2009-2010 Academic Year


COMMITTEE:  Research/Creative Activity Grant Committee


1.       Membership (include ex-officio members). REGULAR MEMBERS:Carmine Scavo (Chair); Gail Ratcliff (Vice Chair); Jennifer Arrigo (Secretary); Guili Zhang; Tom Mcaslin; Javier Lorenzo; Su-Ching Huang; Robert Hochberg; Kathy Davis; Elizabeth Jesse; Gregory Lapicki; Jay Newhard; Jason Brinkley; Denise Dickins EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS: Carl Billingsley; Margie Gallagher; Tom Ross; Al Schreier; Mustafa Selim; Jonathan (Jay) Morris


 2.      Meeting Dates (include members present*).

·     August 27, 2009: Scavo, Brinkley, Lapicki, Arrigo, McCaslin, Newhard, Zhang, Davis, Ratcliff, Ross, Schreier (Also attending were Marianna Walker, Deidre Mageean

·    September 11, 2009: Scavo, Brinkley, Lapicki, Arrigo, Davis, Ratcliff, Dickins, Lorenzo, Ross, Billingsley, Gallagher

·    November 12, 2009: Scavo, Brinkley, Davis, Jesse, Lapicki, Mallinson, Newhard, Ratcliff, Schreier, Selim

·    March 1, 2010: Scavo, Newhard, Zhang, Lapicki, Lorenzo, Davis, Ratcliff, Brinkley, Arrigo, Selim, Schreier, Ross, Gallagher, Billingsley, Morris, (Dickins and Jesse not present but participated by memo)


3.      Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work).

·     Natural Science/Mathematics: Ratcliff (Chair); Arrigo; Lapicki; Gallagher; Hochberg (did not participate)--(read and evaluated 11 grant proposals);

·    Social Science: Scavo (Chair); Davis; Morris; Dickins; Zhang--(read and evaluated 12 grant proposals);

·    Humanities: Billingsley (Chair); Lorenzo; Newhard; McCaslin; Huang--(read and evaluated 13 grant proposals);

·    Health: Brinkley (Chair); Selim; Ross; Schreier; Jesse--(read and evaluated 8 grant proposals)


4.      Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.

·       Committee read, evaluated, and developed rankings for 45 grant proposals (47 proposals were submitted—two were deemed ineligible: one from BSOM and one receiving startup funding).

·      Committee hosted two information sessions for prospective proposal writers on December 3 and 4 (second session was taped and made available on Faculty Senate website)


5.       Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).



6.       Business carried over to next year (list in priority order).

·        The process of normalizing scores across subcommittees needs to be revisited. Committee member Jason Brinkley is investigating alternative algorithms to address this issue.


·        An issue of differential criteria for evaluation of stipend requests and academic year funding was raised. Specifically, in addition to the quality of the idea/soundness of the proposal, academic year grants carry the requirement of budget expenditure evaluation. Members of the humanities subcommittee were concerned that these differences could cause evaluations to be biased.



7.       Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

          committee's work during the year).

          A.      Charge: No problem

          B.      Personnel: Hochberg did not participate in proposal evaluations

          C.      Attendance: No problem except finding a common time for scheduling meetings

          D.      Responsibilities: No problem

          E.      Activities: Worked well this year


8.       Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee. None


9.       Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year?  No



                                                  Signed:  Chairperson __Carmine Scavo________


                                                                      Secretary   ___Jennifer Arrigo________