The third regular meeting of the 2008-2009 Faculty Senate will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2008, at 2:10 in the Mendenhall Student Center Great Room. 



  I.        Call to Order


 II.         Approval of Minutes

            September 9, 2008 and October 7, 2008


III.         Special Order of the Day

            A.        Roll Call


            B.        Announcements


            C.        Steve Ballard, Chancellor


D.        Deirdre Mageean, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies    

Annual Report on Research and Updates on Activities with the

Carnegie Engagement Classification and UNC Tomorrow Phase II     


            E.        Janice Tovey, Chair of the Faculty

                        Further discussion on the Strategic Enrollment Management Task Force Report


            F.         Approval of the Fall 2008 Graduation Roster, including honors program graduates.


            G.        Hunt McKinnon, Faculty Assembly Delegate

                        Report on the October 24, 2008, Faculty Assembly Meeting


            H.        Question Period 


IV.        Unfinished Business   

A.        Academic Standards Committee, Linda Wolfe

            Requests from the Administrative Service Learning Committee (attachment 1)


B.        Educational Policies and Planning Committee, Sandra Warren
1.         College of Education’s Request for Unit Reorganization (attachment 2)

            2.         Request for Authorization to Establish New Distance Education Degree Program for a MAEd in Family and Consumer Sciences Education in the Department of Child Development and Family Relations 

            3.         Notification of Intent to Plan (Distance Education) BSBA in Management in the College of Business   

            4.         Notification of Intent to Plan (Distance Education) BSBA in Management Information Systems in the College of Business   


C.        Faculty Grievance Committee, Matt Mahar

            Overview of 2007-2008 Committee Activities (attachment 3) 


V.        Report of Committees

            A.        Academic Standards Committee, Linda Wolfe 

1.         Proposed new “NR” grade (attachment 4)

2.         Approval of Foundation Curriculum Course for Humanities, ENGL 3920: Film Theory and Criticism

            B.        Educational Policies and Planning Committee, Sandra Warren    

                        1.         Proposed Guidelines for Unit Academic Program Review (38 pages)

                        2.         Proposed Guidelines for Reviewing Low Productivity/Low Enrollment Programs (attachment 5)

For information, links to two General Administration memorandums are provided.

·        July 2008 Memorandum on Budget (page 2 of attachment 2)

·        September 2008 Memorandum on Productivity Study

3.         Proposed Change in Placement of Military Programs, including minors in Professional Officer Course (Air Force) and

Military Science (Army) into the College of Health and Human Performance.

                        4.         Proposed Change in Name of the Master’s Degree in Speech Language Pathology to Communication Sciences

and Disorders.


            C.        Research/Creative Activity Grants Committee, Paul Gares

Revised Guidelines for the 2009/2010 Research/Creative Activity Grants (attachment 6). 


            D.        University Curriculum Committee, Jane Manner

Curriculum matters contained in the September 11, 2008 and October 9, 2008 meeting minutes.


E.        University Environment Committee, Jill Twark   
Resolution on Green Spaces and Heritage Trees (attachment 7).


VI.        New Business



Faculty Senate Agenda

November 4, 2008

Attachment  1.


Requests from the Administrative Service Learning Committee


The Academic Standards Committee approved and is forwarding to the Faculty Senate for their consideration the following requests from the Administrative Service Learning Committee. Those include the below Service Learning criteria, request to have the “SL” designation included in the University Undergraduate Catalog for all courses approved by the Administrative Service Learning Committee, and a SL designation form in the Service Learning Course Submission Process.


Service Learning Criteria

A service learning course should meet the following criteria or guidelines:

1)     Integrate the service with course content. The service component should support the academic focus of the course.

2)     Involve students in service that meets community needs. The Volunteer & Service Learning Center can help you find community placements for students.

3)     Provide structured opportunities for reflection such as writing assignments, discussions, presentations, or journals.

4)     Provide a clear explanation (in the syllabus) of both academic and service expectations and how the performance in the course will be graded.

5)     Clarify that while service is an integral part of the course academic credit is for demonstrated learning.


“SL” Designation

The purpose of the “SL” designation, to be included in the University Undergraduate Catalog for all courses approved by the Administrative Service Learning Committee, is to ensure that students are advised that extra time is required of the “SL” course and not sign up for more than one if they feel they do not have the time to invest in more than one “SL” course per semester.


SL Designation Form




Check one:      ____ New Course       ____ Renewal

College, Department or Program(s) ____________________________________________

Course Number ________________ Section # ___________ Credit Hours ____________

Course Title _______________________________________________________________

Will all sections of this course have service learning?  Yes ___   No ___

Instructor _______________________________ Email _____________________________

Semester(s) Offered ________________________________________________________

Anticipated Enrollment ______________


Please include the following information and documentation when submitting a proposed course:

1.                  A course syllabus and comprehensive list of readings

2.                  A brief description of the course, learning objectives, and how learning will be assessed
            and how the course meets the five criteria for service learning

3.                  A list of proposed service learning activities

4.                  Please inform your department chair. 


      Faculty Signature ___________________________________ Date ______          



Faculty members interested in obtaining a service learning designation for their courses are invited to submit a service learning course proposal form and syllabus for review by the University Service Learning Advisory Committee.  Courses approved for the “SL” designation will be listed as such in the catalog.


Why get a SL Designation? 

1) Many students consider service learning a transformative way to learn and grow while others may want the credits to satisfy requirements proposed for the Leadership and Service certificate or portfolio, or the honors program.  Students find that this documentation also helps when they seek employment and/or apply to graduate school. The SL designation will be recorded on student transcripts.


2) Faculty members who are familiar with service learning serve as a peer review committee for service learning course submissions.  The committee reviews proposals and syllabi to ensure they meet the five criteria listed below, and also offers suggestions and constructive input as needed to make the service-learning experience a positive one for all involved.


3) The SL designation helps ECU collect information, report, and recognize the important contributions that our faculty make to the community.


Support for Faculty Who Incorporate Service Learning:

1) The Volunteer and Service Learning Center is available to assist faculty with identifying community partners and projects, and then maintaining positive partner relationships.  The Center works with several non-profit agencies and maintains a database of current community needs and requests.


2)  Orientation sessions for your students at the beginning of each semester to introduce your students to service learning and to answer their questions about community partners, logistics, and safety.


3) Free liability insurance for your students. This insurance provides liability insurance if students damage people or property while performing service at the agency. The policy also provides limited coverage for motor-vehicle accidents and personal injury. Students must complete a registration form to be eligible for insurance coverage.


4) The Volunteer and Service Learning Center also offers workshops and a conference on service learning.  The Center arranges for faculty with experience and expertise to offer workshops and to serve as mentors, and also hosts nationally recognized experts in the field of service learning.


5) Assessment opportunities for the service learning component of your course by the Volunteer and Service Learning Center. The Center provides you a summary of the data collected from your students. This provides valuable information about what worked and what did not and how you can introduce changes you think will be beneficial.  These assessments also help the Center better serve ECU service learning courses.                       


How to Apply for a SL Designation: Submit the SL Course Proposal Form with your syllabus to the University Service Learning Committee by the appropriate deadline (listed below). The form should be sent to: Linner Griffin, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs.  The committee will review your proposal/syllabus/assignments to make sure they meet the criteria listed below. The criteria have been adapted from the national standards that have been established by Campus Compact.


What is Service Learning? ECU’s Definition

Service learning is a method of instruction that has the benefit of meeting academic course objectives and helping students develop a sense of engagement and social responsibility. All volunteer hours and service hours are not service learning.  Service learning courses should meet the following broad guidelines:

1)      service learning is structured within a course and has a formal, academic curriculum that is rooted in the discipline in which the course is being offered;

2)      the course contains a set of organized community-based learning  activities through which students directly serve a constituency as a means to address an identified community need;

3)      the course provides structured opportunities for students to formally connect their service activities to the course curriculum and to broader social issues through reflective methods.



A service learning course should meet the following criteria or guidelines:

1)   Integrate the service with course content. The service component should support the academic focus of the course.

2)   Involve students in service that meets community needs. The Volunteer & Service Learning
can help you find community placements for students.

3)   Provide structured opportunities for reflection such as writing assignments, discussions,
presentations, or journals.

4)   Provide a clear explanation (in the syllabus) of both academic and service expectations and
how the performance in the course will be graded.

5)   Clarify that while service is an integral part of the course academic credit is for demonstrated




While each course will have learning objectives, through the service experience students will gain one or all of the following:

1)    Awareness of community & social issues

2)    Respect for people and diversity in all its forms

3)    Greater self leadership which includes understanding critical issues and different perspectives, developing empathy, developing critical thinking, and personal development


It is recommended that service learning courses be assessed at the end of the semester using the service learning survey forms provided, compiled and reported by the Volunteer and Service Learning Center.  These forms are not designed for academic assessment, but they evaluate the service learning and community-based experience aspect of a service learning course.



Faculty Senate Agenda

November 4, 2008

Attachment  2.


of Education’s Request for Unit Reorganization


When Library Science was administratively relocated to the College of Education it was combined with Instructional Technology program to create the current department of Library Science and Instructional Technology.  The Library Science program is actively seeking accreditation from the American Library Association (ALA) for its program. For more than ten years, faculty members, department administrators, and administrators have worked to align the program to ALA standards, upgrade the curriculum, and hire faculty members to achieve that objective. 


The College of Education has long supported in its strategic plan the goal of achieving ALA accreditation for Library Science.  In response to the most recent application for candidacy filed in June 2007, the Committee on Accreditation of ALA provided feedback that the program must obtain autonomy in three focal areas to successfully continue in the accreditation process, including: 

·                    Autonomy sufficient to assure the intellectual content and development of its program

and curriculum

·                    Autonomy sufficient to assure the selection, evaluation, and promotion of its faculty

·                    Autonomy sufficient to assure the planning, allocation and use of financial/other

resources and administrative support in the attainment of MLS degree objectives and


Because of the current and inherent College of Education departmental structure, the Library Science program has been unable to provide evidence of autonomy in all three of these focal areas.  Thus it has become clear that the Library Science program should be administratively organized as a separate department within the College of Education in order to meet these requirements.


Given these conditions, during the 2007-2008 academic year members of the LSIT Department met regularly to discuss options for aligning the program to meet the accrediting body’s standards.  As a body, the faculty members in the department proposed to make the Library Science program a separate department within the College of Education, and seek alignment of the Instructional Technology program with another College of Education department.  After much collaborative and open discussion, and with the support of the interim dean of the college and following the provisions of the College of Education Code and Appendix L of the Faculty Manual, the tenured LSIT faculty voted unanimously to seek this realignment (LSIT Faculty Meeting, November 6, 2007, by secret ballot—unanimous with all eligible voting faculty members voting). 


Subsequently, the Instructional Technology program coordinator, IT faculty members, plus the interim dean and assistant dean met with Department chairs and faculty members representing each of the following College of Education departments to seek common interest, curriculum connections, and research grant potential for the program and faculty.  The purpose was to seek faculty agreement for merging the IT program with an existing COE department.

1.                  Business and Information Technologies Education

2.                  Counselor and Adult Education

3.                  Curriculum and Instruction

4.                  Mathematics and Science Education


These meetings and discussions were conducted during the period of November 27, 2007

through February 13, 2008.  From these discussions and meetings, the IT faculty unanimously agreed to seek merger into the Department of Mathematics and Sciences Education.  Subsequently, the chair of the MSED department scheduled several meetings of the faculty in the department including the faculty members from the IT program areas.  At those meetings the faculties jointly agreed that the inclusion of the Instructional Technology program into the Department of Math and Science Education could strengthen each of the three program areas: Math Education, Science Education, and Instructional Technology.  With the added need to develop quality Math and Science teachers in North Carolina, Instructional Technology faculty can actively participate in this departmental effort.  We anticipate that Math Education, Science Education, and Instructional Technology faculty members will collaborate with each other in the development of grant proposals, research projects and curricular innovations.  All of these efforts will augment each program area and subsequently this revised department.


On March 5, 2008, the faculties met to officially propose merging the IT faculty members and programs, courses, and proportion of the budgets and resources that support the IT program with the Department of Mathematics and Science Education.  It is from these discussions that a formal meeting of the two faculties was held on March 24, 2008.  Prior to that meeting; an official proposal to merge the programs into a single department (Mathematics Education Science Education, and Instructional Technology programs) was jointly developed by the faculties on March 8, 2008, discussed and disseminated according to the provisions of Appendix L of the Faculty Manual (March 14, 2008), and on March 24, 2008, a secret ballot was conducted on the proposal.  At that time, the tenured Instructional Technology program area faculty and the tenured Math and Science Education faculty voted unanimously to include the Instructional Technology program within the current Department of Math and Science Education. 


Following those votes, the proposal to establish the Library Science program as a department within the College of Education and seek merger of the Instructional Technology program with the Department of Mathematics and Science Education was taken to the tenured faculty of the College of Education for approval.  Between the dates of April 17-22, 2008 a majority of the tenured faculty in the College by secret ballot voted approval of the realignment.

Timeline of events - Below you will find a timeline of events that led to these two actions.

June 20, 2007

Initial discussion with Interim Dean Swope about the need for the Library Science program being an autonomous College of Education department

July 3, 2007

Meeting with Interim Dean Swope, Lynne Davis, Larry White and Al Jones

August 23, 2007

Meeting with Interim Dean Swope, Larry White and Al Jones

August 28, 2007

Meeting with Interim Dean Swope, Larry White and Tricia Anderson

September 7, 2007

Meeting with LSIT faculty to discuss the need for the Library Science program being an autonomous College of Education department

September 14, 2007

Library Science program retreat

October 12, 2007

Instructional Technology program retreat

October 22, 2007

Meeting with LSIT faculty to continue discussion

November 2, 2007

Meeting with LSIT faculty to discuss official restructuring initiative

November 6, 2007

LSIT tenured faculty members unanimously voted to approve the recent LSIT restructuring initiative

November 27, 2007 - December 11, 2007

Meeting with four COE department chairs

January 18, 2008

Meeting with C&I Leadership team meeting

January 24, 2008

Instructional Technology program area faculty discuss next steps

February 11, 2008

Meeting with COAD faculty

February 12, 2008

Meeting with BITE faculty

February 13, 2008

Meeting with MSED faculty

February 19, 2008

Instructional Technology program area faculty discuss next steps

February 22, 2008

Meeting with Ron Preston, Sandra Warren and Interim Dean Swope

March 5, 2008

Meeting with MSED faculty to discuss official proposal

March 24, 2008

MSED and IT tenured faculty members unanimously voted to approve the inclusion of the Instructional Technology program into the current MSED department

April 17-22, 2008

College of Education tenured faculty members voted to approve the realignment of the Instructional Technology program into the MSED department AND to have the Library Science program stand alone as a department in the College of Education.



Faculty Senate Agenda

November 4, 2008

Attachment  3.

Overview of 2007-2008 Committee Activities


Number of Grievants in Grievance Process for Academic Year 2007-2008 

  (April 31, 2007 through May 1, 2008)


Time in Step One


Less than One Month

One-Two Months

Two-Three Months

More than Three Months







Number of Grievances Filed (Completed Step One) by:
Fixed Term Faculty   0         Probationary  Faculty  0        Tenured Faculty   3


Time in Step Two – Four


Less than One Month

One-Two Months

Two-Three Months

More than Three Months



















Step Five - Hearing


Scheduled for Hearing – 0               Hearings Completed  - 0 

In Report Stages - 0                          Reports Issued - 0


Reports Issued in Favor of:  

Grievant – 0               Respondent – 0         Both Grievant and Respondent - 0


Number Appealed to Chancellor  - 0          Reports Issued by Chancellor  - 0

Number at Faculty Governance -  0                       


Reports at Rewrite or Reissued by Faculty Governance Committee -  0

Number Successful at Mediation  - 0          Number Successful at Chancellor Review   -1

Number Terminated by Grievant  -  2          Number Terminated by Committee   - 0



Faculty Senate Agenda

November 4, 2008

Attachment 4.

Proposed New “NR” Grade


The Academic Standards Committee recommends a new proposed grade of NR for those courses for which the instructor/faculty member fails to turn in a grade. 





Faculty Senate Agenda

November 4, 2008

Attachment 5.


Guidelines for Reviewing Low Productivity/Low Enrollment Programs


Alignment with UNC Tomorrow, ECU Tomorrow, and ECU Strategic Plan

·        How is this program supporting progress toward identified goals?


Societal Need

·        Does the program meet specific societal needs (i.e., demographic needs such as employment)?

·        Do graduates from degree program have a skill set in high demand area in either private or public sectors?

·        Does growing demographic demand for skill set exist?


Community Engagement and Impact

·        Does program offer engaged learning component of benefit to students and eastern North Carolina communities through internships, service learning, and engagement with public and private entities?


Increasing Access and Innovative Program Delivery

·        Are there plans in the immediate future to increase number of degrees granted through expanded access (e.g., distance education, opportunities to military personnel and dependents)?


Value in Support of other Programs

·        Does curriculum support degree programs in other areas or interdisciplinary programs (e.g., BA/BS K-12 degrees in the same field)?


Admission/Graduation Criteria and Statistics

·        Are admission or graduation criteria so rigorous as to significantly limit admissions or graduation rates but result in high caliber student or graduate population?

·        Does course sequence impact student retention and progress toward graduation?

·        Does program admit and graduate a high percentage of applicants from traditionally underrepresented populations?

·        Do program graduates pass national licensing/certification exams at equal to the national rate or higher than the national rate?


Faculty Pool

·        Would additional students be admitted if program had more faculty?

·        Does presence of program enhance the ability to recruit and retain highly qualified faculty?


Financial Resources

·        How does the graduate degree program support faculty research and creative activities?

·        Is the unit able to continue fiscally supporting the program?

·        Are external funds available to offset the lack of program graduates?

·        Are external funds available to support students?


Demonstrable Potential for Growth

·                    Does program have a plan (including business plan and timeframe) for increasing productivity?




Faculty Senate Agenda

November 4, 2008

Attachment 6.



Revised Guidelines for the 2009/2010 Research/Creative Activity Grants

(Additions are noted in bold print and deletions in strikethrough.)

Available online at: http://www.ecu.edu/cs-acad/fsonline/rg/research.cfm


The Research/Creative Activity Grants Committee solicits proposals for meritorious research or creative activities from eligible East Carolina University faculty members.  Proposals should clearly show that the activity (a) is in the general area of the applicant's field, (b) is of scholarly importance, (c) promises permanent worth, and (d) will not be directed toward graduate thesis research.  The proposed research may be a pilot project to be used as a precursor to a proposal to be submitted to an external agency or it may be a stand-alone project. Funds are limited, so only projects that are exemplary in all aspects are likely to be funded.


The awarding of grants will be made for a full fiscal year July 1– June 30, and announced on or before May 1.  This new system will allow faculty to receive requested stipends either in the 2nd summer session at the beginning of the fiscal or in the 1st summer session  at the end of the fiscal year.


Proposals are due in the Faculty Senate office, 140 Rawl Annex by 12:00 noon on the third Friday of January (January 16, 2009).



Applicants must be full-time tenured or full-time tenure track faculty.


Faculty from the Brody School of Medicine and faculty on fixed-term or part-time appointments are not eligible for grants to be awarded by this committee.


Members of the Research/Creative Activities Grants Committee are not eligible to submit proposals for funding from this committee.  Members who wish to submit proposals must resign from the committee before submitting their proposal.


Recipients of awards from the following University sources may not apply for new funding during the academic year in which their grant is active:


·        Research and Creative Activity Grants

·        Faculty Senate Teaching Grants

·        Research Development Award Program

·        University Startup Funds Program



The Research/Creative Activity Grants Committee funds the following expenses:


Stipends for Research/Creative Activity 

Stipends will be equivalent to the prevailing compensation for full-time teaching in one summer session.  Applicants cannot teach during the Summer Session in which he/she receives a stipend. These stipends are not available to faculty who hold 12-month contracts.


Project Expenses

These funds are for expenses related to the proposed project.  Project Expense Grants cannot exceed $10,000.  Project expense funds should be expended or encumbered by the end of the funding fiscal year. Funds do no carry over to the following fiscal year.  Guidelines for budget preparation and the justification for requested funds are included in the application packet. 


Stipend for Research/Creative Activity and Project Expenses (dual)

Applicants who are eligible may apply for a grant that will award money for a stipend plus project expenses.  Project expense funds should be expended or encumbered by the end of the funding fiscal year. Funds are not available in the following fiscal year.   Guidelines for budget preparation are included in the application packet. 


Review Criteria:


§                    That the research/creative activity has the probability of leading to significant contributions in the field, including publication, presentation, performance, exhibition, and to the individual's professional enrichment and growth.

§                    That the research/creative activity is based on knowledge in the field, and the proposal clearly shows how the proposed effort extends, expands, and/or explores new directions, techniques or processes.

§                    That the research/creative activity possesses evidence of scholarly importance, consists of more than mere data collection or confirmation of easily anticipated results.

§                    That the research/creative activity is methodologically sound and within the competency of the applicant.

§                    That the research/creative activity of this project clearly justifies financial support by this University.


Proposals will be evaluated by the diverse group of faculty

that make up the committee.  It is to the applicant’s advantage to prepare

abstracts and proposals in language that can be understood by individuals

who are outside the applicant's discipline.


PLEASE NOTE:  All decisions by the committee are final.


Grant requirements


Grantees are required to submit to the Research/Creative Activity Grants Committee a final report detailing the results of the funded work.  Final reports are due no later than September 1 of the fiscal year following that of the grant.  Reports should be delivered by hand or email to the Faculty Senate office, 140 Rawl Annex.  Report forms are available on the committee section of the Faculty Senate web site.


Other Restrictions


§                    The final reports from any previous awards must be on file in the Faculty Senate office before a new application will be considered.

§                    The publication of the results of projects supported by an award from the Research/Creative Activity Grants Committee should carry a printed acknowledgment of financial assistance from the Committee.

§                    There can be no co-project directors or co-principal investigators listed on cover page although collaborations with other faculty are acceptable..

§                    RCAG applicants are eligible to receive support from only one university funding source in any single year.  Persons receiving funding from other such sources (e.g. Teaching Award, Research Development Award) must inform the RCAG committee of the award and will need to decline other awards in order to receive their RCAG grant.

§                    Individuals may not submit more than one proposal per funding period.

§                    After an award is made, any Major changes to funded projects must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Research/Creative Activities Grants Committee for possible further consideration by the Committee for approval.

§                    Applicants for projects involving research on human subjects or animals must be prepared to file the appropriate forms with the University Medical Center Institutional Review Board or the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee upon receipt notification of the award.  Funding will be contingent on receipt of approval from the appropriate committee by July 1 of the award year.

§                    Failure to adhere to the formatting requirements for proposal will result in the elimination of a proposal from consideration.

§                    Following the evaluation and awarding of grants, the Committee will handle all appeals internally and their decision is final.


Application Process


Each grant proposal must include the attached application form signed by the applicant and the chairperson (or dean, as appropriate) of any unit involved.  The original and 7 copies of the proposal (total of 8 copies) should be submitted to the Research/Creative Activity Grants Committee, c/o Faculty Senate Office, 140 Rawl Annex by 12:00 noon on Friday, January 16, 2009.  In addition, the applicant must send an electronic version of the proposal in PDF format to the Faculty Senate Office (facultysenate@ecu.edu) by the deadline.  No proposals will be accepted after this deadline.


Applicants are strongly urged to attend any information sessions given by the committee to verify that their proposals are appropriate for consideration.  Applicants should also consult proposals that were funded in the past three years that are kept on file in the Faculty Senate office.


Once the applications are received, they are screened for format/eligibility requirements.  Those found to be non-compliant are eliminated from further review.  Authors of rejected proposals will be notified within three weeks of receipt of applications.


The review process is completed by April 1 and a list of proposals recommended for funding in priority order is forwarded to the Vice-Chancellor for Research at that time.  The Vice-Chancellor determines which projects will receive funding.  These funding decisions are at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor.  Applicants will be notified of their funding status as soon after the Vice-Chancellor’s decision as possible.  Reviewer comments will be sent to applicants by May 1.





Applicants may appeal the decision of the committee.  The entire committee reviews appeals and the decision regarding the appeal is final.  Applicants wishing to appeal the decision must explain in a detailed email to the committee chair their reasons for appealing the decision.  The chair must receive appeals within two weeks of the announcement of the initial decision.  Appeals will be reviewed within four weeks of receipt by the chair.  Applicants will be informed of the final decision by email. 


Completing Application Cover Pages


All items 1-9 on the cover sheet must be completed and submitted together with the narrative.


Items 1 through 4: Complete as requested.  Please note for item #3:  check one of items a, b or c and if b or c, list the amount of money requested in d.  The amount of salary money to be paid will be determined by the office of the Vice Chancellor for Research.


Item 5:  Acknowledge that IRB and Animal Care approval will be sought, if appropriate.  Approval of the research by the IRB must be demonstrated before funds are made available to the grantee.


Item 6:  Acknowledge and sign Application Cover Page.


Item 7:  Signature of Unit Head.


Item 8:  List of all previous Research/Creative Activity Grants received from this committee, indicating if the final report was submitted for each.  Describe the publications, presentations, performances, external funding proposals, or related activities, including citations or publications directly resulting from each grant.  Applicants should provide the committee with some indication of the ranking/prestige of specific journals, shows, or performances in which these grant funded work was published, performed, or displayed.


Item 9:  List current grant/contract support and pending applications.  Include project title, sponsor, your role in the project (PI, Co-PI etc), project period, award status (current or pending) and total funding level.  If previous proposals not funded by this committee received support from another University program, indicate the nature of that support, including the program that provided the funding, the amount of the award and the period covered by the award.


Completing Narrative


Give a brief description of the project.  Each part of this narrative must be included in the order listed and will be used to evaluate your proposal. The narrative is subject to format requirements listed in the next section.

All of the information listed below should be included and specific guidelines followed. Failure to adhere to the restrictions for the following items or the required formats will result in the proposal’s rejection. 

Please place the items in the order listed below after the cover page.


A.   Abstract:  The abstract should not exceed 250 words.         

B.     Proposal Description:  Conciseness is encouraged.  Because faculty from different disciplines will review your proposal, it should be clearly written and free of specialized jargon.  The Proposal Description should include:


§                                                   Problem/Purpose statement: Develop a clear and sound basis for the project that includes supporting references that establish the context of the research or creative activity.

§                                                   Specific aims: Present clear and attainable objectives and clearly describe potential results and benefits.

§                                                   Methodology:  Describe how the project will be carried out, how the results will be analyzed or evaluated, and the proposed schedule of activities.  For those proposals where this approach is not possible this section should then present a clear set of specific tasks and activities that will produce the specific results expected.

§                                                   Expected outcomes and benefits: How your work will contribute to the advancement of your field.


C.  Literature Cited:  Items referenced in the narrative or abstract.  Use a citation format that is appropriate for your discipline.


D.  Appendices:  Supporting documentation such as contracts from publishers, letters of invitation, award notices, letters of support from school principals or medical centers involved in the project.  Please provide English translations of foreign documents.  It is inappropriate to include in the appendices any information critical to the description of the project, such as that pertaining to the methodology to be used.  Proposals will be excluded from consideration if applicants appear to be attempting to circumvent the proposal page limit by including such material in the appendices.


E.  Project Expenses:  Itemize expenses on the Budget for Project Expenses form.


F.  Justification for Support:  Briefly justify each item from the Budget for Project Expenses form.

G.  Vita:  Submit a one or two page vita. Include degrees earned, institutions and dates, and academic employment history. Include a list of representative publications and/or creative activities.  Do NOT submit copies of publications, reports, endorsements, or brochures.


H.  Checklist.


Format Requirements (strictly  enforced)


All pages paginated;

Font:  minimum 12 pt Arial or Helvetica for all pages;

1 inch margins left/right and top/bottom for all pages;

The abstract and proposal description must be double-spaced and together may not exceed eight (8) pages in length;

Any figures or tables included in the proposal description must fit within the eight-page limit;

A references cited section should follow the proposal description; citation format and spacing is at the discretion of the author;

The appendices may not exceed four (4) pages in length

The budget and accompanying justification may not exceed two (2) pages in length;

The Vita may not exceed two (2) pages in length.


Multimedia Content


Multimedia content can be submitted on compact disc (CD). One multimedia CD must be submitted with each copy of the proposal.  Examples of acceptable multimedia content include high-resolution photographs of sculpture, musical recordings, and animations of a vibrating object.  The multimedia CD cannot include traditional graphs, tables, photos and illustrations that should appear in the body of the proposal.  If multimedia files are included in the proposal, each file must be described in the body of the proposal.  The multimedia files will be reviewed by people from diverse backgrounds using different computer platforms and should be platform- and specialized application- independent. The CD should contain file types that can be viewed on a standard Web browser with normal plugins installed.  An HTML navigation page for the multimedia files on the CD is encouraged but not required.  Examples of these file types include the following.


Still Graphics: JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF

Animated Graphics: Flash, Animated GIF, Quicktime movie, MPEG movie

Sound: WAV, AIFF, MP3, non-streaming Real Audio

Budget and Budget Justification


The maximum possible funding is a summer stipend plus $10,000 for project costs.  Stipends are available at the rate of 16.67% of the applicant’s salary, up to a cap equal to the prevailing cap on full-time teaching in one summer session. Applicants must use the ECU Business Manual  (copies are available in all departments) in preparing the budget to determine which budget line is appropriate for requested funds and what current rates are allowable.


Budgets should be carefully and reasonably constructed.  The need for each item should be clearly established, with sources indicated where appropriate.  Budget excesses or budgets lacking essential details and justification will be considered negatively in evaluating the proposal.


Where appropriate, indicate any direct contribution from your department or from any other University office or individual that has been made or will be made toward subsidizing your project. Specify the kind and amount of contribution or support on the budget page.

The budget may request money for:


§         Research Assistants/Student Wages: Compensation for graduate and undergraduate students should be consistent with the standard compensation offered to these students in your department. Proposals for the sole purpose of support for graduate research assistants must be strongly justified.

§        Travel: Applicants may only request funds for travel that is clearly be essential to completion of the project, such as data collection/observation that is site-specific.  Attempts to obtain international travel funds from other (non-ECU) sources should be indicated.  Travel for the purpose of presenting results at meetings will not be funded.  Applicants requesting payment for use of a personal car must explain why ECU cars cannot be used.  Multiple, short-distance trips must be justified.  Travel will be reimbursed at state-approved rates.

§        Research/Creative Activity Supplies:  Itemize all supply requests.

§        Printing:   Activities involving organizing, presenting, and/or publishing or disseminating the results of completed research/creative activities will not be funded.

§        Communications:  Itemize.

§        Equipment:   Requests for equipment or software purchase will not be supported if: a)  the needed equipment or software exists elsewhere on campus and is accessible to the applicant, b) the item is to be for general departmental use, or c) the item appears to represent one-time use by one person.  Applicants are encouraged to determine the availability of desired equipment in other locations on campus.  This is particularly true for computer equipment such as laptops. 

§        Other documented purposes necessary to the successful completion of the proposed activity and within the general policies of the University should be clearly specified and justified.

Completing Checklist


Complete the attached checklist and submit it as the last page of your proposal.

East Carolina University

Faculty Senate



Application Cover Page for a Research/Creative Activity Grant


Proposals are due in the Faculty Senate Office on Friday, January 16, 2009.


1.   a.   Name:   _________________________________________________________________

      b.   Department:   ____________________________________________________________

      c.   Academic Rank:  _________________________________________________________

2.   Proposal Title:  ______________________________________________________________



3.  Type of Grant (check one)t:                                                                                                 


                        a.  Stipend of Research/Creative Activity                                              _____

                        b.  Project expense only                                                                           _____

                        c.  Stipend and Project Expense                                                             _____

                        d.  Amount of project expense money requested:                 _____________ 


4.  Type of Faculty position (check all that apply)


                        a.  Full-time tenured or tenure-track                                                        _____

                        b.  12-month contract                                                                                _____


5.  If your project requires human subjects protection (IRB) approval or  animal welfare (IAUCU) approval, please check the appropriate item  or mark not applicable


Project requires approval from _____IRB, _____IACUC,  _____Not Applicable.


6.  I understand and accept the terms and conditions set forth in the Research/Creative Activity Grants Committee guidelines.


  1. I understand that I must file a final report of the results of the project with the Faculty Senate office no later than September 1, of the year in which the award terminates.
  2. I understand that publication, presentation, performance, or exhibit of work
    resulting from support of this project by ECU must carry a printed acknowledgment of this financial assistance by the University.
  3. I understand that if selected, receipt of funding is contingent upon receiving approval from IRB or Animal Care Committee by June 1 of the award year.



        ________________________________________                                        _________________

                          Signature of Applicant                                                                Date

7. The applicant is a full-time tenured, tenure-track, or clinical faculty member who, I believe, can complete the proposed project.


        ________________________________________                                        _________________

                       Signature of Unit Head                                                                  Date


8.  Dates of previous University grants, final reports filed, publications, presentations, performances, external funding proposals, or related activities, including citations or publications directly resulting from each grant. (section may be expanded in length)



















9.  List current grant/contract support and pending applications.  Include project title, sponsor, your role in the project (PI or co-PI), the project period, award status (pending/current) and total funding level.  Include in particular any current or pending funding related to the proposed research. (section may be expanded in length)

















East Carolina University

Faculty Senate



Budget for Project Expenses with a 2009/2010 Research/Creative Activity Grant


Proposals are due in the Faculty Senate Office on Friday, January 16, 2009.







Funds from
Other Sources


Research Assistants (University personnel only); Student wages





De   Description:



Travel (Mode/Sources, etc.)





De    Description:



Research/Creative Activity Supplies





De   Description:








De   Description:



















De    Description:



Other (Specify)





De    Description:





*Identify Other Sources of Funding:





East Carolina University


Checklist for a 2009/2010 Research/Creative Activity Grant


This required checklist must be submitted with the proposal as the last page.

                                    Please check that you qualify for a Research/Creative Activity Grant:

full-time tenured, tenure-track, or clinical faculty member at ECU

not currently a candidate for an advanced degree

not from the School of Medicine

not a fixed-term or part-time faculty member

completed all previous Final Report forms  (If unsure, please call the Faculty Senate office at ext. 6537 for verification.)


                                    Please check that you qualify for a stipend for research/creative activity if requested.

do not hold a 12-month contract


                                    Please check the following proposal requirements:

Application Cover Page, including:


Applicant’s name, school department, academic rank


Proposal title


Type of grant


Amount of project expenses, as applicable


Tenure status


9-month or 12-month


IRB/animal approval


Applicant’s signature and date


Applicant’s unit head’s signature and date


List of prior research/creative activity grants received


List of current/grant contract support and pending applications

Narrative formatted along guidelines


Description of proposal (8 doubled spaced pages max including abstract)

Literature cited, if appropriate

Appendices (4 pages max), if appropriate

Budget, if appropriate

Justification for support (2 page max for budget and justification)

Vita (2 pages)

Proposal checklist


            Please explain briefly any suggestions you have concerning the proposal guidelines and application format.





East Carolina University

Faculty Senate



Final Report for a 2009/2010 Research/Creative Activity Grant


Due September 1, 2010 in the Faculty Senate office (140 Rawl Annex)


Future grant proposals will not be considered unless Final Reports have been filed on all previous year grants.



Name: ________________________________________________________________


Academic Unit:__________________________________________________________


Grant Number:  #2009- ______            


Grant Amount:   $ ________


Grant Title: ____________________________________________________________



Project Summary:  Concisely describe the activities undertaken, addressing the goals and aims presented in your proposal.  Include citations to any presentations, publications, performances, external proposals or related activities which have resulted from this project.  Indicate any activities of this sort that are planned in the near future.  (Use the reverse side if necessary.)











_________________________________________________     ________________

                                    (Signature of Applicant)                                                  (Date)  



_________________________________________________     _________________

                                    (Signature of Unit Head)                                                (Date)  


East Carolina University

Faculty Senate



Comments on a 2009/2010 Research/Creative Activity Grant


This page will be used by the committee to capture substantive and constructive comments about the grant proposal from the reviewers. This page will then be transmitted to the applicant following the awarding process.



Name: ________________________________________________________________


Academic Unit: _________________________________________________________  


Grant Number:  #2009-  ______          


Grant Title: ____________________________________________________________



Reviewer Comments:

























Faculty Senate Agenda

November 4, 2008

Attachment 7.


Resolution on Green Space and Heritage Trees


Whereas,       the University Environment Committee has reviewed the East Campus Green Space Report and Heritage Tree Report , and


Whereas,       green spaces and heritage trees constitute sensitive environmental areas

on campus which need to be protected to preserve the aesthetics and sustainability of the campus, and


Whereas,       faculty expect the campus to grow, and desire that this growth be accomplished while preserving the beauty of the landscape.


Therefore Be It Resolved, that these and future green space and heritage tree protection and preservation recommendations be taken into consideration in future master plans and in the design of all new buildings and parking lots.


Be It Further Resolved, that all planned use of green space areas (i.e., any outdoor events like Barefoot on the Mall, dinner receptions, or music concerts) be coordinated through ECU’s Grounds Department to protect and preserve the existing flora and fauna.