The second regular meeting of the 2008-2009 Faculty Senate will be held on Tuesday, October 7, 2008, at 2:10 in the Mendenhall Student Center, room 244. 


Please note change in meeting location.




  I.           Call to Order


 II.           Approval of Minutes


               September 9, 2008

 (A link to an electronic report will be forthcoming.)


III.           Special Order of the Day


A.           Roll Call


B.           Announcements


C.          Steve Ballard, Chancellor


D.          Phyllis Horns, Interim Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences


E.           Janice Tovey, Chair of the Faculty


F.      Judi Bailey, Senior Executive Director of Enrollment Management

Strategic Enrollment Management Task Force Project Status Update


G.     Terry Holland, Director of Athletics


H.     David Dosser, Chair
University Athletics Committee’s Academic Integrity Subcommittee


I.       Mark Sprague, Faculty Assembly Delegate

Written report on the September 19, 2008, Faculty Assembly Meeting.


J.      Question Period

Representatives from ECU Dowdy Student Stores will be available for questions

on their Response Regarding Textbooks and Half-Priced Textbooks.


         Representatives from ECU Admissions will be available for questions on their

         Report on the 2008 Freshman Class and Home Schooled Admissions.


 IV.         Unfinished Business

Request for Authorization to Establish PhD Program in Curriculum and Instruction
in the College of Education.


V.                   Report of Committees

A.     Academic Standards Committee, Linda Wolfe

         Requests from the Administrative Service Learning Committee (attachment 1).


B.     Educational Policies and Planning Committee, Sandra Warren
1.   College of Education’s Request for Unit Reorganization (attachment 2).

         2.   Request for Authorization to Establish New Distance Education Degree Program for

               a MAEd in Family and Consumer Sciences Education in the Department of Child

               Development and Family Relations 

         3.   Notification of Intent to Plan (Distance Education) BSBA in Management in the

               College of Business   

         4.   Notification of Intent to Plan (Distance Education) BSBA in Management Information

               Systems in the College of Business   


C.     Faculty Governance Committee, Puri Martinez

         1.   Guidelines for Preparing a Cumulative Evaluation (attachment 3).  

         2.   Proposed Revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix B. Policy for the Cumulative Review of Permanently Tenured Faculty of ECU (attachment 4). 

         3.   Report on the Proposed Review of Administrators (attachment 5). 


               D.     Faculty Grievance Committee, Matt Mahar

                        Overview of 2007-2008 Committee Activities (attachment 6). 


V.       New Business


Faculty Senate Agenda

October 7, 2008

Attachment  1


Requests from the Administrative Service Learning Committee


The Academic Standards Committee approved and is forwarding to the Faculty Senate for their consideration the following requests from the Administrative Service Learning Committee. Those include the below Service Learning criteria, request to have the “SL” designation included in the University Undergraduate Catalog for all courses approved by the Administrative Service Learning Committee, and a SL designation form in the Service Learning Course Submission Process.


Service Learning Criteria

A service learning course should meet the following criteria or guidelines:

1)     Integrate the service with course content. The service component should support the academic focus of the course.

2)     Involve students in service that meets community needs. The Volunteer & Service Learning Center can help you find community placements for students.

3)     Provide structured opportunities for reflection such as writing assignments, discussions, presentations, or journals.

4)     Provide a clear explanation (in the syllabus) of both academic and service expectations and how the performance in the course will be graded.

5)     Clarify that while service is an integral part of the course academic credit is for demonstrated learning.


“SL” Designation

The purpose of the “SL” designation, to be included in the University Undergraduate Catalog for all courses approved by the Administrative Service Learning Committee, is to ensure that students are advised that extra time is required of the “SL” course and not sign up for more than one if they feel they do not have the time to invest in more than one “SL” course per semester.


SL Designation Form





Check one:      ____ New Course       ____ Renewal

College, Department or Program(s) ____________________________________________

Course Number ________________ Section # ___________ Credit Hours ____________

Course Title _______________________________________________________________

Will all sections of this course have service learning?  Yes ___   No ___

Instructor _______________________________ Email _____________________________

Semester(s) Offered ________________________________________________________

Anticipated Enrollment ______________


Please include the following information and documentation when submitting a proposed course:

  1. A course syllabus and comprehensive list of readings
  2. A brief description of the course, learning objectives, and how learning will be assessed and how the course meets the five criteria for service learning
  3. A list of proposed service learning activities
  4. Please inform your department chair. 


      Faculty Signature ___________________________________ Date ______                                              


Faculty members interested in obtaining a service learning designation for their courses are invited to submit a service learning course proposal form and syllabus for review by the University Service Learning Advisory Committee.  Courses approved for the “SL” designation will be listed as such in the catalog.


Why get a SL Designation? 

1) Many students consider service learning a transformative way to learn and grow while others may want the credits to satisfy requirements proposed for the Leadership and Service certificate or portfolio, or the honors program.  Students find that this documentation also helps when they seek employment and/or apply to graduate school. The SL designation will be recorded on student transcripts.


2) Faculty members who are familiar with service learning serve as a peer review committee for service learning course submissions.  The committee reviews proposals and syllabi to ensure they meet the five criteria listed below, and also offers suggestions and constructive input as needed to make the service-learning experience a positive one for all involved.


3) The SL designation helps ECU collect information, report, and recognize the important contributions that our faculty make to the community.


Support for Faculty Who Incorporate Service Learning:

1) The Volunteer and Service Learning Center is available to assist faculty with identifying community partners and projects, and then maintaining positive partner relationships.  The Center works with several non-profit agencies and maintains a database of current community needs and requests.


2)  Orientation sessions for your students at the beginning of each semester to introduce your students to service learning and to answer their questions about community partners, logistics, and safety.


3) Free liability insurance for your students. This insurance provides liability insurance if students damage people or property while performing service at the agency. The policy also provides limited coverage for motor-vehicle accidents and personal injury. Students must complete a registration form to be eligible for insurance coverage.


4) The Volunteer and Service Learning Center also offers workshops and a conference on service learning.  The Center arranges for faculty with experience and expertise to offer workshops and to serve as mentors, and also hosts nationally recognized experts in the field of service learning.


5) Assessment opportunities for the service learning component of your course by the Volunteer and Service Learning Center. The Center provides you a summary of the data collected from your students. This provides valuable information about what worked and what did not and how you can introduce changes you think will be beneficial.  These assessments also help the Center better serve ECU service learning courses.                     


How to Apply for a SL Designation: Submit the SL Course Proposal Form with your syllabus to the University Service Learning Committee by the appropriate deadline (listed below). The form should be sent to: Linner Griffin, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs.  The committee will review your proposal/syllabus/assignments to make sure they meet the criteria listed below. The criteria have been adapted from the national standards that have been established by Campus Compact.


What is Service Learning? ECU’s Definition

Service learning is a method of instruction that has the benefit of meeting academic course objectives and helping students develop a sense of engagement and social responsibility. All volunteer hours and service hours are not service learning.  Service learning courses should meet the following broad guidelines:

1)     service learning is structured within a course and has a formal, academic curriculum that is rooted in the discipline in which the course is being offered;

2)     the course contains a set of organized community-based learning  activities through which students directly serve a constituency as a means to address an identified community need;

3)     the course provides structured opportunities for students to formally connect their service activities to the course curriculum and to broader social issues through reflective methods.



A service learning course should meet the following criteria or guidelines:

1)         Integrate the service with course content. The service component should support the academic focus of the course.

2)         Involve students in service that meets community needs. The Volunteer & Service Learning
can help you find community placements for students.

3)         Provide structured opportunities for reflection such as writing assignments, discussions,
presentations, or journals.

4)         Provide a clear explanation (in the syllabus) of both academic and service expectations and
how the performance in the course will be graded.

5)         Clarify that while service is an integral part of the course academic credit is for demonstrated




While each course will have learning objectives, through the service experience students will gain one or all of the following:

1)     Awareness of community & social issues

2)     Respect for people and diversity in all its forms

3)     Greater self leadership which includes understanding critical issues and different perspectives, developing empathy, developing critical thinking, and personal development


It is recommended that service learning courses be assessed at the end of the semester using the service learning survey forms provided, compiled and reported by the Volunteer and Service Learning Center.  These forms are not designed for academic assessment, but they evaluate the service learning and community-based experience aspect of a service learning course.



Faculty Senate Agenda

October 7, 2008

Attachment  2


of Education’s Request for Unit Reorganization


When Library Science was administratively relocated to the College of Education it was combined with Instructional Technology program to create the current department of Library Science and Instructional Technology.  The Library Science program is actively seeking accreditation from the American Library Association (ALA) for its program. For more than ten years, faculty members, department administrators, and administrators have worked to align the program to ALA standards, upgrade the curriculum, and hire faculty members to achieve that objective. 


The College of Education has long supported in its strategic plan the goal of achieving ALA accreditation for Library Science.  In response to the most recent application for candidacy filed in June 2007, the Committee on Accreditation of ALA provided feedback that the program must obtain autonomy in three focal areas to successfully continue in the accreditation process, including: 

  • Autonomy sufficient to assure the intellectual content and development of its program and curriculum
  • Autonomy sufficient to assure the selection, evaluation, and promotion of its faculty
  • Autonomy sufficient to assure the planning, allocation and use of financial/other resources and administrative support in the attainment of MLS degree objectives and goals

Because of the current and inherent College of Education departmental structure, the Library Science program has been unable to provide evidence of autonomy in all three of these focal areas.  Thus it has become clear that the Library Science program should be administratively organized as a separate department within the College of Education in order to meet these requirements.


            Given these conditions, during the 2007-2008 academic year members of the LSIT Department met regularly to discuss options for aligning the program to meet the accrediting body’s standards.  As a body, the faculty members in the department proposed to make the Library Science program a separate department within the College of Education, and seek alignment of the Instructional Technology program with another College of Education department.  After much collaborative and open discussion, and with the support of the interim dean of the college and following the provisions of the College of Education Code and Appendix L of the Faculty Manual, the tenured LSIT faculty voted unanimously to seek this realignment (LSIT Faculty Meeting, November 6, 2007, by secret ballot—unanimous with all eligible voting faculty members voting). 


        Subsequently, the Instructional Technology program coordinator, IT faculty members, plus the interim dean and assistant dean met with Department chairs and faculty members representing each of the following College of Education departments to seek common interest, curriculum connections, and research grant potential for the program and faculty.  The purpose was to seek faculty agreement for merging the IT program with an existing COE department.

  1. Business and Information Technologies Education
  2. Counselor and Adult Education
  3. Curriculum and Instruction
  4. Mathematics and Science Education


        These meetings and discussions were conducted during the period of November 27, 2007

through February 13, 2008.  From these discussions and meetings, the IT faculty unanimously agreed to seek merger into the Department of Mathematics and Sciences Education.  Subsequently, the chair of the MSED department scheduled several meetings of the faculty in the department including the faculty members from the IT program areas.  At those meetings the faculties jointly agreed that the inclusion of the Instructional Technology program into the Department of Math and Science Education could strengthen each of the three program areas: Math Education, Science Education, and Instructional Technology.  With the added need to develop quality Math and Science teachers in North Carolina, Instructional Technology faculty can actively participate in this departmental effort.  We anticipate that Math Education, Science Education, and Instructional Technology faculty members will collaborate with each other in the development of grant proposals, research projects and curricular innovations.  All of these efforts will augment each program area and subsequently this revised department.


            On March 5, 2008, the faculties met to officially propose merging the IT faculty members and programs, courses, and proportion of the budgets and resources that support the IT program with the Department of Mathematics and Science Education.  It is from these discussions that a formal meeting of the two faculties was held on March 24, 2008.  Prior to that meeting; an official proposal to merge the programs into a single department (Mathematics Education Science Education, and Instructional Technology programs) was jointly developed by the faculties on March 8, 2008, discussed and disseminated according to the provisions of Appendix L of the Faculty Manual (March 14, 2008), and on March 24, 2008, a secret ballot was conducted on the proposal.  At that time, the tenured Instructional Technology program area faculty and the tenured Math and Science Education faculty voted unanimously to include the Instructional Technology program within the current Department of Math and Science Education. 


            Following those votes, the proposal to establish the Library Science program as a department within the College of Education and seek merger of the Instructional Technology program with the Department of Mathematics and Science Education was taken to the tenured faculty of the College of Education for approval.  Between the dates of April 17-22, 2008 a majority of the tenured faculty in the College by secret ballot voted approval of the realignment.


Timeline of events - Below you will find a timeline of events that led to these two actions.

June 20, 2007

Initial discussion with Interim Dean Swope about the need for the Library Science program being an autonomous College of Education department

July 3, 2007

Meeting with Interim Dean Swope, Lynne Davis, Larry White and Al Jones

August 23, 2007

Meeting with Interim Dean Swope, Larry White and Al Jones

August 28, 2007

Meeting with Interim Dean Swope, Larry White and Tricia Anderson

September 7, 2007

Meeting with LSIT faculty to discuss the need for the Library Science program being an autonomous College of Education department

September 14, 2007

Library Science program retreat

October 12, 2007

Instructional Technology program retreat

October 22, 2007

Meeting with LSIT faculty to continue discussion

November 2, 2007

Meeting with LSIT faculty to discuss official restructuring initiative

November 6, 2007

LSIT tenured faculty members unanimously voted to approve the recent LSIT restructuring initiative

November 27, 2007 - December 11, 2007

Meeting with four COE department chairs

January 18, 2008

Meeting with C&I Leadership team meeting

January 24, 2008

Instructional Technology program area faculty discuss next steps

February 11, 2008

Meeting with COAD faculty

February 12, 2008

Meeting with BITE faculty

February 13, 2008

Meeting with MSED faculty

February 19, 2008

Instructional Technology program area faculty discuss next steps

February 22, 2008

Meeting with Ron Preston, Sandra Warren and Interim Dean Swope

March 5, 2008

Meeting with MSED faculty to discuss official proposal

March 24, 2008

MSED and IT tenured faculty members unanimously voted to approve the inclusion of the Instructional Technology program into the current MSED department

April 17-22, 2008

College of Education tenured faculty members voted to approve the realignment of the Instructional Technology program into the MSED department AND to have the Library Science program stand alone as a department in the College of Education.




Faculty Senate Agenda

October 7, 2008

Attachment  3


Guidelines for Preparing a Cumulative Evaluation

(Required by the ECU Faculty Manual, Part XII. Personnel Action Dossier)


For Promotion and Tenure Recommendations

In accordance with provisions contained in Part XII(B)(2) of the ECU Faculty Manual, the Personnel Action Dossier (“PAD”) of a candidate for tenure will include, “One [C]umulative [E]valuation in narrative form of the candidate's teaching, research, service, and any other relevant duties, prepared by the unit Tenure Committee.  A draft of this [C]umulative [E]valuation, to be completed after the candidate turns in the PAD, should be available for discussion by the entire Tenure committee before the vote. (Faculty Senate Resolution #08-27, May 2008).”  In addition, the candidate’s PAD will include, “A [C]umulative [E]valuation in narrative form of the candidate’s teaching, research, service, and any other relevant duties, prepared by the unit administrator.”


In accordance with the provisions contained in Part XII(B)(3) of the ECU Faculty Manual, the PAD of a candidate for promotion will similarly include, “One [C]umulative [E]valuation in narrative form of the candidate's teaching, research, service, and any other relevant duties, prepared by the unit Promotion Committee.  A draft of this [C]umulative [E]valuation, to be completed after the candidate turns in the PAD, should be available for discussion by the entire Promotion committee before the vote.  (Faculty Senate Resolution #08-27, May 2008).”  Further, the candidate for promotion’s PAD will include, “A [C]umulative [E]valuation in narrative form of the candidate’s teaching, research, service, and any other relevant duties, prepared by the unit administrator.”


These guidelines, with some examples noted below, are intended as a tool to assist unit committees and unit administrators in preparing Cumulative Evaluations.  These are guidelines only; the Cumulative Evaluations prepared by the Tenure/Promotion Committees and the unit administrator must be consistent with criteria and provisions stated in the approved Unit Code and consistent with the assigned responsibilities of the candidate.


Similar to the annual progress toward tenure letters, the Cumulative Evaluation should be objective, summarizing the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in teaching, research/creative activity, service, and patient care and related clinical activity (if appropriate).   



Provide an evaluation in the form of a narrative summary of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in teaching.   Determine how the candidate has either maintained or improved the quality of instruction.  Areas to consider may include:


A statement of the unit’s expectations for teaching as contained in the Unit Code, as well as a description of how the candidate has met, failed to meet, or exceeded these expectations, including supporting examples;


A discussion of the quality of the candidate’s contributions in teaching, using approved methods of evaluating teaching performance;


An evaluation of the candidate’s teaching contributions relative to the unit’s needs;


A description of noteworthy accomplishments of students for whom the candidate has been advisor;


A discussion of the candidate’s involvement in curriculum development, including role in the design and implementation of new or revised courses, development of new teaching methods or materials, creation of new academic programs.


Research/Creative Activity

Provide an evaluation in the form of a narrative summary of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in research and creative activity.  Areas to consider may include:


A statement of the unit’s expectations for research as contained in the Unit Code, as well as a description of how the candidate has met, failed to meet, or exceeded these expectations, including supporting examples;


An evaluation of the candidate’s contributions in research and creative activity relative to the unit’s needs, including a discussion of the research/scholarship career thrust, strategy and emphases of the candidate;

A statement evaluating the current national and international standing of the candidate in the discipline.



Provide an evaluation in the form of a narrative summary of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in service.  Areas to consider may include:


A statement of the unit’s expectations for service as contained in the Unit Code, as well as a description of how the candidate has met, failed to meet, or exceeded these expectations, including supporting examples;


An evaluation of the candidate’s contributions in service relative to the unit’s needs, including significance and external recognition of the candidate’s service activities and assumption of leadership roles.


Patient Care and Related Clinical Activity (as appropriate)

Provide an evaluation in the form of a narrative summary of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in patient care and related clinical activity.  Areas to consider may include:


A statement of the unit’s expectations for patient care and clinical activity as contained in the Unit Code, as well as a description of how the candidate has  met,  failed to meet, or exceeded these expectations, including supporting examples;


An evaluation of the candidate’s contributions in patient care and clinical activity relative to the unit’s needs, including significance and impact of clinical services not otherwise available in the region.


Procedures for Cumulative Evaluations

After the candidate’s PAD is provided to the Unit Committee (Tenure or Promotion, as appropriate), one draft Cumulative Evaluation will be prepared by the Committee.  The Tenure/Promotion Committee may designate one or more of its members to prepare the draft for consideration by the entire Committee’s membership.  All materials pertaining to the pending personnel action must be available for inspection at least five business days prior to the Committee meeting.  The appropriate Committee (Tenure or Promotion) will discuss all materials presented, decide on the final contents of the Cumulative Evaluation, conduct the required secret ballot vote, and compile the results of the vote. 


The Tenure/Promotion Committee shall forward the candidate’s complete PAD, Committee’s recommendation, and its Cumulative Evaluation to the unit administrator.  The Committee will also forward a copy of its recommendation and its Cumulative Evaluation to the candidate, with a statement that the candidate has four working days from the date of the letter to include a response to the Committee’s Cumulative Evaluation.  If the candidate disagrees with the contents of the Cumulative Evaluation, it is the responsibility of the candidate to make this disagreement known in writing, addressed to the Chair of the Tenure/Promotion Committee (as appropriate), for inclusion in the candidate’s personnel file and the PAD.  Copies of this written response will be provided by the candidate’s to the unit administrator to be placed in the candidate’s personnel file. 


After receiving the candidate’s PAD, the Committee’s recommendation and Cumulative Evaluation, and, if appropriate, the candidate’s written response, the unit administrator will write his/her own Cumulative Evaluation. The unit administrator will forward the complete PAD, his/her own Cumulative Evaluation and his/her recommendation to the next administrative level.  


The unit administrator will also forward a copy of his/her Cumulative Evaluation and his/her recommendation to the candidate, with a statement that the candidate has four working days from the date of the letter to include a written response to the unit administrator’s Cumulative Evaluation.  The unit administrator will also send a copy of his/her recommendation and Cumulative Evaluation to the Tenure/Promotion Committee.  If the candidate disagrees with the contents of the unit administrator’s Cumulative Evaluation, it is the responsibility of the candidate to make this disagreement known in writing addressed to the next-level administrator, with a copy to the appropriate Committee and the unit administrator.  Copies of this written response will be placed in the candidate’s personnel file by the unit administrator.


(Once this document has been approved by the Chancellor, it will remain electronically linked to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part XII. Personnel Action Dossier document located on the Faculty Senate website.)



Faculty Senate Agenda

October 7, 2008

Attachment  4


Proposed Revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix B. Policy for the Cumulative Review of Permanently Tenured Faculty of ECU


(All additions are noted in bold print and deletions in strikethrough.)











I.          Preamble


II.          Description of Policy


A.        Timing


B.        Performance Standards for the Review


C.        Cumulative Performance Review Committee (CRC) (PRC)


D.        Review Process


E.        Rewards


F.E.     Reconsideration


G.F.     Faculty Development Plan


H.G.    Subsequent Evaluation



III.         Form A and B




Policy for The Cumulative Review of Permanently Tenured Faculty

Of East Carolina University

I.          Preamble

On May 16, 1997, the Board of Governors mandated the review of performance of tenured faculty in the University of North Carolina system.  This review, defined as the comprehensive, formal, periodic evaluation of cumulative faculty performance, has the purposes of ensuring faculty development and promoting faculty vitality.  The June 24, 1997, Administrative Memorandum #371 from the General Administration of the UNC System required each constituent institution to create a policy that examines individual faculty contributions to departmental, school/college, and university goals as well as to the academic programs in which faculty teach.  Guidelines mandate that the process shall recognize and reward exemplary faculty performance; provide for a clear plan and timetable for improvement of performance of faculty found deficient; and, for those whose performance remains deficient, provide for the possible imposition of appropriate sanctions or further action, including discharge.  Further guidelines direct individual institutions to show the relationship between annual review and cumulative review, examine faculty performance relative to the mission of the unit and the university, include a review no less frequently than every five years, explicitly involve peers in the review process, assure written feedback as well as a mechanism for faculty response to the evaluation, and require individual development plans for all faculty receiving less than satisfactory ratings in the cumulative review. 


On March 10, 2008, the UNC Board of Governors revised its Guidelines on Performance Review of Tenured Faculty (The UNC Policy Manual: 400.3.3.1(G)). On October 15, 2008, this ECU performance review policy was revised accordingly.


East Carolina University’s Policy for the Cumulative Performance Review of Permanently Tenured Faculty meets the revised guidelines of the University of North Carolina General Administration and is consistent with East Carolina University’s Faculty Manual and the Code The Code of the University.  This policy does not create a process for the reevaluation or revalidation of tenured status.  The basic standard for appraisal and evaluation is whether the faculty member under review discharges conscientiously and with professional competence the duties associated with his or her position.  Furthermore, the policy is created with the widespread presumption of competence on the part of each tenured faculty member.  The performance review for a faculty member must reflect the nature of the individual’s field or work and must conform to fair and reasonable expectations as recognized by faculty peers in each department and discipline.  The review must be conducted in a manner free of arbitrary, capricious, or discriminatory elements and must follow these agreed-upon procedures.


II.          Description of Policy

 [Please refer to interpretation #I98-10 located in the Index of ECU Faculty Manual Interpretations at



A.        Timing

At five-year intervals, beginning with academic year 1998-1999, each permanently tenured faculty member shall have a review of all aspects of his or her professional performance during the review interval.  A review leading to promotion in rank qualifies as a cumulative review.  A faculty member granted permanent tenure shall be reviewed within five years of the granting of tenure.  Probationary-term faculty members are excluded because other review mechanisms exist to evaluate their performance.  Unit* administrators, deans, and administrators at the division or university level shall be excluded from this policy.  After returning to full-time teaching/research responsibilities, administrators shall be evaluated in their fifth year and following five-year intervals.


Each academic unit’s tenure committee shall decide whether all of its tenured faculty will be reviewed in the same year or whether its tenured faculty will be reviewed according to a serial plan.  Those units choosing a serial plan shall also determine the method of serialization.


B.        Performance Standards for the Review

For the cumulative review of performance for the five-year period, the unit’s Tenure Committee shall draft review current standards of “exemplary,” “satisfactory,” and “deficient” performance and revise as necessary.  ,taking into account These standards will comply with the provisions of Appendix C, Section I, C and D of the ECU Faculty Manual, the unit’s code provisions, and the primacy of teaching/advising within the UNC system institutions.  These standards should be consistent with changing goals of the unit and the university, while also considering varying expectations at the time of the granting of permanent tenure for individual faculty members and should address the faculty member’s teaching, research, service and other duties, including contributions to the departmental college/school and university goals, contributions to the academic programs in which the faculty member teaches and any other professional activities bearing on the faculty member’s performance of his or her duties during the period under review.


The Tenure Committee shall submit the proposed standards to the unit administrator for concurrence or nonconcurrence.  At that point, two possible actions may occur.  (1) If the unit administrator concurs, he or she shall forward the standards to the next higher administrator.  If the next higher administrator does not agree with the standards developed by the Tenure Committee and concurred with by the unit administrator, every effort (including discussion and negotiation) shall be made to resolve the disagreement.   If the effort fails, the matter shall be referred to the next higher administrator who may accept the standards or return them for revision.  (2) When the unit administrator and Tenure Committee disagree, every effort (including discussion and negotiation) shall be made to resolve the disagreement within the unit.  If the effort fails, the matter shall be referred to the next higher administrator who may accept the standards or return them for revision.  In either case, any amendment to these standards must be approved by a vote of at least 2/3 of the Tenure Committee and follow the same process for initially proposed standards.


C.  Cumulative Performance Review Committee (CPRC)

The Tenure Committee will elect a minimum of three faculty members and one alternate from the permanently tenured voting faculty (ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix L, Section A. Voting Faculty Member) not holding administrative status to serve on the Cumulative Performance Review Committee.  The alternate shall serve when a member is unable to serve.  Members on the Cumulative Performance Review Committee shall serve for one academic year.


When a unit is unable to elect three permanently tenured voting faculty members not holding administrative status, the next higher administrator above the unit level shall appoint permanently tenured voting faculty not holding administrative status from other units to increase the committee’s membership to three members and one alternate.  These appointments to the committee must be from one list of candidates selected by a vote of the permanently tenured and probationary-term faculty of the unit.  The list forwarded to the next higher administrator by the appropriate faculty will contain at least twice the number of faculty members required to complete the membership of the committee.  Before voting on the list to be forwarded to the next higher administrator, the voting faculty will ascertain that faculty members nominated to have their names placed on the list are willing and able to serve in this important capacity.  The list of faculty names recommended to the next higher administrator may not be returned for revision.


D.        Review Process

Cumulative Performance Review of Permanently Tenured Faculty shall cover all aspects of the faculty member’s professional performance. and be based on the faculty member’s most recent annual reports and most recent annual performance evaluations (ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix C, Section III. Evaluations) for the cumulative review period. The review will be informed by the faculty member’s annual reports and annual evaluations (ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix C, Section III. Evaluations), but primarily shall be based on a comprehensive assessment of the faculty member’s teaching, research, service and other duties, including contributions to the departmental college/school and university goals, contributions to the academic programs in which the faculty member teaches and any other professional activities bearing on the faculty member’s performance of his or her duties during the period under review. The review shall take into account the faculty member’s contribution for the period to the mission of the unit, the school or college, and the university.  Permanently tenured full-time faculty members who have received University approved leaves of absence shall not have such leave time counted as part of the cumulative performance review period.


Should a subsequent academic unit administrator disagree with the annual reviews and annual reports of an individual faculty member composed before the term of office of the incumbent administrator, the administrator shall not dismiss, alter, or argue against the body and conclusions of the earlier annual reviews and reports.


The initial review shall be conducted by the unit administrator who, using the attached Form A or Form B, shall prepare a performance review report which shall consist of a narrative evaluation of the overall performance of the candidate that takes into account the relative weights assigned to each duty during each of the years being reviewed and the amount of reassigned time from teaching to the performance of other duties for each year under review. This evaluation shall conclude with an overall ranking that categorizes each faculty member’s performance as exemplary, satisfactory, or deficient.


The evaluative report, together with the faculty member’s annual reports and annual performance evaluations for the period under review, a copy of the faculty member’s current curriculum vita, and any other material the faculty member wishes to provide to the review committee in support of his/her professional performance over the review period, shall be forwarded to reviewed by the Cumulative Performance Review Committee.  Any additional supporting material provided by the faculty member to the Performance Review Committee shall become part of the permanent personnel file. For each faculty member, the Cumulative Performance Review Committee shall either agree or disagree with the findings of the unit administrator.


When the unit administrator and the Cumulative Performance Review Committee agree, the Performance Review Committee shall report this agreement on the Form A. The unit administrator shall provide a copy of the report the results of the cumulative review in writing to the faculty member and to the next higher administrator, and place a copy of the report in the faculty member’s personnel file. 


When the unit administrator and Cumulative Performance Review Committee disagree, every effort (including discussion and negotiation) will shall be made to resolve the disagreement within the unit.  If the effort to resolve the disagreement fails, the Performance Review Committee shall prepare its own report.  The unit administrator shall provide copies of both reports to the faculty member and the matter will be referred to the next higher administrator, who  for final decision after reviewing both reports and the faculty member’s supporting materials, shall make the final decision, which shall be reported in writing to the faculty member.  A copy of the final decision shall be placed in the faculty member’s personnel file and provided to both the Performance Review Committee and the unit administrator.

, the matter will be referred to the next higher administrator for final decision.


E.        Rewards

The first priority of the revised UNC Guidelines on Performance Review of Tenured Faculty is that faculty whose cumulative review reflects exemplary performance shall be recognized and rewarded.   A faculty member whose review reflects exemplary performance may be recognized in ways including, but not limited to, nomination for awards, merit salary increases, research leaves, and/or revisions of work load.


F.E.     Reconsideration

A faculty member whose review process determines a deficient performance level shall have the opportunity to respond within 20 calendar days.  The faculty member may request that the unit administrator and Cumulative Performance Review Committee reconsider the evaluation based on additional substantive information provided by the faculty member.  In reconsidering the evaluation, the unit administrator and Cumulative Performance Review Committee shall have the opportunity to nullify, modify, or reconfirm the original evaluation (or evaluations, in the case of disagreement between the committee and the unit administrator). The response of the faculty member to the report of deficient performance and the decision of the committee and the unit administrator shall be reported to the next higher administrator.


When the committee and the unit administrator disagree on the appropriate action after a reconsideration initiated by the faculty member under review, If, upon reconsideration, the unit administrator and Cumulative Review Committee disagree, every effort (including discussion and negotiation) shall be made to resolve the disagreement within the unit.  If the effort fails, the matter conflicting responses to the reconsideration appeal by the faculty member under review shall be referred to the next higher administrator for final decision.


The unit administrator shall report the decision in writing to the faculty member and place a copy of the report in the faculty member’s personnel file. The final decision of a higher administrator shall be reported in writing to the faculty member and a copy of the final decision shall be placed in the faculty member’s personnel file and provided to both the Performance Review Committee and the unit administrator.


G.F.     Faculty Development Plan

A faculty member whose cumulative review reflects deficient performance shall negotiate a formal development plan with the Cumulative Performance Review Committee and the unit administrator.  The development plan must identify specific strengths and deficiencies and also define specific goals or outcomes that would help the faculty member overcome the identified deficiencies.  It should also outline activities, set guidelines, indicate approved criteria by which the faculty member could monitor his or her progress, and identify the source of any institutional commitments, if required.  The development plan shall set reasonable time limits, not to exceed three academic years from the implementation of the plan.  The plan shall represent a commitment by the faculty member, the Cumulative Performance Review Committee, and the unit administrator to improve the faculty member’s performance and provide adequate resources to support the plan.  The plan shall be consistent with the faculty member’s academic freedom (as defined by the ECU Faculty Manual, Part III), shall be self-directed by the faculty member, and shall be sufficiently flexible to allow for subsequent amendment, if necessary.  Such amendment will follow the same process as the development of the original plan.  If the unit administrator, Cumulative Performance Review Committee, and faculty member cannot agree on a formal development plan, each party’s draft of a plan will be forwarded to the next higher administrator, who will make the final decision.  The faculty member’s development progress shall be reviewed in a meeting that occurs at least semiannually by the Cumulative Performance Review Committee and the unit administrator, who shall provide a written evaluation of progress to the faculty member.


H.G.    Subsequent Evaluation

If the faculty member’s cumulative performance level is satisfactory within the designated period of time, the unit administrator shall report the results of the cumulative review in writing to the faculty member and place a copy of the written evaluation in the faculty member’s personnel file.  The faculty member will undergo another cumulative review at the beginning of the next cumulative review interval.  If the faculty member’s cumulative performance level remains deficient after the designated period, the unit administrator may recommend that serious sanctions be imposed as governed by Appendix D, Section VI, “Due Process Before Discharge or Imposition of Serious Sanction,” of the ECU Faculty Manual and Chapter VI of the The Code of the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina. 


*With respect to personnel matters relating to Cumulative Performance Review, academic units are defined as departments described in the codes of operation of professional schools, the departments in the College of Arts and Sciences, professional schools without departments, Academic Library Services, Health Sciences Library, and any other units in which faculty appointments are made.  In the College of Arts and Sciences and in professional schools whose unit codes describe departmental structures, departmental chairs are the unit administrators.  In schools that do not have departments described in their unit codes, the dean of the school is the unit administrator.


III.         Form A: Report on Performance Review of Tenured Faculty A and B


Approved:      Faculty Senate Resolution #98-13

                        15 April 1998

                        East Carolina University Chancellor


Amended:      Faculty Senate Resolution #98-29, November 1998

                        Interpretation made to Section II. (10-8-98)

Cumulative Review of Permanently Tenured Faculty

East Carolina University

Form A


Faculty member: _____________________     School/department: _____________________


Date: __________________



I.  Summary of Annual Evaluations:



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

 A.  Teaching/advising







B.  Research or creative productivity






 C.  Professional service







 D.  Patient Care







 E.  Other duties















II.  Cumulative Review Evaluation:               _______ Exemplary


                                                                                    _______ Satisfactory


                                                                                    _______ Deficient*


*A “deficient” evaluation must be accompanied by a written justification for this finding.




Submitted by: ____________________________________              __________________

                                                Unit Administrator                                                                      Date


Cumulative Review Committee Response:                       _______ Agree


                                                                                    _______ Disagree


                        _____________________________________             _________________

                      Committee Chair                                                                                                           Date


Cumulative Performance Review of Permanently Tenured Faculty

East Carolina University



Faculty member: _____________________     School/department: _____________________


Date: __________________



I.  Summary of Annual Narrative Evaluations of most recent 5 years of faculty performance:
















II.  Cumulative Summary Performance Review Evaluation:                  _______ Exemplary


                                                                                                                        _______ Satisfactory


                                                                                                                        _______ Deficient*


*A “deficient” evaluation must be accompanied by a written justification for this finding.





Submitted by: ____________________________________              __________________

                                                Unit Administrator                                                                      Date



Cumulative Performance Review Committee Response:          _______ Agree       ______Disagree



_____________________________________             _________________        

                           Committee Chair                                                                          


Faculty Senate Agenda

October 7, 2008

Attachment  5


Report on the Proposed Review of Administrators


On February 19, 2008 in a Joint Statement (Joint Statement) Chancellor Steve Ballard and then Faculty Chair Mark Taggart shared with the faculty their intention to implement the following practices regarding the evaluation of senior academic officers:


a.   Substantial work has already been done by the Leadership Development Task Force composed of faculty representatives and top administrators. The work of the Task Force will be henceforth be conducted by the Governance Committee. We are committed to bringing that work to closure before the beginning of the 2008-2009 academic year.


b.   We will develop a policy on evaluation of senior academic officers that will be consistent with Board of Trustees policies, principles of shared governance, and nationally recognized best practices by the end of the current academic year, and will be implemented by the beginning of the 2008-2009 academic year.


Following the joint statement, the Faculty Governance Committee worked on the aforementioned policy, and on April 28 approved a Proposed Policy on Five-Year Review of Academic Administrative Officers which was consistent with the Board of Trustees’ policies (Appointment and Review of Administrative Officers at ECU),  principles of shared governance (Standards of Shared Governance), and nationally recognized best practices (http://www.aaup.org/AAUP/comm/rep/FacultyEvaluationof+Admins.htm).


This policy was sent forward to Chancellor Ballard for his review and comments on June 4, 2008 (Proposed Policy on Five-Year Review of Academic Administrative Officers). As indicated on the memo attached to the proposed policy, the committee “stand ready to address any concerns that [the Chancellor] may have prior to presentation of the policy to the Faculty Senate in early Fall 2008”. 


On August 27, 2008, Chancellor Ballard forwarded to the Faculty Governance Committee proposed revisions to the policy drafted by the committee (Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Five-Year Review of Academic Administrative Officers).


On September 10, 2008 the Faculty Governance committee decided that it was appropriate and necessary for the committee to inform the Faculty Senate on the developments regarding the issue of evaluation of senior academic officers.


On September 24, 2008, Faculty Senate Chair Tovey informed the Faculty Governance Committee of the Chancellor’s decision to use the Board of Trustees’ policies on Appoint and Review of Administrative Officers at ECU during the current academic year, and to form an  ad-hoc committee to advise him on how to solicit faculty input in the review of administrative officers at ECU.


Faculty Senate Agenda

October 7, 2008

Attachment  6


Overview of 2007-2008 Committee Activities


Number of Grievants in Grievance Process for Academic Year 2007-2008 

  (April 31, 2007 through May 1, 2008)


G.                      Time in Step One



Less than One Month

One-Two Months

Two-Three Months

More than Three Months







Number of Grievances Filed (Completed Step One) by:

Fixed Term Faculty   0         Probationary  Faculty  0        Tenured Faculty   3


H.                       Time in Step Two – Four



Less than One Month

One-Two Months

Two-Three Months

More than Three Months



















I.                           Step Five Hearing


Scheduled for Hearing - 0

Hearings Completed  - 0 

In Report Stages - 0

Reports Issued - 0


Reports Issued in Favor of:  

Grievant - 0    

Respondent - 0     

Both Grievant and Respondent -  0


Number Appealed to Chancellor  - 0                     
Reports Issued by Chancellor  - 0

Number at Faculty Governance -  0                       


Reports at Rewrite or Reissued by Faculty Governance Committee -  0

Number Successful at Mediation  - 0                     

Number Successful at Chancellor Review   -1

Number Terminated by Grievant  -  2                     

Number Terminated by Committee   - 0