Geology Code Approval


1.     Approved by the tenured faculty of the Unit:                                                                                 12/8/06                                  


2.     Submitted to Dean:                                                                                                          2/7/07


3.     If changed, reapproved by tenured faculty:                                                                                   2/13/07


4.     Reviewed/recommended by Faculty Senate Unit Code Screening Committee:                              2-1-07


5.     Approved by the East Carolina University Faculty Senate:           (Resolution #07-05)                 2-20-07  


6.     Approved by East Carolina University Chancellor/or designee: Steve Ballard                               3-13-07 (effective date)










Section I.  Mission Statement

            Our mission is to achieve and sustain high quality, up-to-date instructional programs in our foundations courses and in our professional undergraduate and masters degree programs; to provide opportunities for and to encourage faculty and students in research and creative activities so that their achievements can result in professional recognition for them and for their department and university; to lend our professional expertise in appropriate service to the University, to private and public groups, and to organizations on the local, state, national, and international levels; and to integrate these areas of endeavor (teaching, research and service) into the larger, synergistic enterprise of scholarship.


Section II.  Organization

A.  Definitions of Voting Faculty Members

            1.  As pertains to the unit's nominating committee for appointment of administrative officials, for making recommendations on code content to the permanently tenured unit faculty members, and for evaluations of the effectiveness of unit administrators, voting faculty will be defined in accord with Appendix L, Section A of the ECU Faculty Manual.

            2.  As pertains to making recommendations for appointments, reappointments, promotion, and the conferral of permanent tenure to faculty, voting faculty will be defined in accord with Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.

            3.  As pertains to all matters not covered by sections A.1. and A.2. above, voting faculty will be defined as someone who holds a full-time faculty position with East Carolina University and a greater than one-half time position in the unit, and  holds regular professorial rank and has at least one-half of the teaching/research duties normally assigned in the unit.


B.  Administrative Organization

            1.  Department Chairperson

            The chairperson is the department's official representative and advocate to the higher administrative units of the College and University.  The chairperson will provide leadership for the department and give impetus to the teaching and research efforts of the department.  The chairperson's performance will be evaluated in accord with the ECU Faculty Manual.  Reappointment, removal, and the appointment of a new chairperson will be in accord with the ECU Faculty Manual.

                        a.  Duties of the Chairperson

                                    1.  Oversight of the day-to-day operations of the department.

2.  Responsibility for all space, facilities, field equipment, vehicles and boats, their proper use and assignment to meet continuing departmental needs.

3.  Preparation of the Annual Report and the Annual Budget.  The chairperson will authorize expenditures after due consultation with the faculty and will have available up-to-date files and records on the various budgets within the department.  The Annual Report and the Annual Budget will be presented and discussed at a regular faculty meeting during the year.

4.  Assignment of specific classes and teaching loads to individual faculty members.

5.  Keeping the faculty fully informed of all higher level administrative decisions that relate to the operations of the department or to the welfare of individual  faculty members.

6.   Scheduling departmental meetings each month, or in response to a written request by a faculty member of the department.

7.  Distribution of minutes of departmental meetings to the geological sciences faculty members and to the heads of appropriate higher administrative units.

8.  Hiring and supervision of supporting personnel (secretaries, technicians and student workers).

                                    9.   Requisition and purchase of office supplies.

                                    10.   Forwarding recommendations for promotion, permanent

tenure, reappointment, non-reappointment and merit salary increase to the dean.

11.   Awareness of various public funds available for departmental improvement and faculty research efforts.

12.   Designating an acting department chairperson for those periods when he/she is sick or out of town on official business, and during the summer vacation months.

                                    13.  Providing publicity for various activities within the Department.

14.  Serving, if elected, as a member of the various departmental committees.

                                    15.  Ensuring that code procedures are followed.

            2.  Director of Graduate Studies

                        a.  Term of Office

                        The director of graduate studies will be elected by the faculty for a two (2)-year

term, at the last meeting of the academic year for those years when a term

is completed.

                        b.  Responsibilities

                                    1. Serving as departmental representative to the Graduate Assembly.

                                    2.  Advising graduate students on course requirements including any

                                         undergraduate deficiencies.

3.       Advising graduate students of non-course requirements

      (comprehensive exam, thesis proposal, etc.) and recommending how and when to satisfy such requirements.

                                    4.  Keeping the faculty informed of the progress of graduate students or

                                         of any special problems encountered by them.

                                    5.  Answering inquiries from prospective graduate students.

                                    6.  Processing applications for assistantships in the department.

                                    7. Coordinating graduate assessment activities.


            3.  Director of Undergraduate Studies

                        a.  Term of Office

                        The director of undergraduate studies will be elected by the faculty for a two (2)- year term, at the last meeting of the academic year for those years when a term is completed.

                        b.  Responsibilities

                                    1.  Advising undergraduate geology majors and minors on course


                                    2.  Keeping the faculty informed of the progress of undergraduate

                                         students or of any special problems encountered by them.

                                    3.  Answering inquiries from prospective undergraduate majors.

                                    4.  Preparing senior summaries.

                                    5. Coordinating undergraduate assessment activities



Section III. Committees


            The faculty believes that the most efficient and democratic manner of participating in operations and decisions within the department is through appropriate committees.

A.  Personnel, Tenure and Promotion Committees

1.  A personnel committee composed of the permanently tenured voting faculty of the department will function as outlined in Appendix D, Section IV, of the ECU Faculty Manual.

2.  Tenure Committee

The tenure committee will be composed and function as outlined in Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.

            3.  Promotion Committees

Promotion committees will be composed and function as outlined in Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.

B.  Standing Committees

            1.  Space Utilization Committee

a.  The committee will consist of three (3) members on staggered two (2)-year terms elected by the voting faculty, at the first meeting of each academic year.  The committee will choose its chairperson at its first meeting of each academic year.

                        b.  The committee shall be responsible for

1.  Recommending the assignment of available office space to faculty and students.

2.   Planning for the future utilization of classroom and research space and space for supporting facilities (photographic dark room, research room, computer laboratories, etc.).

3.  Planning for the renovation and modification of existing classrooms and facilities in order to meet new needs.

                        c.  Recommendations of the committee will be made to the full faculty for a vote.

            2.  Curriculum Committee

a.  The committee will consist of three (3) members on staggered two (2)-year terms elected by the voting faculty, at the first meeting of the academic year.  The committee will choose its chairperson at its first meeting of each academic year.

                        b.  The committee shall be responsible for

                                    1.  Evaluating new course proposals from the faculty.

2.  Examining the curricula and proposing new courses and/or

revisions in existing courses.

c.       Recommendations of the committee will be made to the full faculty, for a



Section IV.  Faculty Personnel Actions

A.  Selection and Appointment of New Faculty

            Selection and appointment of new faculty members shall be in accord with Appendix C and Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.  The Personnel committee will be responsible for all aspects of conducting the search.


B.  Teaching Assignments and Reassigned Time

            Assignment of teaching duties and granting of reassigned time will be done in accord with Appendix C of the ECU Faculty Manual.


C.  Faculty Evaluation

            Each faculty member, in consultation with the departmental chairperson, will select relative weights (percentage of commitment) to be applied to the criteria that are used in the annual evaluation of the individual’s performance. The individual will inform the departmental chairperson, in writing, of the selection no later than September 1st for continuing faculty or within one month of the initial date of employment for new faculty.  The percentage of commitment is reviewed and evaluated in January by the faculty member in consultation with the departmental chairperson and adjustments are renegotiated, as appropriate.

            The specific weights given to teaching effectiveness, research, and service for each faculty member shall be not less than 25% teaching effectiveness, 25% research productivity and 10% service.  The allocation of the remaining 40% to these minima shall adhere to the prescription of Appendix C, Section III, of the ECU Faculty Manual, that the weight assigned to service shall not be greater than that assigned to either teaching effectiveness or research productivity. 


D.  Reappointment and Professional Advancement

1.         The procedures for reappointment of probationary-term faculty are as follows, which are in addition to those prescribed in Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.

a.         The unit Tenure committee shall review the Personnel Action Dossier of each probationary-term faculty member at a meeting called for this purpose.  The committee shall consider whether the dossier indicates the faculty member is making satisfactory progress towards securing tenure and promotion using the

criteria described in Section G , below.

b.         Fixed-term faculty members considered for subsequent appointment shall prepare those portions of a Personnel Action Dossier which are relevant to their appointment, as determined by the department chairperson and the Personnel committee.  The Personnel committee shall review this document prior to the contract expiration at a meeting called for this purpose.  The committee shall recommend subsequent appointment only if the document demonstrates performance consistent with the expectations of the initial contract letter, and if these expectations continue to reflect the needs of the Department.

2.         The procedures for promotion of faculty are as follows, which are in addition to those prescribed in Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.  Unit Promotion committees shall review the Personnel Action Dossier of each faculty member being considered for promotion at a meeting called for this purpose.  The committees shall use the promotion criteria described in Section G, below.

3.         The procedures for appointment/renewal to the graduate faculty are specified in Appendix F of the ECU Faculty Manual.  For appointment/renewal to the graduate faculty, faculty members in the Department of Geological Sciences must demonstrate productivity within the last five years in some combination of the following categories.  An individual need not have contributed in every category, and it shall be the responsibility of the graduate and associate graduate faculty of the department to determine the merit of applications submitted for consideration.  The items listed are prioritized in descending order of importance.

                        a.  Publication of scholarly research in refereed venues (journals, book chapters,

geologic maps, etc.)

                        b.  Grants/contracts awarded in support of research

                        c.  Adviser for completed theses

                        d.  Editorship of a journal or monograph

                        e.  Research articles in proceedings volumes (non-refereed)

                        f.  Presentation of research at professional meetings with published abstract

                        g.  Membership on review panels and editorial boards

                        h.  Ad hoc reviews of journal articles and grant proposals

i.  Officership/membership on executive committees of professional organizations

                        j.  Progress reports to granting agencies.



E.  Merit Salary Allocation

            All full-time continuing faculty shall annually document their accomplishments in teaching effectiveness, research, and service for the academic year.  These documents will be considered by the department chairperson in making recommendations for merit salary allocation.  Evaluation and determination of annual salary increments will be done in accord with Appendix C of the ECU Faculty Manual.


F.  Personnel/Evaluation Files

            A Personnel/Evaluation file shall be maintained by the department chairperson for each faculty member in the Department of Geological Sciences.  The file will be located in the departmental office.  Content of files and access to files shall be in accord with Appendix C  of the ECU Faculty Manual.


G.  Tenure and Promotion

Candidates for permanent tenure and promotion shall be evaluated by the following criteria, which are in addition to those prescribed in Appendix C and Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual.

1.         Teaching/Advising--(1) the articulation of the salient aspects of a discipline in a rigorous but accessible manner, whether in or out of the traditional classroom setting; (2) academic advising within the discipline and the foundations curriculum, where department operating procedures provide such an opportunity; and (3) other contributions towards the University’s fundamental mission of transmitting knowledge, including participation in curriculum development.

                        a.         For Permanent Tenure

1. Satisfactory overall results from student and peer evaluations consistent with university and departmental means.

2. Other documentation of teaching effectiveness using instruments     

and procedures approved by the unit.

                                    3. Lucid, carefully written course objectives, requirements, formats,

                                    procedures, instructional materials, grading policies, and evaluation

                                    materials for students.

                                    4. Active role in the development of the curriculum and programs of the


5. Maintenance of a satisfactory level of student performance consistent

            with departmental standards.

                                    6. Active role in advising students regarding course and laboratory work,

                                    independent research, program choices, and career planning.

                                    7. Achievement and maintenance of a satisfactory level of teaching and                                          advising effectiveness.

                        b.  For Promotion to Associate Professor

The teaching and advising criteria for promotion to Associate Professor are the same as those for permanent tenure:  See Section G.1.a. above.  Although recommendations regarding tenure and promotion are separate, the Promotion committee must follow the provision of Appendix D of the ECU Faculty Manual that “sound academic practice supports the concept that an assistant professor eligible for tenure should qualify for promotion to associate professor.”

                        c.  For Promotion to Professor

The teaching and advising criteria for promotion to Professor include those for promotion to Associate Professor: See Section G. 1.b. above.  Additional criteria include, but are not limited to, the following:

                                    1.   Leadership achievements in curriculum and program development;

2.   Leadership achievements in the enhancement of teaching effectiveness;

3.   Leadership achievements in the enhancement of advising effectiveness.

                                    4.   Leadership and advisory role with probationary-term faculty

regarding advancement of teaching and advising effectiveness

consistent with departmental standards.

2.         Research--(1) serious inquiry leading to the discovery and interpretation of knowledge, revision of accepted theories or laws in light of new knowledge, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws; and (2) the dissemination of such discovery, interpretation or revision through refereed scholarly publications; or the combination of refereed scholarly publications and publication of monographs by reputable scholarly presses.

The candidate must have consistent achievements of high quality in research productivity .

                        a.  For Permanent Tenure

The candidate’s publications must reflect a significant and developing research agenda in the areas of specialization.  They must indicate that the candidate has the potential for eventual national recognition as an important scholar.  The publications must be of promise, high quality in content, and reveal consistent research efforts.  They should take the form of articles published in the discipline’s refereed journals; or the combination of refereed scholarly publications and publication of monographs by reputable scholarly presses, university presses, scholarly societies, or other presses held in high regard by the scholarly community.  Textbooks and grant reports shall count as research only if they have a significant impact on one’s peers within the discipline.  Other considerations include such important activities as securing grants from agencies in support of the candidate’s research program. Publishing papers in conference proceedings and papers read at professional meetings and their associated published abstracts shall usually warrant less consideration.

                        b.  For Promotion to Associate Professor

The research productivity criteria for promotion to Associate Professor are the same as those for permanent tenure:  See Section G. 2.a. above.  Although recommendations regarding tenure and promotion are separate, the unit Promotion Committee must follow the provision of Appendix D that “sound academic practice supports the concept that an assistant professor eligible for tenure should qualify for promotion to associate professor.”

                        c.  For Promotion to Professor

The research productivity criteria for promotion to Professor include those for permanent tenure: See Section G. 2. a. above.  In addition:  The candidate must have earned national recognition in the discipline or specialization,

principally through a number of articles published in the discipline’s refereed journals; or the combination of refereed scholarly publications and publication of monographs by reputable scholarly presses, university presses, scholarly societies, or other presses held in high regard by the scholarly community.  In addition to the prima facie evidence of the publications themselves, evidence of such recognition includes references to the candidate’s work in the research publications of peers, favorable reviews published in learned periodicals, or prestigious awards bestowed in honor of the candidate’s work. A candidate whose national recognition as an important scholar in the discipline or

specialization is not clearly established through publications shall not be recommended for promotion to Professor.

3. Service--formal and informal assignments or activities on behalf of the department, College, University, the community at large, and the profession.  The highest level of professional service is that which enhances the academic credibility of the University.

Expectations regarding service contributions increase as a faculty member’s career progresses.  The minimum required for permanent tenure and promotion therefore depends upon rank.

                        a.  For Permanent Tenure

            Although service is accorded the least weight in the tenure evaluation, it is nevertheless an essential component of the candidate’s professional commitment.  An especially strong service record cannot compensate for a record of weak teaching or weak research productivity, but a reasonable record of departmental and university service is expected of any faculty member under consideration for tenure.  The quality rather than the quantity of service is of primary importance. It is expected that most of the faculty member’s early service contributions will be internal.  During subsequent years, the faculty member should strive to make service contributions to the College and University as a whole and eventually to the community at large and to the profession.  Examples of such contributions may include, but would not be limited to, the following:

                        1.         Unit--Department committee participation as specified by this Code and

                                    other department activities such as administrative duties, special

                                    assignments from the chairperson, and participation in faculty meetings

                                    and seminars;

                        2.         College--Participation in college-level committees and assignments;

                        3.         University--participation in University-level committees and


                        4.         Community--Participation in regional, national, or international

                                    community activities directly related to the faculty member’s profession,

                                    such as lectures and presentations, news media interviews, and

                                    professional advice to nonprofit agencies;

                        5.         Discipline--Participation in service functions of the profession such as

                                    journal referee or editor, officer of professional organizations, and

                                    session organizer or chair at professional meetings.

                        b.  For Promotion to Associate Professor

The criteria for promotion to Associate Professor include those for permanent tenure:  See Section G. 3. a. above.

                        c.  For Promotion to Professor

The criteria for promotion to Professor are the same as those for permanent tenure:  See Section G.3.a. above.  In addition, the candidate must show leadership in the various service areas described in Section G.3. a., items I. through v. above.


Section V.  Meetings

The department chairperson will schedule departmental meetings each month and will be responsible for setting the agenda.  Any faculty member of the Department of Geological Sciences may request in writing the scheduling of a departmental meeting.  All meetings will be conducted in accord with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.


Section VI.  Evaluation of Unit, Unit Administrator(s) and University Administrators

A.  The voting faculty members of the Department  of Geological Sciences will indicate by secret ballot their approval or disapproval of the unit’s SACS report, major planning documents, and other assessments of unit operations, such as evaluations of administrative officials.

B.  Five-Year Unit Program Evaluations will be done in accord with the procedures outlined in Appendix L of the ECU Faculty Manual.

C.  Quadrennial Unit Administrator Evaluations will be done in accord with the procedures outlined in Appendix L of the ECU Faculty Manual.

D.  Annual Evaluation of University Administrators will be done in accord with Appendix L of the ECU Faculty Manual.


Section VII.  Other Policies and Documents

A. Summer School Teaching

            Available positions for summer school teaching will be handled on a rotational basis, with first choice going to the faculty member who has not taught summer sessions for the longest period of time.  As an example, if faculty member A declines to teach during a given summer, the person immediately below him/her in terms of elapsed time since his/her previous summer teaching (faculty member B), will be offered the position.  In this event, faculty member A and faculty member B have simply exchanged places.  Once a faculty member teaches summer school, he/she will then occupy a position at the bottom of the list and will not be eligible to teach again until all other faculty members of the department have been offered the opportunity to teach.


Section VIII.  Enabling

            This Code shall go into effect when approved by a majority of the permanently tenured faculty members of the Department of Geological Sciences by secret ballot and after approval by the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor.


Section IX.  Amendment of Code

            The Code of Operations can be amended at any scheduled departmental meeting by a majority vote of the permanently-tenured faculty.  Any faculty member of the Department  of Geological Sciences can propose an amendment.  All amendments must be approved by the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor.