The eighth regular meeting of the 2009/2010 Faculty Senate will be held on

Tuesday, April 20, 2010, at 2:10 in the Mendenhall Student Center Great Room.




  I.           Call to Order


II.                Approval of Minutes
               March 30, 2010       

III.           Special Order of the Day
               A.  Roll Call


               B.  Announcements


               C.  Steve Ballard, Chancellor


               D.  Deirdre Mageean, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies


               E.  Marianna Walker, Chair of the Faculty


               F.   Mark Sprague, Faculty Assembly Delegate   

                     Report on the April 16, 2010, Faculty Assembly Meeting.


               G.  Question Period


IV.          Unfinished Business

                Faculty Welfare Committee, Katrina DuBose

                        Proposed revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part VI. Section VII.
                        C. Serious Illness and Disability Leave for Faculty Policy.

                        Link to MOST RECENT letter from Committee to Academic Council (4-13-10)

                        Link to letter from Committee to Academic Council


V.           Report of Committees 

A.    University Curriculum Committee, Paul Schwager          

Curriculum matters contained in the minutes of the March 25, 2010, and
April 8, 2010, meeting.


                B.    Academic Standards Committee, Linda Wolfe     

                        1.         Approval of Foundation Curriculum Course for Arts

                                    ART 1250: Digital Photography for Non-Art (SOAD) Majors

                        2.         Approval of Foundation Curriculum Course for Humanities
            CLAS 1500 Classical Mythology      

                        3.         Additional Proposed Revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part V.
                                    Academic Information, Section I. Academic Procedures and Policies, New
                                    Subsection: Final Examinations (attachment 1).

                        4.         Proposed revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part V. Academic
                                    Information Section I. Academic Procedures and Policies,
Subsections K.
                                    Office Hours             and L.
Ordering Textbooks and Collateral Material
(attachment 2). 

                        5.         Proposed revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part V. Academic
                                    Information Section I. Academic Procedures and Policies,
Subsection V.
                                    Student Advising
 (attachment 3). 

                        6.         Proposed revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part V. Academic
                                    Information Section I. Academic Procedures and Policies,
Subsection X.
                                    Student Conduct
(attachment 4). 


                C.    Faculty Governance Committee, Puri Martinez

                        Proposed revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part XIII. Promotion and Tenure
                        Timeline (attachment 5).


                 D.    Educational Policies and Planning Committee, Edson Justiniano
                        Request to change the name of the Bachelor of Science degree in Health
                        Education and Promotion to Bachelor of Science in Public Health, College of
                        Health and Human Performance.


VI. New Business

                  The below items (details linked here) may be considered by the body prior
                  to the close of the meeting.  Please direct any questions to Professor Marianna Walker
                  at walkerm@ecu.edu.


        A.  University Budget Committee, Scott MacGilvray

              Budgetary recommendations for the academic year 2009-2010.


        B.  Faculty Welfare Committee, Katarina DuBose
              1.   Proposed additional revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part V.

                    Academic Information, Section II. Academic Facilities, C. Emergency Action


              2.   Proposed revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part VI. Section VII. C.

                    Serious Illness and Disability Leave for Faculty Policy.


        C.  Educational Policies and Planning Committee, Edson Justiniano

1.   Proposal for a Certificate in Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology,
      Department of Geological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences.


2.   Proposal for a Certificate in Community Health Center Administration,
      Department of Public Health, in the School of Medicine and Department of
      Health Services and Information Management, in the College of Allied
      Health Sciences.

3.   Proposal for a Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
      (TESOL), Department of English, College of Arts and Sciences.

4.   Request for discontinuation of the Departmental Certificate in Spanish,
      Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, College of Arts and Sciences.

5.   Request to add a new Special Education Concentration  to the Master of Arts
      in Teaching Program, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education.

6.   Request to add two new concentrations entitled Software Design and Development
      and Software Project Management and Quality Assurance to the Master of Science in
      Software Engineering,
Department of Computer Science, College of Technology and
      Computer Science.  

7.   Notification of Intent to Plan a Master of Science in Health Informatics and Information
Department of Health Services and Information Management, College
      of Allied Health Sciences.

8.   Request for Authorization to Plan a PhD in Epidemiology, Department of Public
      Health, School of Medicine.


Faculty Senate Agenda

April 20, 2010
Attachment 1.   


Additional Proposed Revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part V. Academic Information,
Section I. Academic Procedures and Policies, New Subsection: Final Examinations


Please note these additional revisions follow those already adopted by the Faculty Senate (FS Resolution #10-08) in February 2010 and address suggested revisions offered by Chancellor Ballard in his letter dated 3-24-10 (noted in red).

Revise and maintain in the Faculty Manual.
Final Examinations

The normal expectation is that the completion of both face to face and online courses will include a final examination. Final examinations are required at the discretion of the faculty member and must be scheduled in the course syllabus made available to students. If a final examination is not given during the final examination period, the faculty member must meet with the class during the scheduled examination time and use the allotted time for an appropriate instructional activity.


Final examinations are held at the close of each term and a final examination schedule is determined each semester by the Calendar Committee. There will be no departure from the printed schedule of examinations. Changes for individual student emergencies of a serious nature will be made only with the approval of the instructor.  A student who is absent from an examination without excuse will be given a grade of F for the examination. An incomplete (I) for the course will only be given in the case of a student absent from the final examination who has presented a satisfactory excuse to the instructor.


No test intended to substitute for the final exam may be given during the week preceding the final examination period. Faculty may not give an examination nor an assignment in lieu of an examination on Reading Day.  Students should not be permitted to continue a test or an examination after the end of the examination period.




Faculty Senate Agenda

April 20, 2010
Attachment 2.   


Proposed Revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part V. Academic Information,
Section I. Academic Procedures and Policies, Subsections K. Office Hours and L.
Ordering Textbooks and Collateral Material

Additions are noted in bold print and deletions in strikethrough.

Revise and keep in the Faculty Manual.
K.        Office Hours
Faculty who teach only Face to Face Courses: faculty must maintain office hours in a designed office for a minimum of five hours during the work-week to be available to counsel students who come to their office or to answer email. 

Faculty who teach only online courses: faculty must establish a time frame of a minimum of five hours during the work-week in which they are available to students who wish to consult with them.


Faculty who teach a hybrid online face to face course or a combination of online and face to face courses: faculty must maintain office hours in a designed office for a minimum of five hours during the work-week to be available to counsel students who come to their office or to answer the email of their online students.


Each faculty member is to submit to the unit administrator a schedule of their office hours and the unit administrator is to have a complete schedule of the office hours of all faculty of the unit.  The office hour availability schedule is to be posted on the faculty member's office door and/or on the online course website.

In addition to teaching, each member of the faculty must maintain office hours five hours during a work week to be available to advisees and to campus and distance education students who wish to consult with him or her. It is strongly recommended that the adviser be available daily either on campus or online at least one hour each day. The office hour availability schedule is to be posted on the faculty member’s office door and/or online course website, and included in the syllabus so that students may make arrangements for individual consultations. Each unit administrator is to have a complete schedule of the office hours of all faculty of the school or department. Except during assigned instructional hours, faculty members must be available to students during registration, early registration (except when assigned to registration duties elsewhere) and drop-add periods. (FS Resolution 09-24, June 2009)

Revise and keep in the Faculty Manual.
L.         Ordering Textbooks and Collateral Material
All items, including textbooks and supplies, that the students are expected to purchase should be requisitioned each semester on forms provided by the Dowdy Student Stores. These forms are sent to the departments approximately two weeks prior to the due dates requested by the Dowdy Student Stores.


Book requisitions received on the requested due dates allow the store time to prepare buy-back lists used in purchasing from the students any book that they no longer need. This helps the students to keep the total costs of textbooks down as much as possible.


In a cooperative arrangement the Dowdy Student Stores provides a faculty publishing service for supplemental course materials. The store provides quality academic course materials that are sold alongside the textbooks for the course. The coursepack department of the store will obtain copyright permission, process orders, and calculate and collect royalties. This service is provided at no charge to your department.  A complimentary desk copy is available upon request to the instructors of their coursepack.


Unit administrators or their designees will inform faculty when textbook and course supply orders are due.  Faculty members must complete a requisition form for each course providing the information needed to order the necessary books and supplies. When no textbook is required for a course the form should be filled out to this effect. Unit administrators should retain a copy of the requisition forms in each departmental office for future reference. Instructors should use the newest edition of a textbook that is available unless there is a compelling educational reason for using an old edition.

The university-owned Dowdy Student Stores, located in the Wright Building, has available the books and supplies that are needed by the students to obtain their education. All items, including textbooks and supplies, that the students are expected to purchase should be requisitioned each semester on forms provided by store. These forms are sent to the departments approximately two weeks prior to the dates listed below. In order to allow ample time for the ordering and receiving process, the manager of the store requests that all requisitions be turned in by the following dates:
            Fall Semester Requisitions Preceding March 17
            Spring Semester Requisitions Preceding October 19
            Summer Session Requisitions Preceding February 20

Book requisitions received on these dates allow the store time to prepare buy-back lists used in purchasing from the students any book that they no longer need. This helps the students to keep the total costs of textbooks down as much as possible.

Deans and department chairpersons distribute these requisitions and collect the completed forms from the instructors involved in book and supply ordering. The entire group of requisition forms from the school or department is forwarded, as soon as possible, to Dowdy Student Stores. A textbook requisition form should be completed for each course giving all the information needed to order the books and materials. When no textbook is required for a course, the form should be filled out to this effect. The information should be typed on the forms, if possible, and the designated copy retained in each departmental office for future reference.

Careful and accurate estimates of student enrollments should be furnished to the textbook manager of Dowdy Student Stores in order to avoid overstocking of books and supplies which may become obsolete and result in financial loss to the university.   Members of the faculty should acquaint themselves with certain information concerning textbook and supply orders at the time the order forms are distributed to them.

1. Dates that publishers furnish for the availability of new books are almost invariably over-optimistic, and instructors should order an edition only after it has been published rather than on the strength of the publisher's promised date of publication.
2. Unless there is some compelling reason for using an old edition, instructors should use the newest edition available.
3. Only textbooks that are requisitioned for the following term will be bought back at 50 percent of the new retail price for resale purposes, provided the store is not already overstocked.
4. Supplies that the students will be required to purchase should be requisitioned on the supplies requisition form provided by  Dowdy Student Stores.


Faculty Senate Agenda

April 20, 2010
Attachment 3.   


Proposed Revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part V. Academic Information,
Section I. Academic Procedures and Policies, Subsection V. Student Advising. 

Additions are noted in bold print and deletions in strikethrough.

Revise and keep in the Faculty Manual and Link with other advising information.  
Faculty Academic Advising
Academic advising is a primary responsibility of faculty which is integral to student success. Student and faculty interaction outside the classroom is associated with greater student engagement and learning. The important contributions of faculty academic advising should be recognized at all levels of the university.

Undergraduate Advising

The academic advising process provides the opportunity for faculty members to influence students' approach to the learning experience and better understand the Liberal Arts Foundations, the major discipline, and related careers.


In those academic units in which faculty are assigned undergraduate academic advising faculty members are expected to meet these responsibilities by:

·         Being familiar with the undergraduate catalog, knowing the foundation curriculum requirements and the requirements of the majors in their unit.

·         Making advising readily available during the semester.

·         Encouraging student decision-making and responsibility for their educational progress.

·         Discussing the rationale and integration of the liberal arts foundations with the coursework and experiences in the major and minor field of study.

·         Assisting the student in identifying and pursuing educational goals and objectives and in securing information about career opportunities.

·         Promoting major-related student organizations, including interest, service, honorary, and professional organizations as available.

  • Working closely with students on senior summaries to assure their accuracy. 
  • Making appropriate referrals to other university resources when necessary to assist the student.
  • Maintaining files and notes on student progress.

V. Student Advising
To assist students in their academic programs, the university has established in each college, school, and department a system of student advising wherein the student is assigned to a faculty member who serves as his or her adviser. The adviser helps to plan the student's academic program, particularly during registration periods; keeps a record of progress; and is available throughout the year for additional counseling.  In advising students, faculty members should make themselves thoroughly familiar with official announcements, posted on official bulletin boards at key locations on campus, and with academic regulations described in the undergraduate and graduate catalogs. Advisers should make every attempt to give effective guidance to students in academic matters and to refer students to those qualified to help them in other matters; but, the final responsibility for meeting all academic requirements for a selected program rests with the student. The student may obtain additional help from the chairperson of the major department or the dean of the college or school. Further counseling needs are met through the services of the Counseling Center, Career Services, the Testing Center, the Speech and Hearing Clinic, the Student Health Services, and Handicapped Student Services. Personal counseling is also offered by residence counselors.


Faculty Senate Agenda

April 20, 2010
Attachment 4.   


Proposed Revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part V. Academic Information,
Section I. Academic Procedures and Policies, Subsections X. Student Conduct

Additions are noted in bold print and deletions in strikethrough.

Revise and maintain in the Faculty Manual.
X.  Student Conduct
At times it may seem appropriate for an instructor to refer problems of student conduct in class to other agencies for assistance. Conduct such as verbal or physical harassment should be reported to the dean of students. Destructive or unruly behavior in class should be reported to the dean of students. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against a student who participates in any illegal activity which results in the disruption of any normal curricular or extracurricular functions of the university. Cheating or plagiarism will be dealt with according to the procedures outlined in Part IV, Academic Integrity of the ECU Faculty Manual.


The Student Code of Conduct and the procedures for its administration and enforcement exist to promote standards of behavior that create a positive environment in which students can learn and live. Faculty members should be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct and refer students whose behavior violates community standards and/or disrupts any normal curricular or extracurricular functions of the university to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities or the Dean of Students. The Student Code of Conduct applies to both individual students and student groups/organizations. The Student Code of Conduct is available here: http://www.ecu.edu/cs-studentlife/policyhub/conduct_code.cfm.


The Academic Integrity Policy governs student conduct directly related to academic activities involving ECU students.  All alleged violations of the policy must be resolved in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Academic Integrity Policy as found in Part IV Academic Integrity of the ECU Faculty Manual. The Academic Integrity Policy is available to students here:  http://www.ecu.edu/cs-studentlife/policyhub/academic_integrity.cfm.



Faculty Senate Agenda
April 20, 2010
Attachment 5.

Proposed Revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part XIII. Promotion and Tenure Timeline

Deletions are noted in strikethrough and additions are noted in bold print.

The timelines designated in this schedule are the normal review cycle for the stated personnel actions.  The Chancellor
may approve an adjustment to these timelines when compelling circumstances, as determined by the Chancellor,
justify a temporary revision.

Promotion and Tenure Timeline – Spring before Decision Year*


Due Date 9 and 12 Month Faculty Deadline

Time Allotted for Decision

Faculty Request to the Committee for promotion or early conferral of permanent tenure (this step not necessary for normal tenure timeline)

1st Friday

in February



Faculty member submits list of potential external reviews to committee

1st 3rd Friday

in February


Committee submission of a list of external reviewers to the unit administrator and Selection of (Materials should to be sent to reviewers. in a timely manner with sufficient time for completion.)


Last 2nd Friday

in March


Unit Administrator sends formal request letter and materials to confirmed external reviewers

3rd Last Friday

in April

 3 6 weeks


Promotion and Tenure Timeline – Fall of Decision Year*



Due Date
9 and 12 Month Faculty Deadline

Time Allotted for Decision

Health Sciences Division

Time Allotted for Decision

Unit Administrator informs committee of upcoming need for a meeting

1st Tuesday

in September


1st Tuesday

in September


External reviewer’s reports due

1st Tuesday

in September


1st Tuesday

in September


Faculty turns in PAD to Committee

2nd Tuesday

in September


2nd Tuesday

in September


Committee decision recommendation/PAD to unit administrator

2nd Tuesday

in October

4 weeks

2nd Tuesday

in October

 4 weeks

Unit administrator decision recommendation/PAD to Dean (if applicable) (note: Brody School of Medicine P&T Committee reviews & makes Recommendation to BSOM Dean


1st  2nd Tuesday

in November


3  4 weeks


1st Tuesday

in November


  3 4 weeks

Dean decision recommendation/PAD to VCAA (or VCHS)

2nd  3rd Tuesday

in December

 5 weeks

2nd 1st Tuesday

in January December


5  6 weeks

VC decision/PAD to Chancellor

2nd  4th Tuesday

in January

4 weeks

2nd Tuesday

in January


  6 4 weeks

Chancellor decision

1st 3rd Tuesday

in February

3 4 weeks

1st Tuesday

in February

4   weeks

BOT decision (Tenure Only)

Spring BOT meeting

Date varies from year to  each year

Spring BOT meeting

Date varies from year to each year 

Reappointment of Probationary-Term Faculty Members Timeline*



Due Date
9 Month Faculty Deadline

Time Allotted for Decision

Due Date 12 Month Faculty

PADs due to tenure committee for reappointment decision

1st  3rd Tuesday

in January February


1st  4th Tuesday

in February

Committee decision recommendation reappointment to unit administrator

1st  2nd Tuesday

in February March

3 4 weeks

1st  3rd Tuesday

in May March

Unit administrator decision recommendation to Dean (if applicable)

4th  1st Tuesday

in March

3 weeks

4th  2nd Tuesday

in April  May

 Dean decision  recommendation to VCAA (or VCHS)

 3rd  Last Tuesday

in March

3 weeks

3rd 1st Tuesday

in May June

 VCAS (or VCHS) decision

 2nd  Last Tuesday

in April May

4 weeks

2nd  1st Tuesday

in June July 



Reappointment of Probationary-Term Faculty Members in 2nd Year

of Employment With Credit for Prior Academic Service Timeline*



Due Date
9 Month Faculty Deadline

Time Allotted for Decision

Due Date 12 Month Faculty

PADs due to tenure committee for reappointment decision

1st Tuesday

in September


1st Tuesday
in April

Committee decision on reappointment  recommendation to unit administrator

1st Tuesday

in October

4 weeks

1st Tuesday
in May

Unit administrator decision recommendation to Dean (if applicable)

3rd Tuesday

in October

2 weeks

3rd Tuesday
in May

Dean decision recommendation to VCAA (or VCHS)

1st Tuesday

in November

2 weeks

2nd Tuesday
in June

VCAA (or VCHS) decision

3rd Tuesday

in November

2 weeks

3rd Tuesday

in June

Subsequent Appointment of Fixed-Term Faculty Members Timeline – Spring of Decision Year*



Due Date
9 Month Faculty Deadline

Time Allotted for Decision

Due Date 12 Month Faculty

Fixed-term faculty members request reappointment consideration of a subsequent appointment and submit portfolio required by unit code

No earlier than 180 calendar days before term expires and no later than 90 calendar days before term expires


No earlier than 180 calendar days before term expires and no later than 90 calendar days before term expires

Committee and unit administrator notify fixed-term faculty member in writing of subsequent appointment decision

within 30 days

of the request

30 days

within 30 days of the request



*Faculty candidate will be notified of the recommendation or decision, as appropriate, in writing within one week

at each decision point.




Faculty Senate Resolution #06-09, March 1, 2006
East Carolina University Chancellor


Faculty Senate Resolution #07-07,  March 13, 2007

East Carolina University Chancellor


Editorially revised  5-3-07