Governance of Graduate Academic Matters - Interim

Version 1
All Versions:
TitleGovernance of Graduate Academic Matters
CategoryResearch and Graduate Studies
Sub-categoryFaculty, Graduate School

Developed in 2011 as an interim regulation, superseding provisions in Appendix F of the Faculty Manual. Approved by the Chancellor September 7, 2011, to be effective immediatelly.


Dean, Graduate School (252-328-6073); Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences (252-744-2984); Chair of the Faculty (252-328-6537)

Related Policies

Faculty Manual Part V. Section III and Faculty Manual Appendix F

Additional References

1. Introduction

This Interim Regulation outlines a new model for governance of graduate academic matters at ECU through a Graduate Council which is an affiliate of the Faculty Senate. This new model is planned to be in effect for the 2011-2012 academic year. The provisions of this Interim Regulation described below will be encompassed in a Revision of Appendix F of the Faculty Manual, which is currently being drafted by a small workgroup of Graduate Faculty and Dr. Gemperline. Once completed Appendix F will be approved by the Graduate Council and then ratified by the full Graduate Faculty. Following approval by the Graduate Faculty, Appendix F will be forwarded to the Academic Council and the Chancellor for action. Simultaneously, the Graduate Council will submit Appendix F to the Faculty Senate for formal advice according to the established procedure, relative to endorsement of the contents as part of the Faculty Manual. The Faculty Senate formal advice will be sent to the Chancellor for consideration in the final approval of Appendix F.

2. Graduate Council

2.1 The Graduate Council is comprised of 20 Coordinators of Graduate Programs elected in proportion to the number of graduate faculty in their respective colleges: 4 Graduate Faculty at large (who are not program Coordinators) elected by the Faculty Senate (all from different Colleges); plus 3 at-large-appointments by the Dean of the Graduate School. In addition there will be 4 ex-officio members with a vote, including the Chair of the Faculty or designee, a representative of the Faculty Senate, a representative of the Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and a representative of the Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences. All members of the Graduate Council, including ex-officio members, should hold full graduate faculty status. The Dean of the Graduate School will be an ex-officio without vote. A Chair will be elected by and from the membership of the Graduate Council. All Graduate Council members are elected to serve three-year terms with terms staggered for continuity.

*Initial year --- Election of Graduate Council members will be allocated 50% in proportion to the number of all graduate faculty and 50 % in proportion to all (DE & RT) graduate SCH production.

2.2 The Graduate Council body will be responsible for consideration, debate, and voting on all graduate academic policies, and upon recommendation of the Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC), graduate curriculum and degree programs. New graduate degree programs, new certificates, new concentrations, degree title changes, and moving or discontinuing programs are also submitted to the Educational Policies & Planning Committee (EPPC) for review according to the Program Development Approval Process (Faculty Manual Part V.III.C). Recommendations from EPPC are submitted to the Faculty Senate, and ultimately to the Chancellor, following the established process. The results of Graduate Council decisions will be made in the form of recommendations to the Dean of the Graduate School, who may concur or not, to the Academic Council and Chancellor for final approval. These results will also be communicated to the Faculty Senate for information and comment. The Chair of the Graduate Council will report at each Faculty Senate meeting on graduate matters and seek Faculty Senate input.

3. Graduate Council Executive Committee (GCEC)

3.1 The composition of the Graduate Council Executive Committee (GCEC) will include: the Graduate School Dean, the Graduate Council Chair, and 5 members elected by the Graduate Council.

3.2 The Graduate Council Executive Committee (GCEC) will develop the agenda for meetings of the Graduate Council and may develop graduate education policy proposals for review and consideration by the Graduate Council. The GCEC will review and approve student requests for exceptions such as excess transfer credits and time to degree requirements and report such actions to the Graduate Council. The GCEC serves as an advisory committee to the Dean of the Graduate School.

4. Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC)

4.1 The Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC) will consist of 10 full graduate faculty members, nominated by college deans through a process established by the college. The Graduate Council will review the credentials of the nominees and elect members to serve on the GCC. Members will serve staggered two–year terms. The Chair of the GCC will be elected to serve a one-year term by and from the membership of the GCC. GCC members will be limited to serving three consecutive terms.

4.2 With respect to curriculum changes, the deliberations of the GCC will be reported to the Graduate Council for consideration and approval. Recommended curriculum changes will be forwarded to the Chancellor or designee for final approval. Approval of new programs, new certificates, new concentrations, degree title changes, and moving or discontinuing programs will continue to be reviewed by both the Graduate Council and EPPC. Both positive and negative recommendations will be reported by the EPPC and Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate, Academic Council, and the Chancellor according to the established reporting structure.

5. Graduate Program Coordinators

Each Graduate Program and Graduate Certificate will have a designated Graduate Program Coordinator who must be a Graduate or Associate Graduate Faculty member, approved by the unit chair and college dean and academically qualified to lead development and review of the program’s curriculum. Meetings of the Graduate Program Coordinators will be held twice per regular academic term and chaired by the Dean of the Graduate School or designee to provide a forum where Graduate Program Coordinators may provide input to the Graduate School, the Graduate Council and the Graduate Curriculum Committee on matters related to policies, practices, implementation, and administration of graduate education.

6. Governance of Graduate Academic Matters Organizational Structure

The attached organizational chart the reporting structure of the Governance of Graduate Academic Matters.