Religious Accommodation - Interim - REPEALED

Version 1 (Current Version)
All Versions:
  • Version 1
TitleReligious Accommodation
CategoryCampus Environment

First enacted March 2008, Revised August 2010


Associate Provost for Equity, Diversity and Community Relations; (252) 328-6804; email address:

Related Policies

Notice of Nondiscrimination
Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy (pdf)

Additional References

NC General Statutes Sec. 116-11(3a)

Repealed OnDec 31 2015

1. Introduction

The University strives to ensure that applicants, employees, students, and visitors do not suffer discrimination because of religion or national origin. The University does not discriminate against any qualified student, employee or applicant for employment because of race, sex, creed, religion, national origin, age, color, handicapping condition, sexual orientation, veteran's status, political affiliation, or genetic information.

2. Accommodations Requirements

2.1. Minimum Requirements for Students: Students shall be allowed a minimum of two excused absences each academic year for religious observances required by the faith of the student. Students shall provide written notice to the faculty member for the affected class of their request for an excused absence for a religious observance in a reasonable time prior to the date of the observance. If a faculty member determines a specific minimum period of prior notice to be reasonable with regard to a class for purposes of complying with this requirement, he or she should communicate that to the students in the class.

2.1.1. Students shall be given the opportunity to make up tests and other work missed due to such an excused absence for a religious observance.

2.1.2. The Requirements in 2.1 are effective immediately and shall apply at the beginning of the 2010-11 academic year.

2.2. Considerations: The University accommodates the religious observances and practices of employees and students except where such accommodation causes undue hardship on the conduct of the University's business, but always in compliance with applicable law. The extent of the University's obligation is determined initially by considering statutory requirements, and any obligation of accommodation beyond that shall be determined with consideration of business necessity, financial costs and expenses, and resulting personnel and/or academic problems.

3. Complaints or Grievances Regarding these Provisions

Any member of the University community desiring information or having a complaint or grievance in regard to these provisions should contact the Associate Provost for Equity, Diversity, and Community Relations, Dr. Taffye Benson Clayton, Office of Equity, Diversity and Community Relations, Suite G-406 Old Cafeteria Building, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina 27858-4353. Telephone (252) 328-6804. Internet:

4. Retaliation for Participating in a Complaint Regarding these Provisions

Any act by a University employee or student of reprisal, interference, restraint, penalty, discrimination, coercion, retaliation, or harassment against an employee or student for using the applicable policies responsibly interferes with free expression and openness and violates University policy. Accordingly, members of the University community are prohibited from acts of reprisal and/or retaliation against those who file complaints, are involved as witnesses, or otherwise try to responsibly use University policies.