teaching; (3) demonstrated success in research/creative activity; (4) demonstrated success in supervising students’ research/creative activity.


B. Administrative Organization: School Director

1. The Director is the School's official representative and advocate to the higher administrative units of the College and University. The Director will provide leadership for the school and give impetus to the teaching, research/creative activity, and service efforts of the School.


2. The Director’s appointment will be conducted in accordance with Faculty Manual, Appendix L current University policies. The Dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication (hereinafter “Dean”) will convene a nominating committee consisting of at least five persons. At least three fifths of the committee will be composed of School of Communication faculty elected by secret ballot by the majority of faculty present and voting at the election meeting. The remainder of the committee will be permanently tenured faculty chosen by the Dean. The nominating committee shall (1) establish criteria for the director position; (2) solicit and screen applicants for the position; and (3) submit one or more nominations to the Dean. The committee shall determine that the nominations are acceptable by a majority of the permanently tenured faculty through a vote using a secret ballot. The Dean may reject none, some, or all of the nominees. If the nominees are rejected the nominating committee must generate an additional nominee or nominees.


3. The Director’s duties include:

a. oversight of the day-to-day operations of the School;


b. responsibility for all School space, facilities, equipment, and their proper use and assignment to meet continuing School needs;


c. preparation of the Annual Report and the Annual Budget. The Director will authorize expenditures after due consultation with the faculty and will have available to the faculty up-to-date files and records on the various budgets within the school. The Annual Report and Annual Budget will be presented and discussed at a regular faculty meeting during the fall semester.


d. assigning teaching loads and specific classes to individual faculty members;


e. informing the faculty of all higher level administrative decisions that relate to the operations of the school or to the welfare of individual faculty members;


f. informing faculty of various university funds available for School improvement and faculty research and teaching efforts;


g. presiding over School meetings and electronically distributing agendas and minutes of those meetings;


h. managing and maintaining School facilities and equipment; supervise and evaluate clerical and technical staff; and maintain essential School records;


i. forwarding recommendations for promotion, permanent tenure, appointment, reappointment, non-reappointment and merit salary increases to the Dean;


j. designating a faculty member to act for the Director during those periods when he/she is sick, out of town on official business, or on vacation;


k. providing publicity to the university and others about various School activities;


l. ensuring that code procedures are followed;


m. developing resources for the School including fundraising and community outreach; and


n. promoting the SOC and maintaining School visibility in professional organizations (e.g., director conference attendance, promoting institutional and faculty membership in professional organizations, and securing funds to support professional involvement).


4. The Director will be evaluated on annual and quadrennial bases. The Director’s term of appointment will be for four years.


a. An annual evaluation will be made by the faculty using an instrument approved by the Faculty Senate and Chancellor. The annual evaluation shall be made available to the Director and Dean.


b. The Director's quadrennial performance will be evaluated in in accordance with established University policies. Evaluation of the Director will occur in March of the fourth year and every fourth year thereafter. The voting faculty (as defined by the Faculty Manual, Appendix L) shall discuss and vote by secret ballot on the effectiveness of the Director. The Personnel Committee chair will serve as the faculty leader for the quadrennial evaluation. A negative vote by the majority of the voting faculty shall constitute a recommendation that the Director be removed.


Section III. School Committees

A. Primary Standing Committees (dictated by the Faculty Manual)

1. Personnel Committee

a.         Function: The Personnel Committee is responsible for making recommendations regarding (1) initial probationary appointments, (2) initial fixed-term appointments, and (3) special fixed-term appointments and any additional roles as defined in Appendix D.


b.         Composition: The Personnel Committee is composed of at least three (3) members of the probationary and/or permanently tenured voting faculty members, including those on leave but present for the vote, and excluding the administrator. At least two thirds of the committee must be tenured. The chair of the Unit Personnel Committee shall be permanently tenured and shall be elected annually by and from the committee’s membership. A faculty member in his or her last year of employment shall not be eligible to serve on the Personnel Committee.


c.         Term: Personnel Committee members serve a term of two years.


2. Tenure Committee

a.         Function: The Tenure Committee is responsible for making recommendations regarding (1) initial appointments with permanent tenure, (2) reappointments of probationary term faculty, and (3) granting of permanent tenure.


b.         Composition: The Tenure Committee is composed of the permanently tenured voting faculty, including those on leave but present for the vote, and excluding the director. The chair shall be the chair of the Personnel Committee.


c.         Term: There is no term limit.


3. Promotion Committee

a.         Function: The Promotion Committee is responsible for making recommendations for promotions in academic rank, and for recommending the ranks of initial appointments at the associate professor or professor level.


b.         Composition: The Promotion Committee is composed of the permanently tenured and probationary term voting faculty members who hold a rank at least equal to the rank for which the candidate is being considered, including those on leave but present for the vote, and excluding the director. The chair shall be elected by and from the committee’s membership.


c.         Term: There is no term limit.


B. Other Standing Committees

1. Equipment and Facilities Committee

a.         Function: The committee shall be responsible for:

i. Recommending policies for use of School equipment, laboratories, and research space;

ii. Planning for the renovation and modification of existing classrooms and facilities in order to meet new needs;

iii. Recommendations of the committee will be made to the School faculty.


b.         Composition: The committee will consist of at least three (3) members of the School’s voting faculty.


c.         Term: Committee members serve staggered terms of two years.


2. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

a.         Function: The committee shall be responsible for:

i. Evaluating new course proposals from the faculty;

ii. Reviewing and revising SOC undergraduate curricula and degree programs; and

iii. Proposing new courses for the curriculum;

iv. Recommendations of the committee will be made to the voting faculty.


b.         Composition: The committee will consist of at least three (3) members of the School’s voting faculty.


c.         Term: Committee members serve staggered terms of two years.


3. Graduate Curriculum Committee


a.         Function: The committee shall be responsible for:

i.  Evaluating new course proposals from the faculty;

ii. Reviewing and revising SOC graduate

     curriculum and degree program;

iii. Proposing new courses for the curriculum when necessary; and

iv. Recommendations of the committee will be made to the voting faculty.


b.         Composition: The committee will consist of at least three (3) graduate faculty members selected from its Graduate Teaching, Associate Graduate and Graduate faculty membership.  The committee chair shall be elected by and from the committee’s membership.


c.         Term: Committee members serve staggered terms of two years.


4. Institutional Effectiveness Committee

a.         Function: The committee shall be responsible for:

i. Creating and administrating the materials used to gather data to assess

    institutional effectiveness;

            ii. Preparation of the relevant reports for ECU’s institutional effectiveness officer;

            iii. Preparation of the relevant reports for accrediting agencies;

            iv. Recording the School’s progress in meeting assessment goals; and

            v.  Reporting School progress in meeting assessment goals to the faculty.


b.         Composition: The committee will consist of at least three (3) members of the School’s voting faculty.


c.         Term: Committee members serve staggered terms of two years.


5. Ad Hoc Committees

a.         Function: Ad hoc committees will be established based on SOC need. Ad hoc committees can only be established by a majority vote of the faculty.  Recommendations of the committees will be made to the School faculty.


b.         Composition: Committees shall be composed of no less than three (3) members. Criteria for membership shall be determined at the time of committee establishment.


c.         Term: Ad hoc committee members serve a term of two years or until the committee is dissolved, whichever is shorter.


6. Election Procedures

The members of all School standing and ad hoc committees are to be elected by a majority (present and voting) of the School voting faculty (as per the Faculty Manual, Appendix L) at the beginning of the academic year. Each committee shall elect a chair and secretary from its membership at its first meeting of each academic year.


Section IV. Faculty Personnel Actions

A. Selection and Appointment of New Faculty

Selection and appointment of new probationary and fixed-term faculty members shall be in accord with Appendix C and Appendix D of the Faculty Manual. The Personnel Committee will be responsible for all aspects of conducting the search including the appointment of a hiring committee to make recommendations.


B. Teaching Assignments and Reassigned Time

Assignment of teaching duties and granting of reassigned time will be done by the School Director in accord with Appendix C of the Faculty Manual. Faculty members may request reassigned time from their usual teaching duties for research/creative activity. Written requests including justification should be submitted to the School Director at least one full semester in advance.


C. Criteria for Evaluation by Faculty

1. The voting faculty members of the SOC will indicate by secret ballot their approval or disapproval of the unit's Institutional Effectiveness/accrediting agency report, major planning documents (e.g., curriculum, strategic plan, etc.), and other assessments of unit operations, such as evaluations of administrative officials.


2. Five-Year Unit Program Evaluations will be done in accord with the procedures outlined in Appendix L of the Faculty Manual.


3. Quadrennial Unit Administrator Evaluations will be done in accordance with established University policies

4. Annual Evaluation of University Administrators will be done in accordance with established University policies.


D. Criteria for Evaluation of Faculty

Probationary and tenured faculty evaluations are based on the following criteria: (1) teaching effectiveness; (2) research/scholarship and creative activity; and (3) professional service, and (4) “other” when applicable. Specific criteria may be found in the Faculty Manual for probationary faculty reappointment (Faculty Manual, Appendix D), and promotion (Faculty Manual, Appendix C and Appendix D). Fixed term faculty are given subsequent appointments according to the procedures outlined in Appendix D and evaluated according to the provisions of the employment contract (see Faculty Manual, Appendix D).


1. Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness

Teaching effectiveness shall be measured by:

a.       survey(s) of student opinion;

b.      peer evaluation;

c.       teaching portfolios composed of syllabi or course outlines, course objectives, major topics, number and weights of tests and examinations, title of textbook(s), grading policies, and/or assigned projects. The portfolio may also include other instructional materials and information that faculty voluntarily make available as evidence of teaching effectiveness, including materials that could result from service or summer teaching assignments;

d.      quality of academic advising;

e.       grant-seeking/securing activity in appropriate areas; and

f.        other evidence of teaching effectiveness, surveys designed to poll the opinions of graduates or graduating seniors, evaluation of student performance in subsequent courses, and professional development through attendance at conferences with a significant component devoted to Communication.


2. Assessment of Research/Scholarship and/or Creative Activity

A record of consistent achievement of high quality in research/scholarship and/or creative activity is a necessary condition for promotion to the senior ranks and for tenure. Recognized forms of research/scholarship and creative activity for the SOC are listed below. The lists are comprehensive but not exhaustive as future developments in the field may generate more scholarly/creative outlets for School faculty.


Research/Scholarly activities (ranked in order of importance):

a.       Published research articles in refereed journals

b.      Published scholarly books and monographs

c.       Published book chapters

d.      Book editorship

e.       Securing external grants and serving as principal or co-investigator

f.        Journal/monograph editorship

g.       Published articles in refereed electronic journals

h.       Published book reviews

i.         Publishing articles in proceedings

j.        Published abstracts

k.      Published microforms

l.         Grant-seeking activities

m.     Participating as a juried or invited conference contributor (papers, panels, posters, roundtables, etc.)

n.       Other refereed or invited contributions to peer publications


Creative Activities (ranked in order of importance):

a.       Presenting jury-reviewed media and electronic productions (e.g., film festivals)

b.      Presenting jury-reviewed scripts/screenplays

c.       Production of jury-reviewed video, audio, or other electronic media works

d.      Patents

e.       Software development

f.        Proprietary research in the disciplines relevant to the SOC

g.       Consultation in the disciplines relevant to the School of Communication


Other scholarly activity:

a.       Receipt of professional honors

b.      Receipt of professional awards


As mandated by the Faculty Manual, (Appendix D) external peer review of the quality of a candidate's research/scholarship shall occur prior to School consideration of that candidate's readiness for promotion to the senior ranks or for permanent tenure. Authorship of textbooks shall be deemed research only if the texts contain results that would be considered new or innovative and would qualify for publication in respected communication research journals. Otherwise, such books will be considered as part of the assessment of one's teaching effectiveness.


3. Assessment of Service

Although service may not be weighed as heavily as either teaching or research/scholarship and creative activity in evaluations of tenured or tenure-track faculty, it is an important and, indeed, essential component of appropriate professional activity. Examples of appropriate service contributions may include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. School and university committee participation;


b. Other School activities, such as participation in faculty meetings and seminars, contributing to the student body as club advisors, event organizers, volunteers, and so on;


c. Participation in regional, national, or international community activities directly related to the faculty member's profession, such as lectures, speeches and presentations, news media interviews, and professional advice to nonprofit agencies;


d. Participation in service functions of the profession, such as acting as a referee or editor, officer of professional organizations, or session organizer or chair at professional meetings; and


e. General service contributing to local, regional, national, or international communities’ well-being by volunteering, organizing/contributing to community events, and so on.


4. Assessment of “other” activity

“Other” activity is determined by assignment. Such assignments include releases granted for the purpose of pursuing administrative work, program development, and so on. Such efforts should be established or identified at the beginning of the evaluation year so that the “other” category may be appropriately weighted.


E. Standards for Re-appointment and Subsequent Appointment

1. Fixed-term positions (following initial appointment)

The procedures for initial and subsequent appointments to Fixed-term positions shall follow those prescribed in the Faculty Manual, Appendices C and D. In addition, the following procedures shall apply:


Fixed-term faculty members considered for subsequent appointment shall prepare the following evaluation materials to be used in the subsequent appointment decision: student evaluations of teaching effectiveness, curriculum vitae noting accomplishments relevant to the position, other evidence of teaching effectiveness including syllabi and assignments, any other evidence of creative work, service, and scholarship relevant to the position. The completed application materials shall be made available to the Unit Personnel Committee no later than two calendar weeks before the Personnel Committee’s recommendation is required.


2. Probationary-Term Positions

The procedures for re-appointment of probationary-term faculty shall follow those prescribed in the Faculty Manual, Appendices C and D. In addition, the following procedures shall apply:


The unit Tenure Committee shall review the Personnel Action Dossier (PAD) (Faculty Manual Part XII) of each probationary-term faculty member. The PAD shall be complete and available to members of the Tenure Committee no later than two calendar weeks before the Committee’s recommendation is required. The members of the Tenure Committee shall review this document individually and discuss the PAD at a meeting called for this purpose. The Committee shall recommend re-appointment only if the PAD indicates a reasonable probability that the record will eventually sustain a recommendation for tenure and promotion using the criteria described in this Code for such actions.


F. Standards for Promotions and Tenure


1.General Provisions

The procedures for promotion of probationary term and permanently tenured faculty shall follow those prescribed in the Faculty Manual, Appendix D. Within the discipline of communication, creative activities (as defined in section IV.D.2 above) may fulfill the role customarily associated with scholarly research and publication. Candidates for promotion and permanent tenure may satisfy the research expectations of the University either through scholarly research leading to publication or through appropriate evidences of such creative activity.


The following procedures shall apply. The appropriate Tenure/Promotion Committee shall review the Personnel Action Dossier of each faculty member being considered for promotion. The PAD shall be complete and available to members of the Tenure/Promotion Committee no later than two calendar weeks before the Committee’s recommendation is required. The Committee shall use the promotion criteria relevant to the rank being considered.


Consideration of faculty for promotion shall employ criteria in the areas of teaching, research and/or creative activity, and service. The Personnel Action Dossier should demonstrate satisfactory qualifications in each of these three areas.


2. Appointment or Promotion to Assistant Professor


a. Teaching Criteria

                        i.          Holds appropriate terminal degrees, Ph.D., MFA


ii.          Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the relevant communication discipline, including central knowledge of the relevant professions and/or theoretical developments in the field, history, and trends in communication research, theory and practice.


iii.         Creates a learning environment that challenges and engages students and encourages and stimulates student learning.


                        iv.         Practices effective communication with students.


v.         Demonstrates a commitment to professional development as a teacher, through consultation with other faculty, attendance at discipline-specific teaching conferences, and attendance at teaching-related workshops.


vi.         Teaching effectiveness may be measured by: (1) review of course syllabi, including course objectives, requirements, evaluation materials and grading procedures; (2) peer review; (3) documentation of student performance; (4) student opinion surveys.


b. Research/Creative Activity Criteria

Produces significant and relevant research/creative work in the chosen area of specialization. The quantity and quality of the candidate’s work should point towards potential for eventual national recognition in the field. Acceptable evidence of research includes books, book chapters, published refereed articles, paper presentations at meetings and conferences, etc.  Candidates pursuing creative activities should demonstrate unquestioned technical proficiency in the medium relevant to their work and an ability to deliver and present their communicative media in a variety of juried settings. (See “Research/Scholarly Activities,” Section IV. D. 2.)


            c.         Service Criteria

Demonstrates a willingness to serve the SOC, through participation in School committees, performance of specific services within the candidate’s teaching and research areas, participation in ongoing School efforts in recruitment and admission of students.


3. Permanent Tenure

Criteria for achieving permanent tenure are the same as the criteria for promotion to Associate Professor.


4. Promotion to Associate Professor

 Has met the requirements listed for promotion to Assistant Professor:


            a.         Teaching Criteria

i.          Participates in student advising. Course syllabi and materials reflect an advanced and comprehensive understanding of the relevant communication discipline.


ii.          Contributes effectively to curriculum and program development. Highly skilled in creating learning environments suited to subject matter and course goals.


iii.         Attends teaching-related workshops and conventions regularly. May also participate in teaching/pedagogy related activities where communication is employed in other disciplines. Demonstrates a commitment to individual development as a teacher.


            b.         Research/Creative Activity Criteria

Candidates should demonstrate a history of research in the areas of specialization. There should be evidence in the quality and quantity of publications and presentations that the candidate has achieved recognition in the field.  Acceptable evidence includes published books, refereed journal articles, book chapters, presentations at meetings and conferences, monographs, relevant grants, and book editorships.  Those candidates offering creative activities should demonstrate continued evidence in quality and quantity of technical proficiency and an ability to deliver and present their communicative media in a variety of juried settings.  For acceptable evidence of creative activity: (See “Creative Works,” Section IV, D. 2.).


            c.         Service Criteria

Serves the SOC through participation in School and University committees, performs service relevant to the candidate’s chosen area of expertise and/or application. Engages in ongoing unit efforts to recruit and admit students. Shows a willingness to serve community programs and activities that directly relates the chosen area of expertise and/or shows willingness for university service.


5. Promotion to Professor

 Has met the requirements listed for promotion to Associate Professor:


            a.         Teaching Criteria

                        i.          Highly skilled as a teacher and (when applicable) practitioner.


                        ii.          Assumes leadership of curriculum and program development projects.


                        iii.         Receives outstanding overall ratings from peer and student evaluations.



            b.         Research/Creative Activity Criteria

Demonstrates a history of research and productivity in the areas of specialization. There should be evidence in the quality and quantity of refereed publications and juried presentations that the candidate has national recognition in the field. Acceptable evidence includes articles accepted for publication, presentations at meetings and conferences, monographs, book chapters, relevant grants, books, book editorship, and journal editorship. Those candidates offering creative activities should demonstrate continued evidence in quality and quantity of the technical proficiency and creativity of their work in juried presentations.


            c.         Service Criteria

Demonstrates leadership through participation in SOC, College of Fine Arts and Communication, and/or University committees, service, and recruitment. Demonstrates involvement in relevant community programs. Demonstrates leadership in relevant professional associations at the state, regional, national, and/or international level.


G. Assessment for Merit Pay Raises

In accordance with Faculty Manual, Appendix C, the Director, in consultation with each School member, will annually establish that faculty member's duties in teaching, research/scholarship and creative activity, and service, and determine the relative weight to be assigned each duty. The values for these weights shall be consistent with the reassigned time given to faculty members for research and service activities. Based upon each member's assigned duties and weights, the Director shall evaluate annually each faculty member's performance in teaching, research/scholarship and creative activity, and service. The Director, again in consultation with the faculty member, can revise the relative weights during the academic year if changing circumstances warrant such a revision. The Director shall report to each School member eligible for a merit increase the recommendation for merit pay for that member; the Director shall also reveal the mean and median merit pay awards (dollar amounts and percentage increases) being recommended for the School.


H. Personnel Action Dossiers

The contents and usage of Personnel Action Dossiers (PADs) are governed by the Faculty Manual, Appendix F, Appendix D, and Part XII respectively. Each candidate for reappointment, promotion, and tenure shall compile, in consultation with the Director and the chair of the Personnel Committee, his/her PAD. The PAD is to be used by the members of the appropriate School committee in its evaluation of the candidate's readiness for the action being requested.


I. Procedures for Promotion, Reappointment, and Tenure

The procedures for these personnel actions are prescribed by the Faculty Manual, Appendix D, and Unit Code Section IV. E. and F. Any faculty member requesting promotion or early conferral of tenure shall notify via written memorandum the Chair of the Personnel Committee of this request. Upon receipt of said notification, the Chair of the Personnel Committee shall consult in a timely manner with the faculty member to advise said member of the procedures and needs necessitated by the request.


Section V. School Meetings


A. Number of Meetings: There shall be at least three School meetings per semester.


B. Calling of Meetings: School meetings are called by the Director or by petition of:


(1)   a majority of the voting school faculty (as defined by the Faculty Manual, Appendix L, A.), or

(2)   a majority of the permanently tenured School faculty.


If a meeting is called by petition, this meeting shall be held within two weeks of the time the petition is presented to the Director.


C. Meeting Agenda: The agenda shall be distributed for each meeting at least 48 hours prior to the meeting; and the Director or any voting School faculty member may request that a particular item be placed on the agenda. Such requested items shall be placed on the agenda of at least one of the next two School meetings occurring after receipt of the request.


D.     Meeting Facilitation: The Director, or his/her designee, shall preside over School meetings that shall be conducted according to the rules and regulations of the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order: Newly Revised. No votes shall be cast by absentee ballots, except when otherwise prescribed. Motions made during School meetings are to be approved by a majority of the voting School faculty (present and voting as defined in this Code).


E.      Quorum: A quorum shall be three-fifths of the voting School faculty and a quorum must be present at each school meeting to conduct business.


F.      Minutes: Minutes of School meetings will be taken by a designee of the Director, and shall be distributed in a timely manner to all School members before the next School meeting.


Section VI. Evaluation of Unit, Unit Administrator(s) and University Procedures


A. Procedure for Approval of Major Planning Documents, Assessment Documents and Other Major Reports.


The Director shall enlist faculty participation and cooperation in preparation for major planning documents, assessment documents and other major reports. The faculty will indicate in a timely fashion and by vote, their approval or disapproval of such documents prior to submission in final form to person(s) outside the unit.  Such vote may be taken in a regular or specially called Faculty Organization Meeting.  A majority vote is required for approval.


B. Five-Year Unit Program Evaluation

The five-year program evaluation shall be conducted according to the procedure outlined in the Faculty Manual, Appendix L.


C. Unit Administrator Evaluation

The evaluation of the School of Communication Director shall be conducted in accordance with established University policies.


Section VII. Unit’s Annual Budget and Report


The Director shall prepare the budget and annual report in consultation with the faculty in a regular faculty meeting at the beginning of the academic school year.


Section VIII. Criteria for Salary Increases


All full-time continuing faculty shall annually document their accomplishments in teaching/advising effectiveness, research/creative activities and service for the academic year.  This information will be considered by the Director in making recommendations for merit salary allocation.  Evaluation and determination of annual salary increments will be done in accord with the Faculty Manual, Appendix C.


Section IX. Enabling


The Code shall go into effect upon approval by a majority of the permanently tenured faculty members of the SOC by secret ballot, the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor.


Section X. Amendment of Code


Amendments to this Code are to be submitted to the Director and must be initiated by not less than twenty percent of the School’s voting faculty, as defined in the Faculty Manual, Appendix L.  The proposal should include the signatures of the faculty making the request, the location of the proposed amendment in the Code, and the desired change or changes.  The Director shall circulate the proposal to all faculty and, following a twenty-day review period, call for a meeting of the faculty for consideration of the proposal.  A two-thirds majority of the ballots cast by permanently tenured faculty will be required to make an amendment to the Code.  Amendments to this Code also require the approval of the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor.