Code Revision:


  1. Approved by the tenured faculty of the Unit:

Chair, Unit Code Committee: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­  Susan A. McGhee    Date:    November 27, 2006 


  1. If  changed, reapproved by the tenured faculty:

Chair, Unit Code Committee: __________________________ Date: _____________


  1. Submitted to Dean for advice: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­  ­­­­­­­­­­­ Glen G. Gilbert          Date:    January 9, 2007­      


  1. Reviewed/recommended by the Faculty Senate Unit Code Screening Committee:

Chair:  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Garris Conner    Date:   February 1, 2007


  1. Approved by the East Carolina University Faculty Senate:

Chair of the Faculty: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Mark Taggart         Resolution #07-05     2-20-07


  1. Approved by East Carolina University Chancellor/or designee:

Chancellor: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­  Steve Ballard                      Date:    March 13, 2007

                                                                                (Effective Date)


Revision of Code:   X     Complete; or ____         Part(s) Effective: _____










This code allows for faculty participation in and establishes procedures for the unit’s internal affairs and is consistent with all applicable appendices of the East Carolina University Faculty Manual (ECU/FM).






The mission of the College is to provide instruction, research, and service in health, exercise science, and leisure behavior. The primary focus of the College is to discover and disseminate knowledge concerning development, maintenance, and enhancement of health, physical performance, and quality of life.






The College shall consist of the General Faculty and the Graduate Faculty. The General Faculty is comprised of all permanently tenured faculty members, all voting faculty members, and all faculty members in the College as defined in Section IV of this Code. The Graduate Faculty shall consist of those faculty members defined by the Graduate School in Accordance with Appendix F of the ECU/FM. The College is comprised of three departments, which are the Department of Exercise and Sport Science, the Department of Health Education and Promotion, and the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies.






A.  Dean of the College


The Dean is the chief administrative officer of the College. The selection and tenure of the Dean shall conform with Appendix L, ECU/FM. In consultation with the officers, departments, and faculty of the College and the College committees, and in

      accordance with the ECU/FM, the Dean shall plan and administer the affairs of the College, and is responsible for ensuring that code procedures are followed, including:


1.            The Dean shall prepare the College’s annual budget request and annual report in consultation with the Executive Committee. The Dean will discuss the annual budget request and annual report with the faculty in a regular faculty meeting at the beginning of the academic year. A copy of the College annual report will be made available to faculty upon request.


2.            The Dean shall make available to the faculty a copy of the College’s Strategic Plan and other major planning documents and assessments of unit operation (excluding 5-year unit evaluation) for at least ten working days prior to voting their approval or disapproval. Approval by a majority of the fulltime faculty of the College will be required before submission to person(s) outside the unit. A document that addresses only one department, program or group of programs in a department requires approval by the fulltime faculty in that department or involved program(s) before it may be released. Voting shall be coordinated by either the College or departmental administrator as is appropriate for the document.


      The Dean represents the College in its relation with other units of the University, chairs the Executive Committee of the College, and convenes and presides over College faculty meetings.


B.  Associate Deans


1.    The Associate Deans act for the Dean in performing administrative responsibilities related to College programs. Associate Deans serve at the pleasure of the Dean and are appointed by the Dean in accordance with Appendix L of the ECU/FM. An Associate Dean may continue in office until a successor has been appointed or the position eliminated.  


2.    Duties of Associate Deans


Assist the Dean in performing administrative responsibilities relating to College programs and monitor compliance with University policies and procedures; facilitate and support both individual and interdisciplinary faculty teaching, research, and service efforts; and perform other administrative duties designated by the Dean.


C.  Chair of a Department


1.      The chair of a department is the administrator of the department and provides leadership, support, and guidance to the total functioning of the department. The selection and term of office of a chair shall conform with Appendix L of the ECU/FM. Any acting appointment must be confirmed by a majority of the departmental permanently tenured faculty after one year of appointment and on an annual basis thereafter.


2.   Duties of a Chair


a.    serve as a departmental representative to the Dean and other departments within the College, other units and departments within the University, and other agencies, organizations, and institutions;


               b.   advocate for the professions represented by the respective department;


               c.   plan and administer the affairs of the department in accordance with the policies and procedures determined by the University, College, and department;


d.                           prepare the department budget allowing for input from the faculty; manage and be responsible for the budget and all other funds assigned or belonging to the department, work with the department to establish policies with regard to grants, contracts, and other revenues generated by the department and its programs;

e.      manage departmental operations, including the departmental office and staff; maintain personnel files, student files, current course syllabi, and other administrative records in accordance with the ECU General Records Retention and Disposition Schedule; inventory records; inventory and maintain equipment; and respond to departmental equipment requests;


f.    after obtaining input from the faculty, establish personnel needs and oversee the proper utilization of faculty and staff positions, space, and all other resources allocated to the department by the Dean;


g.   determine teaching assignments, reassigned time, and other duties for both faculty and graduate students, advise students, forward textbook requests, and after obtaining input from the undergraduate and graduate program directors, schedule departmental course offerings;


h.   supervise selection, employment, and performance evaluation of departmental staff;


i.    mentor and/or facilitate the professional development of all faculty in terms of teaching effectiveness, research and other scholarly activities, and service to the department, College, University, community, and profession, respond to travel requests by faculty, assist with new faculty orientation, and manage teaching evaluations of faculty and graduate assistants;

j.    with input from administrators/supervisors of special units of the College or University to whom faculty have been reassigned, conduct annual performance evaluations of departmental faculty, share in writing and discuss the evaluation with the appropriate individual and recommend salary increments to the Dean in accordance with Appendix C of the ECU/FM;


k.   forward personnel recommendations of the appropriate departmental faculty committees along with the Chair’s concurrence or non-concurrence to the Dean of the College in accordance with Appendix D of the ECU/FM;


l.    call and preside over departmental faculty meetings and supervise the writing and distribution of departmental faculty meeting minutes;


m.  perform other organizational duties including:


(1.)  when necessary, prior to the April meeting of the College, call for the election of departmental representatives to pertinent College committees; and


(2.)  when necessary, at the April meeting of departmental faculty, call for the election of members to standing committees of the department.


n.   approve curriculum and catalog changes, and ensure changes are presented to appropriate College and University committees;


o.   recommend to the Dean of the College a member of the faculty to carry out the duties of a chair during brief temporary absences of a chair;


p.   ensure that code procedures are followed;


q.   ensure that the department’s annual budget request and annual report are discussed with the faculty;


r.    ensure that unit faculty members are provided opportunities to indicate in a timely fashion and vote their approval or disapproval of the department’s major planning documents and other assessments of unit operation (excluding 5-year unit evaluation) prior to submission to person(s) outside the unit; and


s.    perform other duties as delegated by the Dean of the College.


C.     Assistant Chair of a Department


1.   The Assistant Chair acts for the Chair in performing administrative responsibilities related to the departmental programs. The Assistant Chair serves at the pleasure of the Chair and is appointed by the Chair in accordance with Appendix L of the ECU/FM. The Assistant Chair may continue in office until a successor has been appointed or the position eliminated.


2.   Duties of Assistant Chair


Assist the Chair in performing administrative responsibilities relating to departmental programs and monitor compliance with University policies and procedures. The Assistant Chair may assume the duties of the Chair in his/her temporary absence.






A.  Definition of the Faculty


The Faculty of the College consists of all persons with University appointments who hold regular academic rank in the College as instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor and persons who hold fixed-term appointments.


B.   Definition of Graduate Faculty


Health and Human Performance Graduate Faculty shall consist of the College faculty, as described in Section IV, A of this Code, who are currently Graduate Faculty as described in the ECU/FM, Appendix F, Section IB – Membership.


C.  Definition of Voting Faculty


1.   A voting member in the College is defined in the same way as a voting faculty member is defined in Appendix D and L of the ECU/FM.


2.      The voting graduate faculty of the College shall be comprised of all members of the graduate faculty within the College. Only members of the graduate faculty may vote on graduate business. Only members with designated status as “Graduate Faculty” within the College may vote on applications for graduate faculty status.


D.     Definition of Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct faculty status is an honorary non-teaching distinction that is conferred only for those individuals not directly affiliated with a department in the College who have made or are expected to make substantial contributions to a department.


1.      Appointment as an adjunct faculty member is for a term of one to three years. Each department establishes the nomination procedures for appointment as adjunct faculty. A positive vote by the majority of the unit personnel committee is required to forward a recommendation of adjunct faculty status to the department chair. If concurring with the recommendation, the department chair forwards the recommendation to the Dean of the College. Non-concurrence at any level with a recommendation for appointment as adjunct faculty terminates the appointment process.


2.      The faculty rank of appointment (instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor) is commensurate with the individual's current academic appointment outside the College. In cases where the individual holds no academic appointment, rank is conferred in accordance with the individual's achievements and highest academic degree attained.


3.      Adjunct faculty status is an unsalaried, non-tenure track appointment with no voting privileges.


4.      Although adjunct members of the faculty do not receive benefits normally associated with full-time employment, they are regarded as members of East Carolina University community.


5.      Any appointment of an adjunct faculty to assume teaching responsibilities in a department is separate from adjunct status. Such appointments must be done in accordance with Appendix C and D of the ECU/FM.





A.  Establishing Special Units


Special units of the College promote, implement and administer interdisciplinary research and service. Such special units involve more than one department and serve some mission beyond that of an individual department. Special units are administratively responsible to the Dean. To establish a special unit, the Dean will seek input from the Executive Committee and faculty of the College.


B.  Human Performance Laboratory


The Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) is an interdisciplinary research and service extension of the College.


1.   The Director of the HPL is responsible to the Dean of the College regarding the administration of the laboratory.


a.   The Dean, in consultation with the Department Chairs, will appoint the Director of the HPL. The Director of the HPL will hold a faculty appointment within the College. The appointment of the faculty member who will serve as Director will adhere to Appendix C and D of the ECU/FM.


b.   The Director of the HPL will administer for the Laboratory: state continuation account, receipts account, foundation accounts, grants in which the Director is Principal Investigator, and graduate assistantships assigned to the Laboratory.


c.  The Director of the HPL will schedule all activities in facilities assigned to the Laboratory. Instructional scheduling of academic classes using HPL facilities will be done in consultation with the Director of the HPL.


d.   Approval will be required of the Chair of the affected department and the Director of the HPL on all contracts and grants initiated by faculty members working in conjunction with the HPL.


e.   The Director of the HPL will provide input on annual evaluation of faculty with regard to HPL activities to the Chair of the department in which the faculty holds appointment. 


f.    The Dean of the College will be responsible for evaluating the Director of the HPL with regard to Laboratory administration.


g.   The Director of the HPL will provide an annual report of the activities of Laboratory to the Dean of the College.


     2.   Faculty with reassigned time in the HPL


a.   Faculty may be reassigned time in the HPL by the Dean of the College after consultation with the affected Chair and the Director of the HPL.


b.   All faculty appointments for individuals with reassigned time in the HPL will be conducted by the Department in which the appointment is held and in full accordance with Appendix D of the ECU/FM. 


c.   Annual evaluations of faculty with reassigned time in the HPL will be conducted by the appropriate Department Chair with input from the Director of the HPL related to Laboratory activities.






A.     All Standing Committee appointments shall be for three years and become effective on the day of Fall Convocation.


B.      Executive Committee of the College


         1.  Function of the Committee


            The function of the Committee is to advise and assist the Dean in the operation of the College.


      2.   Composition of the Committee


            The Executive Committee of the College is comprised of the Dean, Associate Deans, and Department Chairs. Other ex-officio members may be appointed by the Dean.


C.  College Undergraduate Curriculum Committee


      1.   Function of the Committee


            The function of the College Undergraduate Curriculum Committee is to review all undergraduate curriculum-related business approved by departments. The Chair of the College Undergraduate Curriculum Committee shall submit these items to the University Curriculum Committee. The Chair of the proposing department or an appointed representative will attend university-level curriculum-related meetings at which the department’s proposal will be considered in order to explain the proposal and respond to questions.


      2.   Composition of the Committee


            The College Undergraduate Curriculum Committee shall consist of one member selected by the voting faculty of each of the departments, and two at-large members elected by the College faculty in April. The two at-large members may not come from the same department. The committee shall elect a chair each year immediately following April elections. The term of membership shall be for three years.


3.   Meetings of the Committee


            a.   The Committee shall meet as frequently as necessary. At least five working days prior to each meeting, the chair of the committee will provide the College faculty with written notification of the time and location of the meeting, the agenda, and access to written course/curriculum proposals.


            b.   The Chair of the proposing department(s) or an appointed representative will be expected to attend the meeting at which the department's proposal will be considered to explain the proposal and respond to questions. Representatives of other departments in the College may attend and speak regarding such proposals.


D.  College Graduate Curriculum Committee


      (see Section VII, D of this Code - Graduate Curriculum Process)


E.   Departmental Undergraduate Curriculum Committees


1.   Function of the Committees


a.   The function of the committees is to review all undergraduate curriculum matters proposed by faculty within that department according to the following protocol:


(1.)    Any faculty member may propose undergraduate curriculum changes to the Chair of the Departmental Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. Such proposals shall be written and in the appropriate format required by the University.


(2.)    The Committee Chair shall convene meetings as needed of the Departmental Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. Faculty members shall be invited to explain their proposals and respond to questions. The Committee shall make recommendations to the departmental faculty regarding all proposals received.


(3.)    At least five working days prior to a departmental faculty meeting, the Chair of the Committee shall notify the faculty of the department of the nature of any curriculum matters to be presented for their approval and the location of copies of the proposals.


(4.)    At the departmental meeting, the Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee shall present to the departmental faculty the proposal received and the recommendation of the Committee. The faculty members shall be provided opportunity at this time to explain the proposal and/or respond to the recommendation.


(5.)    The Chair of the Department shall conduct a vote of the faculty for each curriculum matter proposed.


(6.)       The Chair of the Department shall submit approved proposals to the College Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Chair.


2.   Composition of the Committees


a.   Each department shall elect an Undergraduate Curriculum Committee of not less than three faculty members. Members shall be elected to three-year terms by each department during the month of March. 


b.   The Departmental Undergraduate Curriculum Committees shall elect Chairs from among their membership immediately following elections in March.






A.  College Director of Graduate Studies


1.      The College Director of Graduate Studies serves as liaison for the Dean with the Graduate School and with the departmental graduate directors, program directors, and chairs within the College on matters relating to graduate programs.


In consultation with the graduate faculty of the College, the Dean shall appoint the College Director of Graduate Studies. The College Director of Graduate Studies serves at the pleasure of the Dean and may continue in the position until a successor has been appointed or the position is eliminated.


2.      Duties of the College Director of Graduate Studies:


a.       facilitate College graduate programs including activities necessary to implement program and curriculum goals established by the Graduate Faculty. Such activities include promoting the College graduate programs, aiding departments in recruitment of graduate students, overseeing admission procedures, monitoring program evaluation and accreditation, seeking external funding, and advising the Dean on resource allocation;


b.      oversee the appointment and renewal of faculty to membership of the College graduate faculty in accordance with Appendix F of the ECU/FM;


c.       preside over meetings of the College Graduate Faculty and serve as (non- voting) Chair of the College Graduate Curriculum Committee;


d.      designate one of the departmental graduate student organization presidents to represent the College when needed at specific events; and


e.       call for the election, in April, of the College representative and alternate to the Graduate School Administrative Board for a two-year term.


B.   Departmental Director of Graduate Studies


      1.   The Departmental Director of Graduate Studies (Exercise and Sport Science, Health Education and Promotion, or Recreation and Leisure Studies) primarily acts as departmental representative and liaison with the College Director of Graduate Studies, other departments within the College and University, and other external agencies, organizations or institutions on matters pertaining to the departmental graduate programs.


            The Departmental Director of Graduate Studies shall be nominated by the Department Chair after consultation with the voting department Graduate Faculty, and the College Director of Graduate Studies. The Departmental Director of Graduate Studies must be approved by majority vote of the voting department Graduate Faculty. The Departmental Director must possess voting graduate faculty status. Initial appointment as Departmental Director of Graduate Studies is for a three-year term. Subsequent reappointment must be approved by majority vote of the voting department Graduate Faculty. Any acting Departmental Director of Graduate Studies must be confirmed by the voting department Graduate Faculty after one year of appointment and on an annual basis thereafter.


2.   Duties of the Departmental Director of Graduate Studies:


            a.   implement the departmental graduate program in compliance with the policies and procedures established by the College graduate faculty and the Graduate School and monitor compliance with those policies and procedures;


b.   collaborate with the College Director of Graduate Studies to facilitate appointment and renewal of departmental faculty to membership of the College graduate faculty in accordance with Appendix F of the ECU/FM;


            c.   call and chair regular meetings of the department graduate faculty to seek input on activities necessary to implement program and curriculum goals including selection of graduate assistants, curriculum development, and administration of comprehensive examinations;


            d.   in coordination with program directors, maintain records to include transcripts, letters of recommendation, grade reports and other data of graduate students enrolled in the department, and respond to inquiries that pertain to graduate work in the department;


            e.   supervise or delegate to program directors the advising, scheduling, registration, and schedule change procedures for graduate students;


            f.    conduct a departmental program of recruitment in coordination with program directors including consulting and advising prospective graduate students, preparing and distributing information describing requirements, grants, assistantships, and awards available to graduate students in the College and Department;


            g.   make recommendations to the Department Chair and program directors regarding scheduling of graduate courses by the Chair;


            h.   perform other graduate program-related duties as assigned by the College Director of Graduate Studies or Chair;


            i.    recommend to the College Director of Graduate Studies a member of the department Graduate Faculty to act on graduate matters in consultation with the Department Chair during a brief temporary absence of the Departmental Director of Graduate Studies; and


            j.    supervise selection of the departmental Graduate Student Organization officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) during the Spring semester of each year (see Section X, A of this Code).


C.  College Graduate Faculty


      1.   Members of the graduate faculty in the College shall consist of all HHP faculty who have been approved by the Graduate School who currently hold graduate faculty status (Graduate Faculty, Associate Graduate Faculty, Graduate Teaching Faculty, Ex-officio Graduate Faculty, or Adjunct Graduate Faculty) as identified in Appendix F of the ECU/FM.


      2.   The College Director of Graduate Studies shall be responsible for calling College Graduate Faculty meetings and shall serve as Chair.


      3.   Duties of the members of the graduate faculty of the College shall include:  reviewing graduate program requirements and policies, approving departmental graduate curricula proposals, approving recommendations for faculty appointment to the Graduate Faculty, and advising the College Director of Graduate Studies and the Dean on matters concerning the graduate programs in the College.


      4.   Associate Graduate Faculty may chair doctoral committees, on a case-by-case basis, if approved to do so by a majority of the department faculty who hold the designated status of “Graduate Faculty.”


D.  Graduate Curriculum Process


      1.   Function of the College Graduate Curriculum Committee


a.   The function of the Committee is to receive and review all graduate curriculum-related business approved by departmental Graduate Faculties and make recommendations to the Dean.


(1.)    Any College graduate faculty member may propose curriculum changes but every proposal must first be approved by graduate faculty in that member's department prior to submission to the College Graduate Curriculum Committee according to the following protocol:


   In the Department:  After a graduate faculty member presents a written proposal for curriculum business to the Departmental Director of Graduate Studies, the Director shall present the proposal for consideration at the next available departmental Graduate Faculty meeting. At least five working days prior to the meeting, he/she shall distribute copies of any proposed curriculum matter to the Graduate Faculty.


(2.)    After approval by departmental graduate faculty, the Departmental Director of Graduate Studies or a representative appointed by the Director shall present the proposal to the College Graduate Curriculum Committee.


(3.)    The College Director of Graduate Studies will schedule a College Graduate Faculty meeting to consider the proposal. At least five working days prior to the meeting, the College Director of Graduate Studies will provide the graduate faculty written notification of the time and location of the meeting, the agenda, and documentation of any course/curriculum proposals. Proposals approved by the College Graduate Faculty shall be forwarded to the Dean by the College Director of Graduate Studies for transmittal to the University Graduate Curriculum Committee and/or other committees as appropriate.


      2.   Composition of the College Graduate Curriculum Committee


            The College Graduate Curriculum Committee shall consist of all voting graduate faculty and will be chaired by the College Director of Graduate Studies (non-voting).





A.  Meetings


1.   Meetings of the College shall be held at least once a semester. Departmental meetings shall be held as needed. Faculty meetings shall conform to University policy. Faculty shall be given written notice of all regular faculty meetings (College, department, or graduate) and copies of relevant materials at least five working days prior to meetings. Either the unit administrator or a majority of the faculty members have authority to call special meetings of the College or of their department. Special meetings require at least two days prior notice. Faculty are required to attend all College and departmental faculty meetings, unless excused by the appropriate unit administrator.   


2.   A quorum must be present in order to conduct official business at College or department meetings. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the faculty members of the College or department who are eligible to vote on the question. Action shall be determined by a majority of the votes cast by the faculty in attendance at the meeting, unless otherwise noted. Departmental Graduate Student Organization presidents may attend meetings as non-voting participants.


            a.   The Dean (or a representative designated by the Dean) shall preside at meetings of the College.


            b.   The Department Chair (or a representative designated by the Chair) shall preside at meetings of the Department.


            c.   The College Director of Graduate Studies (or a representative designated by the College Director of Graduate Studies) shall preside at meetings of the College Graduate Faculty.


            d.   The departmental Director of Graduate Studies (or a representative designated by the departmental Director of Graduate Studies) shall preside at meetings of the Department Graduate Faculty.


      3.   The faculty of the College who are eligible to vote on an item may determine through approval of an official motion to hold balloting by mail or hand delivered ballots (see process described in ECU/FM Appendix D). When balloting takes place outside an official meeting, balloting will be open for at least ten working days. Action shall be determined by the majority of the votes cast, unless otherwise noted.


      4.   With the exception of meetings dealing with personnel actions, minutes of all departmental committees, departmental and College standing committees, and faculty and graduate faculty meetings shall be maintained by the chair of these meetings. That individual shall forward copies of these minutes to the Dean’s Office for College meetings or to the departmental office for department meetings where they shall be available to faculty. These documents will be maintained in accordance with the ECU General Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.


5.   All proceedings shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.





A.    Departmental Personnel, Tenure, and Promotion Committees


The composition and function of departmental personnel committees, tenure committees, and promotion committees shall be conducted in accordance with Appendix D of the ECU/FM.


1.   The Personnel Committee in each department shall be elected annually in April. Its term begins on the first day of the Fall semester. The departmental Personnel Committee Chair will be elected by the committee members at the organizational meeting of the group each fall. The Department Chair is excluded from membership on the Committee. The Personnel Committee Chair from the previous academic year or the member whose name appears first alphabetically is responsible for calling the first committee meeting each Fall.


2.   Newly permanently tenured or promoted faculty will become members of applicable committees at the time their promotion or tenure becomes effective.


3.   Minutes of all meetings dealing with personnel actions shall be maintained by the chair of the committee and will include date of the meeting, members in attendance and absent, and actions taken. At the end of his/her term, the committee chair will forward these minutes to the departmental office to be maintained in accordance with the ECU General Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.


      4.   In accordance with Appendix D of the ECU/FM, the Tenure Committee and the Department Chair will select the materials to be sent to external reviewers.


B.   Selection and Appointment of New Faculty


1.   When faculty positions are allocated to a department by the Dean, the Department Chair will notify the departmental Personnel Committee of the number and nature of the positions. The Personnel Committee may select a search committee of faculty to fulfill the responsibilities of soliciting and screening applicants and recommending to the unit’s Personnel Committee candidates for initial appointments. The search committee will determine a chair from among its membership. At least one member of any search committee must be a member of the departmental Personnel Committee. The Department Chair may only chair or serve on search committees which are external to the Chair's department.


2.        Search committees will follow the guidelines as defined in the ECU/FM, Appendix D (Section IV). A search committee for a tenure track position or a position including initial appointment with tenure will consist of a minimum of four faculty members. Three of the committee members are to be faculty of the College. The additional committee member will be a faculty member of the University from a department other than the one conducting the search. Under special circumstances, such as summer searches, the Dean may allow as few as three search committee members. Search committees for all other faculty positions will consist of a minimum of three faculty. For all search committees, a majority of the committee members will be from within the department that is conducting the search. The search committee in consultation with the department faculty, Department Chair, and Dean will develop the position announcement (responsibilities and minimum qualifications), advertise the position, and advertise the job description and screen candidates for the position. Provisions should be made for a quorum of the Personnel Committee to meet with candidates during on-site interviews. The Search Committee then will submit a written report to the Personnel Committee. The Personnel Committee will then make its recommendation(s) to the Department Chair. After concurring or not concurring with the Personnel Committee recommendation(s), the Department Chair will then make a recommendation(s) to the Dean. The Dean, in consultation with the Department Chair, shall negotiate with the recommended candidate(s).


C. Teaching Assignments and Reassigned Time


1.  Teaching responsibilities shall be assigned in accordance with Appendix C-II, ECU/FM.


2.  The Dean, Departmental Chairs, and/or Director of the HPL will make every effort to respond to faculty requests for reassigned time in order to promote faculty productivity and opportunity.


D. Annual Evaluation of Faculty Members


1    During each spring semester, each faculty member shall receive an evaluation of his/her performance for the academic year by the appropriate Department Chair and the Dean when applicable. Other chairs and/or directors will be consulted for input as needed or directed.


2.   The general criteria for performance evaluations within the College are those explained in Appendix C of the ECU/FM as well as those approved by the Department and College. Each department in the College shall establish guidelines expressing departmental performance expectations. These guidelines shall be consistent with the criteria for annual evaluation contained in this section of this Code and are available upon request from the department chair. The following criteria will be used in the annual evaluation process. (NOTE: Each of the three criteria is followed by a list of possible activities which might be considered in the annual evaluation process. The location of an item within the lists is NOT intended to imply any ranking of importance, nor are the lists intended to be exhaustive or mutually exclusive. The items on each of the three lists are not necessarily of equal weight. Relative weights must conform to the guidelines in Section IX, D, 3 of this Code.)


a.   Teaching Effectiveness


Attendance at teaching-related workshops/presentations

Certification received in professional area

Course development

Curriculum design and development

Innovation in teaching methodology

Instructional workload

Nature of courses taught

Peer evaluation of teaching

Special courses

Student advising

Student opinion survey

Supervision of student research

Teaching awards

Related activities


b.   Research/Creative Activities


The research/creative activity process is recognized as sequential and includes such phases as preparation, submission, review, revision, acceptance, and publication. Significant credit will be awarded at the time of the item’s completion, which will normally be defined as the time of physical appearance of the item as or in a publication. Partial credit may be awarded earlier in the process.


Article in refereed journal or other professional publication

Article in trade journal or popular press

Book or chapter in book

Book review in journal or other professional publication

Case (for use in course instruction) intended for publication

Paper or abstract in proceedings of professional association

Research grant or contract

Related activities


The following items are recognized as not taking as long a time from inception to completion as those above. Credit will be awarded at the time of completion, which will normally be defined as the time of doing the activity.


Panelist at professional meeting

Related activities


c.   Service to the University, Profession, or Community


Advising student organizations and activities

Committee work (department, college, or university level)

Community service related to professional area

Consulting activities related to professional area

Editor or co-editor of book, journal, or other professional publication

Faculty Senate

Providing research assistance to colleagues

Public service related to professional area

Professional organizations (member, officer, reviewer, discussant, chairperson, presenter)

Representing the unit at professional meeting, seminar, professional development activity, or comparable meeting

Seminars presented

Reviewer for journal or other professional publication

Related activities


d.      Other, activities include but are not limited to:


Directing the activities of a department or program

Grant Administration (External)

Special departmental, college or university assignments


3.   The relative weight assigned to each area of faculty performance may vary among faculty members in the College, but must be determined in accordance with the following guidelines:


a.   Except in special cases, the specific weights given to teaching, research, and service for each permanently tenured and probationary-term faculty member shall not be less than 25% teaching, 25% research/creative activity, and 10% service. The allocation of the remaining 40% to these categories shall adhere to the prescription of the ECU/FM, Appendix C (i.e., that the weight assigned to service shall not be greater than that assigned to either teaching effectiveness or research).


b.   A specific weight must be given to teaching, research, and service for each fixed-term faculty member and shall be determined and agreed upon by that faculty member and the appropriate department chair. Fixed-term faculty will be evaluated in accordance with the terms of their contracts.


c.   Only in special cases may research/creative activity be weighted more heavily than teaching or may other responsibilities (coaches, trainer, etc.) be weighted more heavily than teaching or research.


4.   The relative weight will be based on such factors as the nature of the faculty member’s appointment, his or her academic training and interests, professional standards and expectations in his/her teaching field(s), the continued professional development of the faculty member (including progress towards tenure and/or promotion), and the goals of the Department, College, and University.


5.   In assigning the relative weight to be given to teaching, research/creative activity, service, and other responsibilities in a faculty member’s annual evaluation, this procedure will be followed:


a.   Each faculty member and the appropriate department chair shall make a determination of the relative weight during the April prior to the academic year to be evaluated. In the case of new faculty, relative weights will be determined within the first month of employment. The determination must be in accordance with the guidelines above and the form stating the assignment of the weighting must be approved by the Dean before it is official. Following approval by the Dean, the form will be filed in the faculty member’s Personnel File. In circumstances, such as faculty funded partially or in full by external funds, the relative weighting will be collaboratively determined by the principal investigator or funding source supervisor, the chair and individual involved, and approved by each of them before submitting to the Dean for approval. Faculty with reassigned time for grants and contracts will be expected to make every effort to reimburse the departments in which they hold academic rank for such reassigned time.


b.   The assignment of relative weight may be changed only for professional reasons and only after there has been a meeting of the appropriate department chair and faculty member involved. All changes must be approved by the Dean.


c.   In the event there is a disagreement concerning the weight, either with the initial assignment in the spring semester or with any subsequent changes that occur, the Dean has the final authority to resolve the issue.


E.      Cumulative Review of Permanently Tenured Faculty


At five year intervals each permanently tenured faculty shall have a review of his/her professional performance conducted in accordance with Appendix B, ECU/FM.


F.  Appointment, Reappointment, Tenure, and Professional Advancement


1.  Appointment


Initial appointment of probationary term or tenured faculty will be based on the needs and resources of the institution as well as evidence of potential in terms of professional competence and future contributions.


a.   General Criteria for Appointment


For appointment, as well as reappointment and promotion, the faculty member is evaluated on potential or achievements in:

·        Teaching


·        Creative Activity/Research


·        Service to the university, the profession, and the community.


East Carolina University recognizes the primary importance of teaching (see ECU/FM, Appendix C).


(1.)  Teaching


As delineated in Appendix C of the ECU/FM, the College expects each member of the faculty to have knowledge of subject matter commensurate with one's teaching assignment, to maintain awareness of developments in one's discipline, and to communicate to students one's knowledge of and interest in the discipline. The faculty member will encourage students in responsible and careful inquiry, in appreciation of the interrelation of various disciplines, and in recognition of the uses of learning and the value of the educated mind. Teaching includes activities and responsibilities beyond the classroom setting, e.g., advisement; mentoring; laboratory supervision; clinical supervision of students; the direction of research projects and papers, dissertations, and theses; and other contacts and relationships outside the classroom. (Faculty Senate Resolution #97-43, December 1997)


      (2.)  Creative Activity/Research


East Carolina University and the College encourages and supports the continuing efforts of faculty to develop a deeper appreciation of the importance of professional competency acquired through scholarship, research, and other creative activities appropriate to one's discipline. A faculty member's research and creative activities shall reflect the high professional standards incumbent upon those who enjoy full academic freedom; such activities must be measured by standards of quality, not merely by quantity.


(3.)  Service


East Carolina University and the College consider service to the university, the academic profession, and the community as an important aspect of academic performance. (see ECU/FM, Appendix C-III).


b.  Specific Criteria for Appointment


Specific criterion for initial appointments are outlined in Appendix C of the ECU/FM.


2.   Reappointment of Probationary Appointments


As delineated in the ECU/FM, Appendix D, probationary term faculty shall be evaluated for reappointment based on the needs and resources of the institution as well as evidence of potential in terms of professional competence and future contributions. The level of performance in teaching, research/creative activity and service indicates the faculty member is making satisfactory progress toward the goal of receiving a favorable recommendation for granting of permanent tenure and, where appropriate, promotion. Recommendations for the reappointment and progress toward tenure letters of probationary faculty members shall be made in accordance with the procedures specified in Appendix D of the ECU/FM. In addition to the criteria stated in ECU/FM, the following shall apply:


Assistant Professor:  Satisfactory progress toward tenure in all appropriate areas of professional activity, including past and present and potential contributions as described in Appendix C of the ECU/FM.


Associate Professor:  Demonstrated success during the probationary period, in the areas of professional activity as described Appendix C of the ECU/FM.


Professor:  Demonstrated success during the probationary period, in the areas of professional activity described in Appendix C of the ECU/FM.

If a faculty member receives notice of non-reappointment he/she may appeal the decision as described in ECU/FM Appendix D (Section V).


3.   Permanent Tenure 


      Recommendations for permanent tenure shall be made in accordance with the criteria and procedures specified in Appendix D of the ECU/FM and the following:


a.   An appropriate terminal degree (ECU/FM, Appendix C and D)

b.   Demonstrated competence in each of the areas of teaching, research/creative activity, and service. An exceptional record in one area cannot substitute for deficiencies in another area. 


(1.) Teaching


The record of teaching accomplishment shall include evidence of effective classroom instruction or student supervision, the development of teaching-related materials or procedures, and student advising.


(a.)        A record of teaching effectiveness must be documented that includes university-approved student opinion survey results and peer reviews. Faculty may also elect to include additional methods of evaluation reflective of their particular teaching settings and methods.


(b.)    In addition to classroom instruction and field or clinical supervision, the record of teaching accomplishment by faculty shall include, but not be limited to: course and curriculum development; grants and contracts in support of teaching; innovations in teaching; development and production of instructional materials; professional contributions in the area of teaching, including teaching-related publications and presentations; continuing education for the purpose of developing teaching skills or methods; and awards in teaching.


(c.)    The record of faculty accomplishment shall include evidence of academic and career advising offered to students. It is expected that faculty will advise students in accordance with program requirements and university policies and procedures. Faculty will be available to students during regularly held office hours (ECU/FM, Part V) and university registration periods and will refer students to appropriate resources for additional assistance.


(2.) Research/Creative Activity


The record of accomplishment of faculty in the area of research/creative activity will be evaluated in terms of quality, quantity, and evidence of an on-going, focused program of research that contributes to the individual’s discipline.


(a.)        The faculty member’s research/creativity record must reflect a continuing, focused program of activity that results in publications in refereed journals and proceedings; refereed presentations or juried exhibitions or competitions in nationally recognized outlets.


(b.)    Efforts to secure internal or external funding for research are expected.

(c.)    The record may also include other research-related professional contributions such as the publication of scholarly monographs, books, or book chapters; or reports to granting agencies.


(3.) Service


A record of service to the profession, department, College, university, and/or community is expected. 


If a faculty member receives notice of non-conferral of permanent tenure he/she may appeal the decision as described in ECU/FM, Appendix D (Section V).


      4.   Promotion


Recommendations for promotion shall be made in accordance with the criteria and procedures specified in Appendix C and D of the ECU/FM.


Promotion shall be based primarily upon the faculty member's total demonstrated professional competence and achievement. Procedures to be followed for promotion are found in ECU/FM, Appendix D. Among the many qualifications which may be considered when making recommendations for promotion, the following are essential:


Assistant Professor - Qualifications necessary to be appointed to the rank of instructor, an appropriate terminal degree, as evaluated by the academic unit and affirmed by the appropriate administrative officer and the profession concerned; a record of progress toward teaching excellence; and evidence of a potential for continued professional growth which shall, in part, be measured by creative activity/research and membership in professional organizations.


Associate Professor - Qualifications of the previous rank; evidence of teaching excellence; a record of consistent and satisfactory creative or research activity resulting in publication or comparable productivity; a record of participation in professional organizations; effective service on departmental, College, academic, or administrative committees; and a record of effective service to the profession.


Professor - Qualifications of the previous ranks; an established record of excellence in teaching; a record of significant publication, creative activity, or research activity; a record of significant professional service.


If a faculty member receives notice of non-conferral of a promotion he/she may appeal the decision as described in ECU/FM, Appendix Y.


      5.   Fixed-Term Appointments


Fixed-term faculty shall be appointed according to procedures specified in Appendix D of the ECU/FM (refer to Appendix C for appropriate titles). These faculty members are responsible for satisfactory fulfillment of the responsibilities specified in their employment contracts. Fixed-term appointments extend for the term specified in the contract. 





A.  Graduate Students


      1.   The graduate students of each department may annually elect a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer to serve each department’s Graduate Student Organization (GSO).


            The President of each department’s GSO may represent graduate students at meetings of the department Graduate Faculty and on other occasions as appropriate.





A.  Unit Evaluation


The self-evaluation of the operation and effectiveness of the departments and the College will be carried out in accordance with Appendix L of the ECU/FM.


B.   Administrator Evaluations


1.   Quadrennial evaluations of department chairs will be conducted according to Appendix L, Section F of the ECU/FM.


2.   In conducting the quadrennial evaluation of the Dean and Associate Deans of the College, the chairs of the departmental Personnel Committees shall elect a voting member of the College as the Faculty Leader for the Quadrennial Evaluation who shall conduct the evaluation at a called College faculty meeting following procedures outlined in Appendix L, Section F of the ECU/FM.


3.   In April of each academic year department chairs and the Dean shall be evaluated in accordance with Appendix L, Section G of the ECU/FM.


4.   Other University administrators will be evaluated annually in accordance with Appendix L, Section G of the ECU/FM.





The rating criteria used for salary increases are detailed in the HHP Faculty Evaluation Guidelines document. Revisions to these guidelines are drafted by the College Executive Committee and sent to the faculty for input prior to final approval by the Dean. Any department specific modifications to the College guidelines will be presented by the department chair to the Executive Committee for consideration and sent to the faculty of the affected department for input prior to final approval by the Dean.





This Code shall be effective at the beginning of the semester after approval by a majority of the permanently tenured faculty of the College, and after approval of the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor of the University.





Amendments to this Code may be offered by any College faculty member by submitting the amendment with signatures of support of 20% of the College voting faculty. The proposed amendments, with signatures, must be presented, in writing, to the College faculty at least seven working days prior to a regularly scheduled faculty meeting for inclusion as an agenda item. Amendments must be approved by use of secret ballot by a majority of the voting faculty, including a two-thirds majority of the permanently tenured faculty. Amendments to this Code also require the approval of the Unit Code Screening Committee of the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Senate, and the Chancellor of East Carolina University.



Original Code approval:


Code Committee Report Approved March 27, 1996 by the full H&HP faculty.


Code Committee Report Approved April 3, 1996 by the probationary H&HP faculty.


Code Approved November 6, 1996 by a majority of the permanently tenured H&HP faculty.


Code Reviewed February 10, 1997 by the Faculty Senate Code Screening Committee.


Code Approved May 2, 1997 by a majority of the permanently tenured H&HP faculty.


Code Approved September 4, 1997 by the Faculty Senate Code Screening Committee.


Code Approved March 12, 1998 by a majority of the permanently tenured H&HP faculty


Code Reviewed September 22, 1998 by the Faculty Senate Unit Code Screening Committee


Code Approved February 24, 1999 by a majority of the permanently tenured H&HP Faculty.


Code Approved April 6, 1999 by the Faculty Senate Code Screening Committee.


Code Approved April 27, 1999 by the Faculty Senate.


Code Approved May 14, 1999 by the Chancellor.